Feedback group?
Archive: 1 post
Abridged version...I would like to have a little feedback group that just has a day or so they try each other's levels and give feedback on them. Then just possibly post in each other's blogs or Pm (although the message box fills up so quickly...maybe start a single post just for feedback week one or such in one of the areas so it doesn't folld the forums, and then list the feedback there... Full version of posting for those not afflicted by ADHD...or jsut really bored: The feedback is full of so many levels, and it is hard to know if a person is still looking for feedbacl or not. Nothing worse that giving a super detailed review and then getting that thanks but I am not looking for feedback on this level. Also bust'n hard on a review and getting a lame review back months later. Then the follow up of if you have questions about the problem... and they never get back to you on it. Maybe a small group of people that will test out every level the other submit. Only one for one, not one person submits 5 and then other is stuck with only one, but has to review 5. (I have 20 and I would feel bad if soemone reviewed tons of mine for me just reviewing a few...poor RobotVampire...I think I owe him a years worth of feedback for the work he did). But how about it, no diddling around and not getting back to the other reviewer, no hearts or stars (unless you have some weird need to)...but just good feedback with follow up, no month waitlist, just several people testing each other's levels...and not group testing unless needed, but my online is really bad, and it always causes game diverges... Well if you like the idea hit me back. I know there are tons of people that vanish to the back of lists, so it is hard on many creators...also there is the level spammers that you review...but they just vanish, or the people that really could care less about the feedback and they just want stars or hearts. This one is for the creators to make the best possible levels. If this already exists then excuse me, but why not another...too large of a group would be near impossible to work for the serious creators. If you want to do this you can just PM me, just figured smaller groups of like 10 could do really good feedback and make them top notch before release into the actual forum. P.S. I know you're read'n this here post, don't be scarred to reply...you know its a good idea. | 2010-10-11 05:53:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
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