Spider Cave
Archive: 16 posts
Pinkcars Master archive of current creative products -My first level (which i'm showing off on my first post, Hi everybody). I'm a little proud of it, although i do realize it has many flaws. If you guys have some free time to look it up that would be cool, it's short and sweet. You won't regret it. It's titled spider cave exactly -My second Level (which I have been working on practically none stop for the last two days, so here hoping for good things), Is a potentially episodic tale of a sackboy who is having a horrible day. As this is my second trip into the level editor, it has a notably higher quality then the first level i created, although it still is on the short side (around 5 minutes in length, at a moderate pace, without prior knowledge of puzzles). The shortness of the level is remedied by the fact that the tale is episodic, meaning the second part to this story is already being crafted. It's titled "Life of a sackboy". | 2008-10-27 23:56:00 Author: Pinkcars ![]() Posts: 380 |
You might want to give us your PSN as well, as just "Spider Cave" is a little difficult to narrow down with searching. I'm sure there's plenty of "Spider Cave" levels. | 2008-10-28 00:49:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
A little bit more details on the level please.![]() | 2008-10-28 00:53:00 Author: Coltfirearms ![]() Posts: 269 |
Oh sorry guys I should have been more specific. It's a short series of winding tunnels with difficult(at least on your first try) challenges. Has a semi dark tone. It's not longer due to extreme technical difficulties, but it's still adequate length with a decent amount of polish. My Psn: Pinkcars The levels exact title: Spider Cave (sorry don't know how to narrow it down), It was also classified as tricky last I checked | 2008-10-28 05:38:00 Author: Pinkcars ![]() Posts: 380 |
i will look for it when i get the game =P | 2008-10-28 06:08:00 Author: Thee-Flash ![]() Posts: 3154 |
As online is up I think it would be super if my level got some plays if anyone has the time and likes a moderate challenge | 2008-10-30 01:51:00 Author: Pinkcars ![]() Posts: 380 |
I'll go play right now and edit with my opinion. I'll be honest, but I'll give constructive criticism as well. I liked the tense feeling while playing it. The fire really added to that. However, it was too short, and didn't have any real conclusion. I hoped to at least make my way out of the cave, but it just ended randomly. Plus, the music didn't exactly match the atmosphere you were going for. Also, where were the spiders? | 2008-10-30 02:01:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
Thanks, but do read the original post, my editing options are a wee bit slim due to extreme technical difficulties. Also i feel it's a very mediocre attempt for my first visit to the level creator. | 2008-10-30 02:03:00 Author: Pinkcars ![]() Posts: 380 |
Sadly, I'm arachnaphobic so I'm sure the stage is awesome. | 2008-10-30 02:05:00 Author: gevurah22 ![]() Posts: 1476 |
it has surprisingly little to do with spiders ![]() I may not scare you as much as I would like to... I'll go play right now and edit with my opinion. I'll be honest, but I'll give constructive criticism as well. I liked the tense feeling while playing it. The fire really added to that. However, it was too short, and didn't have any real conclusion. I hoped to at least make my way out of the cave, but it just ended randomly. Plus, the music didn't exactly match the atmosphere you were going for. Also, where were the spiders? The abrubt ending was due to the filling up of the thermometer. There was suppose to be a rope, which pulled you to safety at the end. The spiders, where simply stickers (i was suppose to change them to real spiders at some point, but i got lazy :o and started a newer grander project (to be unveiled at a later date) | 2008-10-30 02:07:00 Author: Pinkcars ![]() Posts: 380 |
I'll have a look when I get my hands on the PS3 in a bit. I'm arachnophobic too so there's really not any real looking spiders is there?! I can handle seeing non-real ones! ![]() | 2008-10-30 02:17:00 Author: Yana ![]() Posts: 134 |
I'll have a look when I get my hands on the PS3 in a bit. I'm arachnophobic too so there's really not any real looking spiders is there?! I can handle seeing non-real ones! ![]() Not really, just sticker ones... Unless flat sticker spiders invoke terror from the deepest pits of hell in you, you should be fine. ![]() | 2008-10-30 02:19:00 Author: Pinkcars ![]() Posts: 380 |
The abrubt ending was due to the filling up of the thermometer. There was suppose to be a rope, which pulled you to safety at the end. The spiders, where simply stickers (i was suppose to change them to real spiders at some point, but i got lazy :o and started a newer grander project (to be unveiled at a later date) The thermometer was filled? Really? Why is it so limited? | 2008-10-30 02:51:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
The thermometer was filled? Really? Why is it so limited? I'm assuming the geometry of his objects were way too complex. | 2008-10-30 04:26:00 Author: gevurah22 ![]() Posts: 1476 |
Having unglued objects also fills it up faster... | 2008-10-30 06:10:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
Donkey show is right on the cash money. Another problem was when i reduced the area size to allow myself to advance, it made holes in the cave wall which ruined the atmosphere. On a tangent I'm transforming this thread into my gallery/archive of current released levels (provided no one minds me having my own private thread, I'm not out to offend anyone). If this is okay with you mods could you switch the topic title? Also if it needs to be moved, that's okay to, and i'm sorry I misplaced this. | 2008-10-30 07:47:00 Author: Pinkcars ![]() Posts: 380 |
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