Mt. Chocalate
Archive: 2 posts
Mt. ChocalateBleuQuills http://i51.tinypic.com/23mx7d0.jpgThis is my second little big planet level which is chocolate themed. It took me atleast one week to make and was made in my 2nd month of playing little big planet Building this level the level was about to overheat, since I used so many over complicated shapes so it's a pretty short level and includes a boss in it at the end. It's not too difficult or easy to play. It didn't turn out the way I really wanted it to turn out but its turned out pretty okay. | 2010-10-13 09:02:00 Author: Wonkchu ![]() Posts: 1 |
I just played your level and heres my feedback: Positives: +Gameplay was pretty smooth +Sticker detail was really good +Platforming was fun Negatives: -When you spawn and move to the left you can see the dark matter underneath the level you should hide that -When you get to the rollers the area above it is really choppy looking thats the reason why your thermo so high because of all those edges on that thing. -Boss has the piston showing you should hide it Sugguestions: -If you hold your level up by dark matter then shrink it until its invisible then highlight over it and glue it to the level so it holds it up. Or you can just hold the entire level up by a Rod and put it on stiff and invisible and that should help also. -Boss just make the piston invisible -I think you should smooth out those edges in the area above the rollers and the other area that has the wood material with all those choppy edges. Overall the level was worth playing::star::star::star: keep up the good work ![]() | 2010-10-13 11:47:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
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