Return to Warehouse 13
Archive: 12 posts
Return to Warehouse 13AAAlone Agent Sack is called upon once again! Things are going haywire down at the warehouse, and we need you to step in and set things straight. Toxic spills, secret glyphs, archane machines, and dizzying puzzles await your attention. Are you brave enough to face sentient flatulence or the snapping barnacles? Do you dare subdue the Venusian Tendril beast? Do you have what it takes to Return to Warehouse 13?!? | 2010-10-12 20:07:00 Author: AAAlone ![]() Posts: 71 |
I just played your level and heres my feedback: Positives: +Design looked good +Intro was good also Negatives: -As you get across the objects floating in the water and land on that solid area with the boxes stacked on each other, theres nowhere to go or get past it so I had to end the game short ![]() I know this level would be rated higher because I looked at all your other levels and they have good ratings, but due to short gameplay I had to keep the rating as is..:star::star: sorry ![]() | 2010-10-13 11:59:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Yep. There was a problem with the sticker switch on that first red box. It's been resolved (I hope). Please give it another go and let me know if you can, cannot get past that point. There's a lot more to the level than jumping accross three boxes, I promise... ![]() | 2010-10-13 16:25:00 Author: AAAlone ![]() Posts: 71 |
I had a lot of fun with this one - lots of cool mechanical things! Loved especially the part with the rising and lowing boxes - took me a bit to figure out what was going on there... great affect! In the first race area where you need to identify the symbols, I moved the view area around and found all of them.... without noticing I ALSO had to jump on the button. I think the noise that was made when I got a symbol into view made me think I had already found it. I realized when I found them all, that I had to start over - which, of course, means I lost the race. No big deal - I forget whether you mentioned the necessity of hitting the button in the text bubble. Anyway, 5 stars and a heart! Loved it! | 2010-10-14 00:31:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
hello, I tried your level, I was stuck at the very beginning, then after I realized I was putting in a decorative box. maybe you should make their signal. Unfortunately then I got stuck in the part where I had to drive up 3 blocks and did not understand why I was dying also always trying different combinations. I probably I was careless and did not understand the mechanism. I lost all lives. if this is a bug that the boxes, then answer me please, because your level I was having so much fun and I'd do it again. ![]() | 2010-10-14 00:35:00 Author: Sasukeuchica ![]() Posts: 73 |
Unfortunately then I got stuck in the part where I had to drive up 3 blocks and did not understand why I was dying also always trying different combinations. There's no bug here.... it's just a REALLY GOOD puzzle. I died once, re-read the text bubble carefully, want "OOOHHH!", and then solved it. I'll private message with the answer..... don't want to spoil it for every one else. | 2010-10-14 00:42:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
ok, sorry for the answer before, I was stuck, but I had not translated well ... In fact, I was right to ask. Finally, after completing it, I can say that I liked a lot, this level has everything you need to entertain a player. beautiful sections, mechanisms, a final boss that is not usually enough to defeat him to shoot, but very original and creative method. I gave :star::star::star::star::star: and <3 because I liked everything. Thanks again for your reply before but sometimes I find it difficult to translate messages. | 2010-10-14 01:38:00 Author: Sasukeuchica ![]() Posts: 73 |
Thanks for giving it a go, guys. Yes, this being the first time I've used sticker switches, I screwed it up. "NO! NO! It's not possible!" you say! but yes... it's true. I used a key sticker tha many folks didn't have. I've since created a custom sticker and added it as a prize before it's needed. Doing much better (with plays and completions) now. I've also added some visual cues, and refined some text to help folks find their way. I hope this helps with the scanning/photo task, and other difficulties. The block moving puzzles was two things for me: 1) A lot of people talk about puzzles, but are refering to hitting switches in specific sequence. Pull switch 'A' and then you can get to 'B'. Pull 'B' and then 'C' becomes available. Those, IMHO, are pretty light as far as puzzles go. I have nothing against them. They can be wonderful, and entertaining, and the mechanisms they kick off are often beautifully complex, but they don't demand too much from a logic standpoint. I wanted to bring in an actual logic puzzle. So I settled on a classic (It's a well known puzzle called the Fox, Goose and Grain transportation puzzle) and modified it to fit in my theme. 2) The other thing was the challenge. I wanted to see if I could come up with the propper in game logic to support the puzzle. It had to track the configuration of the blocks, identify bad moves, and reset the mechanism on failure, etc. Maybe not my most complex logic structures, but I'm still pretty happy with it. Once again. Thanks for giving it a go. I welcome any comments and or suggestions. -aaalone | 2010-10-14 17:54:00 Author: AAAlone ![]() Posts: 71 |
