Good HDMI 720p capture card
Archive: 4 posts
Does anybody know of a good hdmi 720p capture card? (preferably under $200 I got extremely fast upload speeds, and i thought i could do a video recording service. | 2010-10-06 00:51:00 Author: Deviantgeek ![]() Posts: 386 |
Does it have to be through HDMI? I only know about the HD PVR but it doesn't use HDMI cables to capture HD video. | 2010-10-06 02:50:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
@ayneh HDMI would be best for me, since all my video connections are through HDMI | 2010-10-06 03:01:00 Author: Deviantgeek ![]() Posts: 386 |
If you have an HD video camera you can probably find a video on youtube on how to just hook your camera up. Depending on the kind of TV you have you will either record watching your camera screen or record while watching your TV, just like a capture card. ![]() | 2010-10-06 03:24:00 Author: GreatWhite000 ![]() Posts: 673 |
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