My Archeology Thread
Archive: 3 posts
Well, might as well do this. Although I am 15, I am part of a new move to bring the public to archeology- so I'm essientally part of the school's Archeology Club, and I go on digs every once in a while with trained professionals. Like, last summer, I went to dig at Valley Forge with Temple Grad students (not on park grounds- on a chapel dedicated the George Washington( complete with Revolutionary War Statues- o_0) with permission, of course) in one of the first real digs at Valley Forge- well, ever. We found a few musketballs, and on the last day what may be a hearth- it has characol and bones, and was in the foundation of what one may be.) Oh! We also found some dice pounded from musketballs, and a necklace brooch. And a pit where a bunch of drunks had a bonfire and tossed their booze glasses in it somehwere in the 19th/20th centuries>_>. Anyway, we also dag at a house that belonged to blackbeard the Pirate where his mistress lived, but that's another post. ![]() Anyway, on Thursday, we are going to be digging at Timbuktoo in New Jersey, the first free black settlement in America- essientally a bunch of quakers in the 1820stried buying all the blacks in the south to free them but ran out of money, so they took the ones they did buy and free and put them there). There a church, a cementary with only black soldiers (no civilians), and... no town. we are supposed to FIND the town, and prove it can become a National Historical Landmark. We'll be featured in newspapers and stuff, have officals from the park service (include the National Park Service Top Guy), and get a day off of school (though we'll stay at the dig longer then school would be >_>). And our teachers in the club (both of them) will get paid leave for the day. Anyway, I'll update this after the dig- before that, any questions? comments? Interest? Anything? So, um... yeah. This is it for post one. | 2008-10-28 21:06:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Anyway, we also dag at a house that belonged to blackbeard the Pirate where his mistress lived, but that's another post. ![]() Pictures? What did you find? Why another post? :arg: | 2008-10-28 21:09:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Pictures? What did you find? Why another post? :arg: I was too lazy to type more then I did in this post >_>. This (http://bbplankhouse.com/) is the house's website though, and http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/3633/piratecoinsbk8.jpg (http://img125.imageshack.us/my.php?image=piratecoinsbk8.jpg) Is some pirate coins (hope that link works...) I have a few more pictures on my computer that the club guy sent, but... yeah >_>. | 2008-10-28 21:16:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
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