Sparky Caves (Pictures added)
Archive: 12 posts
Sparky CavesSpark151 Into the caves that are vacant. Wait, what's that? Secret facility? Wonder through a technical cave. Vivid lights travel thoroughly into the depths of shadow and water. Finally, It's here. XP Let's start these questions... What?! How does he have many reputation bars, I never see him around. That's true! I'm a PSP Creator of LBP. I'm not a PS3 creator, but today will be my first official PS3 level. I have made it to a lot of PSP Spotlights, and I'm hoping this level does too. ![]() This level takes place in a cave and a Sci-fi like area. It's a solid platformer. There are many score bubbles to collect and a race. (Yay!) This level has decent lighting affects. It's pretty challengeing as well. I don't know what's harder, this or the Bunker. (Overall, Jackofcoarse's "Jump, Shoot, Die" Beats all. XD) This level will be my only PS3 level until LBP 2. This level took me forever to finish, and I'm glad I finished it. I also dedicate this level to my fellow PSP Community. Without them, I'd probably would not publish this. If you do get the time to check it, then Thank You Very Much. Other than that, enjoy your play. ![]() Edit: Pictures added http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp327/staticspark151/LittleBigPlanet%20PSP/SparkyCaves1.jpg A bit of platforming. http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp327/staticspark151/LittleBigPlanet%20PSP/SparkyCaves2.jpg The Chase with Teh Octapus!!one!1!! http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp327/staticspark151/LittleBigPlanet%20PSP/SparkyCaves3.jpg The awesome ending. | 2010-10-09 02:54:00 Author: Spark151 ![]() Posts: 801 |
Oooh, I gotta make sure to give this a play. | 2010-10-09 02:57:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Hey Spark, Alas I am unable to get my hands on the finished thing at the moment... But I was able to play it with you a couple of weeks ago! I'll get round to leaving you feedback once I'm able, this level is really special! | 2010-10-09 12:18:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
Hey Spark, I'll be sure to check this out... I don't know if I'll be giving it a full detail review, but I'll definitely have something to say. ![]() On another note, I completely understand about the photos, but you really should take some time to get some. I've already shared my *ahem* opinions about the PS3 community, but one thing that drives me nuts is their fetish-like obsession with having pictures. However, I think you'd be best advised to just go with the flow here and grab some. | 2010-10-09 13:28:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
If this is anything like your psp levels than you will definitely get in the spotlight! Looking forward to playing this. | 2010-10-09 14:59:00 Author: austimerr ![]() Posts: 385 |
Updated the OP with Pictures, hope you enjoy. ![]() | 2010-10-09 23:03:00 Author: Spark151 ![]() Posts: 801 |
This was a very fun, challenging level Spark! It's always really fun to see how a PSP creator's style transfers to the PS3 version, yours transfered marvelously! The gameplay and bubble combos were really good too, tough but worth every second. Last time I checked I had the high-score, and I uploaded a pic. Good job, :star::star::star::star::star: plus a <3. ![]() | 2010-10-09 23:43:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X ![]() Posts: 1800 |
This was a very fun, challenging level Spark! It's always really fun to see how a PSP creator's style transfers to the PS3 version, yours transfered marvelously! The gameplay and bubble combos were really good too, tough but worth every second. Thanks for playing X-FROGBOY-X. I was going for more of a challenge to build. I have trouble Acing my own level once I reach water. I still haven't either. I'm glsd you liked it. Thanks for playing. :] | 2010-10-10 15:05:00 Author: Spark151 ![]() Posts: 801 |
I REALLY enjoyed this level!! :star::star::star::star:<3 Pros -good old school platforming -good bubble placement -very nice visuals without being over the top -lots of variety cons -the first platforming puzzle where you have to move the two platforms up and down. Took me FOREVER to get it. I suggest moving the sponge down a smidge so that its a little easier -a bit on the longs side. It started to get a little boring near the end. I suggest keeping levels to 4 or 5 minutes. This one took me around 8 or 9. Doesnt seem like a big deal, but it really is. Other than that, i really really enjoyed it! If youd be so kind as to check out my level and give me some feedback, it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers! | 2010-10-10 16:05:00 Author: dr_murk ![]() Posts: 239 |
