bully help :(
Archive: 40 posts
well im in my last year of middle school and i was in gym i told the teacher there was a light that looked like it was about to fall and these guys were throwing hula hoops at it then after gym outside the boys locker room i got punched in the back of the head by a surprise attack and fell trying to breath cause i couldn't move and he ran oh but i remembered who it was and got him suspended for 2 days i went to the office my dad picked me up and we left so if he comes back to kill me does anyone know how to get me out without making me look like a woos or at least no injury. Other than kicking him in the nuts. note he is an idiot and well hes just an IDIOT also i think he might have done real bad damage to the back of my head hope its not serious should i see a doctor or something? | 2010-09-30 18:31:00 Author: Lgjoka2002 ![]() Posts: 538 |
The best thing to do is try and converse with the person. If you stay calm and collected whatever they do makes them look like a bad person. I'm not going to lie and say they wont try and hurt you, bullies are just like that. I'm also not going to say fight them, but I can't exactly tell you to take a beating. The truth is you done the right thing, they done the wrong thing, if they are to idiotic to realize that then that is their problem. Violent people will always be violent. All I can say is be prepared for the worst case scenario, I personally am not the strongest person in the world, and I have taken a fair few punches in my time, (I have also thrown a fair few back) All I can say is don't engage them while they are with their friends because they will just try to make themselves look big in front of them. If you get the chance talk to them 1 on 1 any decent person will understand and will apologize to you. | 2010-09-30 18:38:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
Wow.. This seems pretty extreme. I've been bullied a lot in my time. So I know how you are feeling. If he threatens you in any way again, just tell the teacher and get him suspended again. Who knows, he may even be expelled since this violent behaviour has continued since after he was punished. If the teacher does not do anything about it, somehow find the courage in yourself to stand up to the bully and tell him to stop right now. Don't kick him in the nuts, insult him or anything. Then you just become as bad as him, and you could get in trouble yourself... If he starts bothering you, ignore him, perhaps pretened to talk to someone else. If worse comes to worst, tell your parents you can't take the bullying anymore and change schools. But that's only under very serious circumstances. I know you can do it. All of us here will support you, and if you need any help. Just ask for it, like you've done ![]() Good luck, plasmavore. | 2010-09-30 18:39:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
I would wait and see if he even attempts to confront you. Hopefully if he does, he will apologize for being such an idiot. If he tries to punch you again, then I suppose you turn him in again. So sorry you are having to deal with something like this. Just silly stuff that makes people do these things. | 2010-09-30 19:07:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Sink-the-head-in-him | 2010-09-30 19:10:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
Confront him in a public place, perhaps get his attention with a little shove, (make sure theres a teacher with at least line of sight) and then tell him (loudly) that he is a real wimp, feel free to use more colourful language, for attacking you from behind. Be sure to say it in a threatening tone. If however you're the kind of kid that keeps himself to himself this may end up working against you. Also in future don't put yourself in the position to be bullied and no matter how scared you're feeling never let it show, you want him to think that you will nut him without a second thought... | 2010-09-30 19:23:00 Author: shepanator ![]() Posts: 46 |
Confront him in a public place, perhaps get his attention with a little shove, (make sure theres a teacher with at least line of sight) and then tell him (loudly) that he is a real wimp, feel free to use more colourful language, for attacking you from behind. Be sure to say it in a threatening tone. If however you're the kind of kid that keeps himself to himself this may end up working against you. Also in future don't put yourself in the position to be bullied and no matter how scared you're feeling never let it show, you want him to think that you will nut him without a second thought... How is shoving someone going to help anything except provoke a negative response? All I can say is bullying someone back, especially with a teacher there to see it is going to help put you in detention or yourself expelled for a few days. | 2010-09-30 19:30:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
How is shoving someone going to help anything except provoke a negative response? All I can say is bullying someone back, especially with a teacher there to see it is going to help put you in detention or yourself expelled for a few days. No, he's right! You cannot submit to this bully, you need to show him that you aren't afriad to stand up for yourself and fight. i had a bully problem, and after i stood up and drop kicked him in the chin, he didn't see me as a wimp who wouldn't do nothing. You need to stand up and fight him. You may get in trouble, but at least you won't have a bully problem! | 2010-09-30 20:29:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
he is suspended ? that only makes the guy happy if he is a stupid bully then talking doenst works use the teachersd against him or Just beat him up so you show him whos boss if its a smart one then talking works just say 'Ok What is your problem? why are you bulling me?' | 2010-09-30 20:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
My only advice is don't do what Josh said, that's terrible advice, violence < violence | 2010-09-30 20:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
