LBL:4 In 1-Tu Plair Temple [2X!]
Archive: 4 posts
LBL:4 In 1-Tu Plair Temple [2X!]Prattz http://i704.photobucket.com/albums/ww46/644Klaww/TPT1.jpgA simple co-op 2 player platformer set inside (and outside) a temple. Fairly short, but full of original co-op ideas that for the most part, aren't found in other community levels. The level also features a craftworld-ish LBP visual style. A lot of time and effort was put into this level, which originally had gotten the 160 hour bug. I hope you enjoy it. This level was created for the LBL:4 In 1 competition, obviously, and is the first level I have finished in a year. I'm not sure how much time I put into it, but I got the 160 hour bug about 3/4 in. I want to give thanks to... TheMonkeyBlade/TehMonkeyBlade [Tester & Photographer] Tanrockstan34 [Fixed some logic] Acdramon [Decorated] Rcarr22 [Helped with the icon and a secret] Ryukofdeath [Gave ideas and helped create the beginning] Possibly some other people whom I have forgotten The end may seem a bit rushed, but I completed the last 2 or 3 sections in the final day of the competition, so I was in a hurry, and those will be improved later on, and believe me. The final section will be greatly improved. Now for some screenshots... http://i704.photobucket.com/albums/ww46/644Klaww/TPT2.jpg http://i704.photobucket.com/albums/ww46/644Klaww/TPT3.jpg http://i704.photobucket.com/albums/ww46/644Klaww/TPT4.jpg Also, whilst I'm not sure I can update the level yet until the competition has ended, I will keep all feedback and fix the level up afterwards, and I'm willing to do about 10 F4Fs. Thanks, but just try to keep criticism constructive, and try not to be too harsh, as this is my first time showcasing a level on here. ![]() | 2010-10-11 20:04:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
I think i started testing this one as I was playing through all the entries a long time ago, but just left for some reason or another and never finished it. I think overall the level feels a bit too grid-based and boxey. Perhaps using the corner editor and no grid will help give it a more natural feel. I love your use of stickers and color because it brings out the fun in the level a lot. The cart idea is not the first time I've seen it done, both o___Neo___o and Cangri92 have done something similar, but i feel neither of you really did it the best it could have been done. The problem with your cart area were those square looking fiery barriers. They just look ugly and too simple. Overall, the level was fun and I'm glad that you made it because the more co-op levels to play, the more fun Little Big Planet can be with all the variety ![]() Overall Score: :star::star::star::star: | 2010-10-11 21:51:00 Author: Nick930930 ![]() Posts: 878 |
![]() 5x:star: and a <3 for this level! | 2010-10-11 22:01:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
Stuff about my level... Thanks. ![]() I tried to make it look all man-made to an extent, and that's why it's mostly blocky. I might change some of it up though, and update once the competition's over. (About 4 days left...?) It is way different than my usual style... (Which is in all my unpublished levels) Usually I'm the "NO GRID. ALL NATURAL STUFFS. CORNER EDITOR." guy. ![]() I'm really not a big fan of the last section. The one with the white wheels, with red & blue polystyrene on them... I'm planning on making it so one player HAS to grab red, while the other HAS to grab blue. Right now, you can just take turns swinging on red ones. ![]() @Grayspence: Thanks. ![]() Yeah, I kinda made you play it a few times didn't I? ![]() | 2010-10-12 20:15:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
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