+ Spike cave part looked cool. - Rock just dissolves with the switch pull. Perhaps it could "collapse" down, or have something swing into it, I definitely would add a sound effect at least. - Yellow arrow on white circle looks a little out of place. Perhaps replace with a light? Or at least flip + rotate the arrow so it curves over the checkpoint hill. - The thin layers on the rocks seem a little uniform. (Like you simply copied and pasted the thick from behind and shrunk it a little) I would mix it up with the corner editor to give off a more natural look. - Play with the pitch on your sound effects. If you have room have 2 or 3 slightly different versions of the same earthquake/rock sound, it sounds a lot better (and more natural) than the same one in quick succession. + Nice red lighting here and scattered throughout the level. - woah! attention! reset button is here! In other words, I tone it down a little. Perhaps a custom sticker on a sign? I found the switch part so easy I didn't even need to reset it. -+ Not sure what was the point in that grab door. Maybe add more to it? - Biggest problem in the whole level here, imo. Long rant cut short, the hit area of the electricity is too large. In my opinion, anywhere along the top of the platforms should be safe, even in the corner. You help a little with the 90 degree slope on the corners, but I feel it needs more. The player has to account for the current hazard for his/her jumps. It's just a "littlebig" annoyance I run into from time to time. We are so used to having this gameplay element (moving platform stairs) without any hazard, the majority of players tend to have a hard time. Another example is building a hole in the ground, and filling it with gas. The hazard hit area actually pokes up over the hole (convex), turning a normal pit jump into a annoying death. I'll go into this deeper if you don't get where I'm going with that. - Hidden gas in wheel is very hard to see. I saw what I thought was a bonus path below, and jumped right down into it. - "Turn this switch off". Shouldn't it say "on" instead? As the machine stoped rotating. - Near unaviodable death with the falling C shapes rocks. Hmm. I thought the goal was to stay in them, as the path below is more clear/lit than the path above. Still hard to dodge on first playthrough. - Cutscene magic mouth (via switch) that killed me. Ugh. None of the switches interupted gameplay before, so why does this one? - Rotating/moving spike things part (after VR star shooters). Always the score bubble explorer I tend to go anywhere and everywhere for some shiny things. Shame there is gas below, hidden out of screen/camera zone. You need to reward the player for exploring, not kill them. Solution: Add score bubbles or fix camera (to show hazard). - All underwater score bubbles have been static. Until this point. More consistency would be beneficial to the level imo. + Nice boss thing section. Multiple path ftw. - Although that spike thing that went up/down quickly was a real cheap death. + Nice little platforming / bubble combo section at the end. Overall... worth playing. No need for a story when it's in the level description (imo), I actually had some fun in the water section (which is unusual) so kudos for that. Length was fine imo. 4/5 from me. | 2010-10-18 07:15:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Hi, Spark! I tried your ps3 level and found it very cool! You used mobile environments, that we already saw in your metroid levels on psp, created very nice ambience and good obstacles. Also there are several hidden areas with score bubbles, cool! Level has very nice gameplay. I love it! And that place near false score table and further adventures - cool idea! And that race with monster is real handsome part! I have only one comment - at the end of the level there is no any explanation where we traveled, what is was - some old base or something else. So I will wait for continue in LBP2, ok? ![]() I gave you 5 stars and heart for this level! Very good creation! I am glad to see your level on ps3 side! | 2010-10-19 12:54:00 Author: Domik12 ![]() Posts: 838 |
Sorry Spark for the late feedback so here it is: compared to your PSP levels it was just as great but wayyyy better my favorite part was at when I 1st saw the scoreboard and jumped to it but something got in my way (which was a good thing because every time I thought it will end it didn't until like the 5th time I was right lol). That was very good it literary blew me away although it was a bit too hard maybe turn the difficultly down just a bit. I gave :star::star::star::star::star: and a creator <3 | 2010-12-17 02:55:00 Author: lego12 ![]() Posts: 77 |
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