Drunken Logic - My theory
Archive: 10 posts
Following the failure of my hunt for LBP in stores, on the 24th, I thought of this : Consider that : The US retailers had a lot of copies in by the 25th (4 days later)(namely Gamestop), and that a Sony official even said it's progressing alot quicker than they thought it would.. The UK is alot smaller than the US Neither of the regions received and official release date. The UK was told that "They'd have them in by the 5th at the latest, and they'd have them starting the week of the 3rd of November", and the US "They'd start shipping them on the 27th", there isn't really anything holding the stores back from selling when they get them. There's a big difference between the 3rd of November, and the 27th of October (compared to what it was before). Also remember that the production is moving a lot faster then they first anticipated.. Now onto the preorders. Generally, preorders (delivered) are received one day before release. At least, that's what you expect. You also receive a dispatch email 1 or 2 days before you receive. Also - Weekends aren't counted as working days for deliveries although you can receive on Saturdays (no sunday post). So basically - I think that because of all those factors, I stand a good chance of receiving my LittleBigPlanet copy between this Thursday to Saturday. Remember that if the UK is at the same ratio kinda thing that the US was, we'll be 2 days in front of schedule, which takes us to the 3rd (or 1st). Notice that the 3rd is a Monday, and things aren't delivered on Sundays, so I'm guessing that my order might be sent on Thursday / Friday, to be received on Saturdayish. Anyhow - Just wanted to see what you all thought of my twisted crazy logic.. Is it making sense to anyone else, or have I deluded myself? Not to mention that if the stores started selling this Friday (meaning a thursday preorder release) it would fit in perfectly with the reason they gave us about why the UK's date was later then the rest of the worlds (Because the UK retailers only like to release new games on Fridays, unless it's a sequel, which they know will sell well). | 2008-10-27 21:23:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
i c where ur coming from..... | 2008-10-27 21:26:00 Author: ea9492 ![]() Posts: 444 |
Following the failure of my hunt for LBP in stores, on the 24th, I thought of this : Consider that : The US retailers had a lot of copies in by the 25th (4 days later)(namely Gamestop), and that a Sony official even said it's progressing alot quicker than they thought it would.. The UK is alot smaller than the US Neither of the regions received and official release date. The UK was told that "They'd have them in by the 5th at the latest, and they'd have them starting the week of the 3rd of November", and the US "They'd start shipping them on the 27th", there isn't really anything holding the stores back from selling when they get them. There's a big difference between the 3rd of November, and the 27th of October (compared to what it was before). Also remember that the production is moving a lot faster then they first anticipated.. Now onto the preorders. Generally, preorders (delivered) are received one day before release. At least, that's what you expect. You also receive a dispatch email 1 or 2 days before you receive. Also - Weekends aren't counted as working days for deliveries although you can receive on Saturdays (no sunday post). So basically - I think that because of all those factors, I stand a good chance of receiving my LittleBigPlanet copy between this Thursday to Saturday. Remember that if the UK is at the same ratio kinda thing that the US was, we'll be 2 days in front of schedule, which takes us to the 3rd (or 1st). Notice that the 3rd is a Monday, and things aren't delivered on Sundays, so I'm guessing that my order might be sent on Thursday / Friday, to be received on Saturdayish. Anyhow - Just wanted to see what you all thought of my twisted crazy logic.. Is it making sense to anyone else, or have I deluded myself? Not to mention that if the stores started selling this Friday (meaning a thursday preorder release) it would fit in perfectly with the reason they gave us about why the UK's date was later then the rest of the worlds (Because the UK retailers only like to release new games on Fridays, unless it's a sequel, which they know will sell well). D?j? vu ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2008-10-27 21:28:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
LOL. Nobody posts on those forums xD | 2008-10-27 21:28:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
I agree, I guess. Drinking does help the mind! *Why does no one believe me about that?* | 2008-10-28 14:54:00 Author: HobocidalManiac ![]() Posts: 117 |
Yeah good point. Not forgetting MM are English and they bring out in the US first. What the hell is that all about? | 2008-10-28 19:04:00 Author: mongoose7 ![]() Posts: 473 |
Yeah good point. Not forgetting MM are English and they bring out in the US first. What the hell is that all about? I've been saying the same thing. Why does Europe almost always get games after the US? They're the ones who should be waiting and we should be the ones playing it right now. >__< | 2008-11-01 16:48:00 Author: UmJammerSully ![]() Posts: 1097 |
I've been saying the same thing. Why does Europe almost always get games after the US? They're the ones who should be waiting and we should be the ones playing it right now. >__< I agree. But I think the games are 'printed' or wrote to or whatever in the US; otherwise the delayed release date would be simultaneous worldwide. The difference in the release date equates to the shipping time. | 2008-11-01 17:07:00 Author: floor3013 ![]() Posts: 287 |
yeah it probably has to do with the ones who are in charge of Production of the Game Discs and packaging. The developers might be from Europe but they aren't the ones who mass produce the game. So it probably depends of who does that. Its really a pity that we can't get them all at the same time but that is the problem with being so far apart from each other. I live on Puerto Rico and that's like a 2 hour plane flight away from the US so we get it the same day as the US. Considering we are technically US citizens but in a US colony. | 2008-11-01 17:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Look on the bright side: they might have sorted out the server issues by the time we Limeys get our copies! ![]() | 2008-11-01 17:45:00 Author: FlowersInHisHair ![]() Posts: 126 |
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