Red Eagle 3: Angel of Death
Archive: 10 posts
Red Eagle 3: Angel of DeathHaredriel http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25213Having survived the test firing of Drya-ray and defeated Meta Leviathan, you're now heading to the moon on a shuttle to stop Desert Fox's plan of using Drya-Ray to remodel Earth to his liking. Just before the base, you deploy the small starfighter the shuttle was carrying. *Incoming asteroid field* and *Various enemy drones detected* can be heard from the radio. You tighten your grip on the trigger and step on the gas. This is it. The Level begins with a separate space shm'up section. It features various enemies, unique checkpoint- and flying system, and a boss fight at the end. Get through each section without dying to get a point bonus. When you beat the boss, you will be granted the first password sticker (to skip the flying part) and access to the base. Here begins the traditional Red Eagle gameplay you've come to expect. Explore places, get powerups and fight enemies. However, there are some new things. -Stealth attacks can be used to take out enemies. -New powerups, Hi-jump and Smoke shot in addition to the ones you already know. -Secrets are also back. Collect 'em all to unlock a special prize. -Also, there are now new "badges" that award you for completing a sidequest, finding a secret or doing something hard. These can be used in an upcoming level to unlock extra bits of info from the Red Eagle universe, or just to prove that you're bada$$. (The story is also told via these, sorry. The thermo is 99.9% full now so there's no way I can add them via bubbles.) -The new level can be completed without gaining a single powerup. It may be a little easier, but there will be puzzles which test your skill to exploit little things you may not notice. -The level is also fairly long and challenging(30min+ on first play), so take your time. If you think you won't finish it in one play, turn on collect community items. The level will give you password stickers to allow you to pick up where you left. -The level doesn't have the epic ending you would hope. Sorry, but that's only because part 4 (under construction) will feature the epic bossfight that this level's thermo couldn't handle. Some pictures for you to decide if it's worth a play. Enjoy! http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25211 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25200 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25208 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25212 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25198 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25204 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25197 Thanks for your time. I hope you enjoy the level if you play it. (You can skip the rest) Thanks to the following people for much help with the level and/or other things: NarF72 (Inspiration) Camden1 (Great feedback, supporting and inspiration), Omescythe (Awesome feedback and supporting), NiKfY (Supporting and overall good friendliness. Sorry 'bout your PS3!), Vanemiera (Supporting and inspiration), Paddy-johnston (Good feedback and supporting) and others too many to count. Thanks so much! (I will be doing 10 F4F's.) | 2010-10-13 15:42:00 Author: Arradi ![]() Posts: 183 |
looks great. I 'm gonna give it a try WOW that was amazing. The Idea, the logic and everything is so innovative and different to what you normally see on LBP. I have never seen stuff like that and really really liked it. The space also looked great including the enemies. The checkpoints and the health is a great idea aswell Great level 5 stars and a heart Thanks for publishing F4F: What a Difference a Jump Makes Greetz | 2010-10-13 17:42:00 Author: MirkoQuarck ![]() Posts: 66 |
Thanks for the positive feedback! It's much appreciated, especiall considering the amount of time I spent on this level. Will get to the F4F level Asap. BTW, did you get to play the exploration section? | 2010-10-14 13:59:00 Author: Arradi ![]() Posts: 183 |
Feedback... Positives: +Intro was well done +Ship looked really good +Visuals looked great +Design of the building was really good +Boss fight was fun but he kind of pinned me in were the checkpoint was... Negatives: -As your flying you see a line going through the the wall in the back (minor). Overall the level was really good::star::star::star::star::star: Didn't really get to finish I beat the boss and ran to every room I could but it was either blocked off or guarded by a guard maybe I mssed something... | 2010-10-14 19:16:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Thanks! After the boss, you can go to the room that's to the left where you started. I'll add more direction, I think I have thermo for 1 or 2 magic mouths. Also, what do you mean by the line? Does the DM track show or do you mean that line that's there inbetween of the black rubber "space" pieces? | 2010-10-14 19:20:00 Author: Arradi ![]() Posts: 183 |
Wow!!! ur level is very good i like ![]() | 2010-10-17 14:34:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
hi i was play ur level and i like it so much, the intro is very good, the spaceship is fantastic, the effects, the game-play all is AWESOME, the boss i liked is investor. Congratulations is a good level of action, keep ur work is wonderfull. I give u 5 :star:?s for ur level I wait could play to my level I would like to know your opinion.https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=37548-Sacktastic-Ptts-Pipe-Dreams-(LBP2) | 2010-10-17 14:38:00 Author: psyntens ![]() Posts: 562 |
yea the line in between the black rubber but its okay still looked good | 2010-10-18 08:54:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Thanks a lot Psyntens! Played your level, if you for some reason check this thread 1st ![]() I don't think I can fix the line due to the 100 stickers per object limit and the fact that I just couldn't get the invisible rubber trick to work. | 2010-10-18 13:46:00 Author: Arradi ![]() Posts: 183 |
Another great long and challenging level you made Arradi. The ship ride is brilliant and the boss battle during that is radical. However, the ship seems to not be moving up and down when going against the boss until I jump multiple times. You once again did a great job on the glass maze as well which is a lot trickier than before and it totally ticks me off that I had to do it again after grabbing the omega gun, because I forgot to turn off the laser gate. The puzzle where you turn the wheel to move the circles around are outstanding, but a bit frustrating and after I solved the puzzle, the speech involving the guy is censored. The enemies that looked a lot like metroids are amazing, but for some reason, they wouldn't move until I keep on hitting them with the paintinator and move the blue torch away. Overall, this level is a must for those who want to play long and challenging levels. 4 stars and a heart. Looking forward for the epic conclusion. Speaking of the epic conclusion, play and F4F my last two LBP1 levels "The Hero Chronicles LV8 Phantom Planet part 1 and 2". | 2010-10-21 20:07:00 Author: JustinArt ![]() Posts: 1314 |
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