My only advice is don't do what Josh said, that's terrible advice, violence < violence violence gets more Violence Only at Poeple that think or are friends Voilence does work at Low school ranked Bullys | 2010-09-30 20:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
ahhh bullying, Been there. Actaully still there; don't fight back, just confront him verbally and ask him questions or do what they did on waterloo road, get a friend to help you stand up to them. | 2010-09-30 21:00:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
violence gets more Violence Only at Poeple that think or are friends Voilence does work at Low school ranked Bullys Still, violence will get you consequences. Would you rather be a big dummy and fight someone and get it trouble, or be smart and more civilized and just telling your teacher? Common sense IMO :/ if you think fighting a guy that's picking on you is smart then, buddy, i am sorry for you and your teachers. (not directed to you hybrid) | 2010-09-30 21:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Still, violence will get you consequences. Would you rather be a big dummy and fight someone and get it trouble, or be smart and more civilized and just telling your teacher? Common sense IMO :/ if you think fighting a guy that's picking on you is smart then, buddy, i am sorry for you and your teachers. (not directed to you hybrid) If you win the Fight then the problem is solved you showed him whos Boss and tell him if he does it again you get him again or tell him just to get along after the hard lesson for him if you tell the teacher then you still havent fixed the problem but depends on the teacher | 2010-09-30 21:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I don't mean just drop him, thats not what I meant by shove. You need to make it clear that you aren't going to stand for his b/s. The worst you can get for a small shove and a verbal confrontation is a stern talking to by a teacher. man up and show this bully whos boss. | 2010-09-30 21:14:00 Author: shepanator ![]() Posts: 46 |
If you win the Fight then the problem is solved you showed him whos Boss and tell him if he does it again you get him again or tell him just to get along after the hard lesson for him if you tell the teacher then you still havent fixed the problem but depends on the teacher Your whole, "show them who's boss" is both juvenile and inefficient. I'll leave it at that, don't want to start turning into the incredible troll | 2010-09-30 21:21:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Your whole, "show them who's boss" is both juvenile and inefficient. I'll leave it at that, don't want to start turning into the incredible troll it perfectly Worked for me ![]() | 2010-09-30 21:31:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Your whole, "show them who's boss" is both juvenile and inefficient. I'll leave it at that, don't want to start turning into the incredible troll ^Your doing it wrong. @LBP_NEWS_CREW Ambush him. Catch him from behind, and sucker punch him. It's an imbecile, you don't have to fight fair. He wont. If he doesn't go down and turns to attack you, jab right below his heart. See, what you want to do is cut off his air-supply or knock him out. If jabbing the center of his chest doesn't work, throat. After that you kick out his legs then ground and pound while he's lying there. Telling a teacher will only make you get attacked more and have people make jokes about you for being weak. You need to assert your dominance and become the alpha male. :kz: | 2010-09-30 21:47:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
he is suspended ? that only makes the guy happy if he is a stupid bully then talking doenst works use the teachersd against him or Just beat him up so you show him whos boss if its a smart one then talking works just say 'Ok What is your problem? why are you bulling me?' I have had problems with bullies all through school up until 11th grade...which I'm in now. With my past experiences confronting the bullies is never a good thing. You will either get physically, or mentally hurt, or seem like a wimp. Never confront a bully, especially if he is attacking you physically. When you beat a bully up, you then become the bully yourself.... No, he's right! You cannot submit to this bully, you need to show him that you aren't afriad to stand up for yourself and fight. i had a bully problem, and after i stood up and drop kicked him in the chin, he didn't see me as a wimp who wouldn't do nothing. You need to stand up and fight him. You may get in trouble, but at least you won't have a bully problem! Of course you aren't supposed to submit to a bully, but fighting is the whole issue in itself. Never fight the bully, just put and end to it. Fighting only ends up hurting one or the other person. It is never the answer. If you win the Fight then the problem is solved you showed him whos Boss and tell him if he does it again you get him again or tell him just to get along after the hard lesson for him if you tell the teacher then you still havent fixed the problem but depends on the teacher I have a story for you. My friend is on the wrestling team, and when he was running, he wanted to run with the older guys because he wanted to talk to them. The older guys are supposed to be the role models, but what they did was sinister. They told hime to "F" off. He said to them...well I'll put it this way, "You're (happy)!" The older guy saw a pencil on the ground, took it and stabbed my friend with it. Yeah, such great roll models they are....The older kid that stabbbed my friend wasn't kicked off the wrestling team just because his dad is the coach! So, lesson learned: never say anything to a bully. EVER! Well, don't say anything negative because you never know what he/she might do.... ^Your doing it wrong. @LBP_NEWS_CREW Ambush him. Catch him from behind, and sucker punch him. It's an imbecile, you don't have to fight fair. He wont. If he doesn't go down and turns to attack you, jab right