Things that I've noticed since BETA!
Archive: 14 posts
In create mode the in game camera works! <---needed that one bad Also lassoing objects seems to work better! New star rating after playing others levels! Thats what I can think of right now. Anyone notice anything else? I'm bummed that they didn't tweak the cool levels page. I saw a screen shoot awhile a go that had allot of options like new, most hearted, OK I don't really remember exactly what the options were but I would like a better way to find different levels. | 2008-10-28 04:05:00 Author: mikeniccy ![]() Posts: 52 |
Many more levels! More costumes! Many more things to collect! But we expected that right? | 2008-10-28 04:12:00 Author: Ozymandias ![]() Posts: 223 |
20 levels to publish jetpack removal = circle button more happy gadders ![]() | 2008-10-28 04:17:00 Author: docpac ![]() Posts: 601 |
20 levels to publish jetpack removal = circle button more happy gadders ![]() You can publish 20 levels now! Really! Also I didn't notice the jetpack thing until yesterday. I think that might have been in the update. Or not, maybe I didn't notice in the earlier levels. I was playing Boom Town and was shaking the heck out of my controller took me like 20 sec to figure it out.grr Also what the heck is a Gadder? ![]() | 2008-10-28 04:34:00 Author: mikeniccy ![]() Posts: 52 |
If you read the instruction manual they refer to other players as "happy gadders" There are also a few other british terms in the name, like "boot" for the trunk of a car, and "bonnet" for the hood of it. | 2008-10-28 04:40:00 Author: Ozymandias ![]() Posts: 223 |
Darn Brits, and their queens English. I'm jealous they sound so sophisticated. One of the reasons I like watching BBCA. | 2008-10-28 04:53:00 Author: mikeniccy ![]() Posts: 52 |
Darn Brits, and their queens English. I'm jealous they sound so sophisticated. One of the reasons I like watching BBCA. ****ers!!! -.- *takes offence* Beats up the villain and puts him in jail | 2008-10-28 04:56:00 Author: Thee-Flash ![]() Posts: 3154 |
-.- *takes offence* Beats up the villain and puts him in jail Sorry I didn't know the actual meaning of the term and have edited it. | 2008-10-28 05:01:00 Author: mikeniccy ![]() Posts: 52 |
you said we liked to **********.........well along those lines if you catch my drift and AHHHHH i HATE the queen i would never talk like her CURSE monarchy | 2008-10-28 05:09:00 Author: Thee-Flash ![]() Posts: 3154 |
Hey Hero, the Queen just called...She wants her ROFLCOPTER back >_> | 2008-10-28 07:15:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
(>.<) Doh! | 2008-10-28 07:22:00 Author: Thee-Flash ![]() Posts: 3154 |
Many more levels! More costumes! Many more things to collect! But we expected that right? LOL at this. | 2008-10-28 11:37:00 Author: mongoose7 ![]() Posts: 473 |
glad the camera works in create mode now as that was very annoying when it didn't in the beta. Also 20 publish levels YEAH BABY !!!!!!!! | 2008-10-28 12:14:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
Rewind works TONS better though, still not perfect. Although, it only locked up on me once which was while the servers were being poop. Circle to remove the JetPack is MUCH appreciated. I'm not sure if it was my controller or what but, shaking was not fun and usually required more than just a jiggle. I haven't tried to attach dissolve material to a major section of level but, I remember in the beta, that made everything un-stick. Any word on whether or not that was fixed? | 2008-10-28 16:18:00 Author: 1000101 ![]() Posts: 192 |
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