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Gave a friend the Naux Glitch

Archive: 22 posts

Basically, when my friend sl3_g3n turned her controller on, I selected the checkpoint for my 2nd controller sackboy to delete so I could re-create PBS's glitch, but instead she spawned and I selected her sackperson, she respawned a few seconds after that, completely in FRONT of the front layer. She couldn't move, so I told her to pop, and after she did she landed and her sackperson appeared fatter and shorter. Hopefully this glitch gets patched. 2010-10-08 01:53:00

Posts: 673

Sounds like a horrible accident at a nuclear power testing plant...2010-10-08 02:19:00

Posts: 4193

oh no D:
In the word of courage the cowardly dog.
2010-10-08 02:27:00

Posts: 538

Sounds like a horrible accident at a nuclear power testing plant...

Nope, but entrance gates have been looking like the glitchiest objects in the game lately, I selcected it when she spawned, and it actually selected her with it. She couldn't move so I told her to pop, and when she landed she was shorter and fatter then me and Chaoziken, who was also with me. We got a pic of her drowning in water that Me and chaoz were standing in. I'll try to get a memory stick next time I go to the store so I can show you guys.
2010-10-08 02:41:00

Posts: 673

Wow, wierd glitch. I've recently had a glitch occur that had to do with a checkpoint aswell. With a second player, I was playing a circus level. We both died, so the camera went back to the previous checkpoint. While we were in there though, my friend must have slapped me, because I heard the sound inside the checkpoint, and I came out of the checkpoint in the slapped-face-down-on-ground position.2010-10-08 22:04:00

Prince Pixelton
Posts: 286

She gets killed by theck gas too. Also, I got pics today, if anybody can, I will send them the pics so they can upload them here.2010-10-09 01:42:00

Posts: 673

The title of this thread got me thinking: What if this glitch became contagious? Like joining someone online would give you the naux glitch? 2010-10-09 01:46:00

Posts: 941

Sounds like a horrible accident at a nuclear power testing plant...

Could the light in the checkpoints be a link to this???
2010-10-09 02:21:00

Unknown User

The title of this thread got me thinking: What if this glitch became contagious? Like joining someone online would give you the naux glitch?

I selected her accidentally EXACTLY when she spawned, causing her to re-spawn in front of the normal three layers. She went in stand mode and I noticed what looked like the Naux glitch, and sure enough, it was.
2010-10-09 02:25:00

Posts: 673

It seems to me that this should really be called "The Halfback Bug"...

Just a thought.

But this is a WEIRD glitch. Like, some glitches are good (Of course 50Layer glitch, and thin-thick Layers), whilst others are just... BAD. :eek:

Media Molecule definitely needs to patch this.
2010-10-09 04:53:00

Posts: 606

She gets killed by theck gas too.
It sounds like she has turned into a Thecx-woman. See if she will move to the side of grabbable theck if she taps r1 in front of it.
2010-10-09 07:56:00

Posts: 396

It sounds like she has turned into a Thecx-woman. See if she will move to the side of grabbable theck if she taps r1 in front of it.

I don't know if it's actually funny... or because it's 3:45 am, but I am LMAO at this!

This glitch sounds really bizzare. What's the origin of the glitch... and why is it called the Naux glitch?
2010-10-09 08:46:00

Posts: 1737

It's called the Naux glitch because the guy who discovered it had his PSN name as JamesDeNaux. (I think that's it anyway )
2010-10-09 09:10:00

Posts: 559

Could the light in the checkpoints be a link to this???

Nah it's not nuclear. It's a tear in space and time caused by to distant parts of the universe colliding at incredible speeds thus transporting sackfolk to and from different worlds. The short and fat thing is caused by supreme gravity at the centre of the wormhole, which is increased exponentially when powered up with some kind of ulterior force such as the pop-it energy. The only way to reverse this glitch is to travel backwards through the entrance gate at twice the speed of light, restoring the sackperson's molecules to their original positions before popping back into the pod.

Unfortunately, under the special theory of relativity, a slower-than-light particle with nonzero rest mass needs infinite energy to accelerate to the speed of light and is therefore unable to surpass such a speed. This is also unachievable as the only thing that can possibly be infinite is space or time itself, and injecting one of the two into sackboy would be stupid and down right impossible.

Therefore, I conclude the only two things you can do to fix this, is to wipe your sackperson from time itself via the save data menu, and simply adopt a new sackperson...

Or, you could use a taffy puller - Willy Wonka style
2010-10-09 09:21:00

Posts: 2105

Nah it's not nuclear. It's a tear in space and time caused by to distant parts of the universe colliding at incredible speeds thus transporting sackfolk to and from different worlds. The short and fat thing is caused by supreme gravity at the centre of the wormhole, which is increased exponentially when powered up with some kind of ulterior force such as the pop-it energy. The only way to reverse this glitch is to travel backwards through the entrance gate at twice the speed of light, restoring the sackperson's molecules to their original positions before popping back into the pod.

Unfortunately, under the special theory of relativity, a slower-than-light particle with nonzero rest mass needs infinite energy to accelerate to the speed of light and is therefore unable to surpass such a speed. This is also unachievable as the only thing that can possibly be infinite is space or time itself, and injecting one of the two into sackboy would be stupid and down right impossible.

Therefore, I conclude the only two things you can do to fix this, is to wipe your sackperson from time itself via the save data menu, and simply adopt a new sackperson...

Or, you could use a taffy puller - Willy Wonka style

Gah, --Head aplodes--.
2010-10-09 18:32:00

Posts: 606

Nah it's not nuclear. It's a tear in space and time caused by to distant parts of the universe colliding at incredible speeds thus transporting sackfolk to and from different worlds. The short and fat thing is caused by supreme gravity at the centre of the wormhole, which is increased exponentially when powered up with some kind of ulterior force such as the pop-it energy. The only way to reverse this glitch is to travel backwards through the entrance gate at twice the speed of light, restoring the sackperson's molecules to their original positions before popping back into the pod.

Unfortunately, under the special theory of relativity, a slower-than-light particle with nonzero rest mass needs infinite energy to accelerate to the speed of light and is therefore unable to surpass such a speed. This is also unachievable as the only thing that can possibly be infinite is space or time itself, and injecting one of the two into sackboy would be stupid and down right impossible.

Therefore, I conclude the only two things you can do to fix this, is to wipe your sackperson from time itself via the save data menu, and simply adopt a new sackperson...

Or, you could use a taffy puller - Willy Wonka style

Or you could see if you have an old profile backup, and just use that.
2010-10-09 20:47:00

Posts: 673

Or you could see if you have an old profile backup, and just use that.

In a nutshell
2010-10-10 14:31:00

Posts: 2105

Nothing to worry, it just makes your sack person shorter.2010-10-10 14:35:00

Posts: 86

Nothing to worry, it just makes your sack person shorter.

Plus there are some other side effects, like you can't stand in water, you can't jump as far (i believe), and some other nasty things.
2010-10-10 14:43:00

Posts: 3262

I hear LitteBigPodcast has the Naux Glitch. You can see it a lot in any community level they show.2010-10-11 16:18:00

Posts: 606

Man, I want to see the Sackperson shorter and fatter. Sounds funny.

The glitch, mind, doesn't. Patch please, and convert to something like coal or wind power, LBP's been on nuclear too long
2010-10-11 18:53:00

Posts: 1893

Plus there are some other side effects, like you can't stand in water, you can't jump as far (i believe), and some other nasty things.

You can jump as far and high as a normal sackboy, -DR- gave me this glitch yesterday
2010-10-12 15:58:00

Posts: 3871

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