I've been to insanity and back =/
Archive: 3 posts
Hey guys i deleted all my levels =D.....err.......Sorta smiley time i guess......uhhh.......Anyway i DID delete all my published levels(this is when i went to insanity)![]() ![]() | 2010-10-04 20:30:00 Author: Jester221 ![]() Posts: 10 |
should try adding pics but ill try it out | 2010-10-04 22:23:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Okay I just played your level and heres my feedback: Positives: +Visuals looked good +Gameplay went really smooth +Ship at the end +Building design with the purple and white Now in the description you asked for opinion rather you should make it a level or race well.. in the beginning the level felt like a race but as you keep playing it starts to slow down causing it to feel like a level then a race because of how much movement and doing the puzzles in the upper rooms.. Sugguestions: -I think you could turn that into a full level if you add more gameplay and puzzles and make the level more longer and that level should turn out great. But if you keep it a race I think you should stick to the pace like in the beginning jumping from block to block make it feel like you gotta hurry and make it to the end but after the block area its goes dead. So yea if you could make more obstacles and no puzzles then the race is perfect if you turn it into the level take race out and put some gameplay in, detail, maybe a story who knows ![]() Overall the level was very good just take those sugguestions in mind::star::star::star::star: Thanks for playing my level ![]() | 2010-10-04 22:48:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
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