Wow, that was ruddy awesome. Your puzzles are interesting, the platforming was well done and enjoyable and your boss? What an awesome idea. I'll be honest - I really can't criticize anything. This deserves 5 stars and alot more than 31 plays. I had difficulty with the battery section. I wouldn't alter it, but it was quite confusing at first. I'd like to say more, but I feel I'd just be saying "I liked ____, I liked _____ and I liked _____" Superb level. | 2010-10-14 18:51:00 Author: Ostler5000 ![]() Posts: 1017 |
Thanks, Ostler. I've been busy the last couple of days and haven't had a chance to check how it's doing. I hope it's picked up a few more plays at least. Realized I missed a few sound effects (in the block puzzle they move silently). Will probably amend the level and republish tonight. | 2010-10-15 21:57:00 Author: AAAlone ![]() Posts: 71 |
This is a very cool level. I enjoyed its mix of platforming and puzzles a lot, especially since both presented a decent level of challenge. The level opens well and I loved jumping through the section with the boxes with the creatures inside them ? cool idea! In fact the creatures and tentacles throughout the level were great and gave the level a lot of quirky charm (Flatus indeed, lol!). My favourite puzzle was the moving box one - nice to see a puzzle which genuinely requires some thought to solve it. It works brilliantly too. When I replayed this morning, though, the text bubble which explains about the unstable pairs had disappeared. I was able to complete it because I had played before but anyone coming to it new will not know why they keep dying. I presume something happened to it when you updated the level. Photographing the symbols was an original and interesting idea too, though, like CCubbage, I got confused about the camera first time I played. It may have something to do with the race gate counting down as you are reading the instructions unless you move away and then re-open the speech bubble. I think I read in too much of a rush first time (though the text mentioning the button will certainly help). There was some fun platforming too - the data disk section was a highlight and I enjoyed trying to get the bubble stashes. The mechanism involved in the boss fight was really cool too ? not just the usual paintinator fight. The only section which I was a little unsure about was the oracle one. The visuals are cool but I was expecting more of a puzzle and in fact all you do is get an answer and then jump on a corresponding button below. Given how cryptic and misleading oracles are I thought there was going to something more to it. The oracle part looked cool though and in a way it was funny that the answer was obvious. That was probably the whole point and I just didn?t get the joke quickly enough! Anyway, great level ? cool, funny and challenging all at once! :star::star::star::star::star: and a <3 | 2010-10-16 10:29:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Thanks for playing and for the considered response, Shropshirelass! I'll double check that text bubble in the moving box puzzle. It should still be there, but is probably frustrating the hell out of some folks if it isn't. >>edit-- realize now that I may have accedentally deleted it when adding sound to the area... DOH!<< I did add text to the photo puzzle to be explicit about the button. But you're right, folks may just buzz past it. I may remove the race gates as they really just act as a timer (which I can build on my own). It's funny that you liked the data disc portion. It's my least favorite part of the level (feels like filler to me). RE: The oracle. My real goal was to build a 'Magic 8-ball' type oracle. It randomly (well, more or less...) answers 'yes' or 'no'. And remembers the answer first provided. This answer is checked against which button you press in the next area. You can lie, and the logic will call you on it. This was actually one of the more complex areas (behind the scenes), but kind of falls flat at face value. If you just play it as written you see only one path, so I can see how it was less than impressive. I guess I sometimes just get caught up in the chase. -aaalone | 2010-10-18 19:31:00 Author: AAAlone ![]() Posts: 71 |
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