below his heart. See, what you want to do is cut off his air-supply or knock him out. If jabbing the center of his chest doesn't work, throat. After that you kick out his legs then ground and pound while he's lying there. Telling a teacher will only make you get attacked more and have people make jokes about you for being weak. You need to assert your dominance and become the alpha male. :kz: Alpha male? That is for animals...:rollseyes: Once again, I say! Fighting Fire with fire, will not put out the fire. You have to doust it and make sure you take your time to smolder the fire rather than putting more fire in. Fighting with fire is only going to hurt your thinking and your sanity. @OP: What I did, was I went to a different school. It helped me and I am never bullied anymore. When I was in 9th grade, all I did was ignore it and it actually went away. Most bullies make fun of you or hurt you physically because they want attention and hurting you mentally or physically gives them a good feeling. | 2010-09-30 22:26:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
You know what guys, this is my story, tell me that what i did was wrong. For about 2 years this guy chris had been bullying me and my buddy kyle. We would get pushed, hit, slammed into lockers, tripped, ganged up on, money taken, ECT. Then one time, he had stolen my friend's wallet, which had almost 200 dollars in it. My friend tried telling the teacher, but it only ended with the bully getting sent home for the day, and my friend later getting beaten up for snitching. So i finally got sick of his crap and i confronted him. Now, because i was a total wuss before this point, he thought i would just give up and run. But i didn't, he went to shove me, and i grabbed his arm and kinda swung him to the side. i then pulled up my leg, kicked him in the chin a few times while yelling as loud as i can! he started crying, he gave back the wallet, and told the principle. Yes, i may have got suspended, but he never came near me again! Sometimes, violence is the only way to end it, if telling someone gets you beaten, then yes, fight back. Try and explain why i was wrong in thinking this! | 2010-09-30 22:31:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
I have had problems with bullies all through school up until 11th grade...which I'm in now. With my past experiences confronting the bullies is never a good thing. You will either get physically, or mentally hurt, or seem like a wimp. Never confront a bully, especially if he is attacking you physically. When you beat a bully up, you then become the bully yourself.... Of course you aren't supposed to submit to a bully, but fighting is the whole issue in itself. Never fight the bully, just put and end to it. Fighting only ends up hurting one or the other person. It is never the answer. I have a story for you. My friend is on the wrestling team, and when he was running, he wanted to run with the older guys because he wanted to talk to them. The older guys are supposed to be the role models, but what they did was sinister. They told hime to "F" off. He said to them...well I'll put it this way, "You're (happy)!" The older guy saw a pencil on the ground, took it and stabbed my friend with it. Yeah, such great roll models they are....The older kid that stabbbed my friend wasn't kicked off the wrestling team just because his dad is the coach! So, lesson learned: never say anything to a bully. EVER! Well, don't say anything negative because you never know what he/she might do.... Alpha male? That is for animals...:rollseyes: Once again, I say! Fighting Fire with fire, will not put out the fire. You have to doust it and make sure you take your time to smolder the fire rather than putting more fire in. Fighting with fire is only going to hurt your thinking and your sanity. @OP: What I did, was I went to a different school. It helped me and I am never bullied anymore. When I was in 9th grade, all I did was ignore it and it actually went away. Most bullies make fun of you or hurt you physically because they want attention and hurting you mentally or physically gives them a good feeling. We ARE animals. Kicking the crap out of a bully won't turn you into a bully. ![]() So you run from your problems and hope they don't follow you/reoccur? Don't do what theonlybub tells you, they'll eat you alive! Establish your dominance and he will never bother you again. :kz: | 2010-09-30 22:42:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Play it stealthy.... Sneak a mixture of Sleeping Pills and Laxatives into his drink ![]() | 2010-09-30 22:48:00 Author: Nurolight ![]() Posts: 918 |
I remember this dude was picking on my, because I was Hawaiian. He was making fun of my eyes. Sadly, I fought fire with fire. The ending contained a dude with a bloody nose with tears rolling down his eyes, a bruise on his shin, and me being suspended. But hey, if thats not how you roll, follow what these other more-mature people do. ![]() :SH: | 2010-09-30 22:51:00 Author: ThePineapplizer ![]() Posts: 769 |
Play it stealthy.... Sneak a mixture of Sleeping Pills and Laxatives into his drink ![]() Funny story actually, i did this to this guy who took my mp3 player last year, not the pills, but i did give him a X lax muffin, oh how sweet it was... | 2010-09-30 22:51:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
Don't fight him, that would be stupid. And he may just kill you if you do that. It's all well and good people saying 'OMG K1CK HIS A$$ D00D!' on the internet, however i sincerely doubt any of them actually do that if such a situation arises. Because that would be stupid. Just stay out of his way, and if he comes up to you and tried to pick a fight, stand up to him, yeah, but don't attack him. Don't back down and run away, but don't try and beat him up. Just stand your ground and see what happens. He'll probably either a) Hit you, in which case he'll probably get more than a suspension, given he has already done it before, and bullying, especially when it involves violence, is not tolerated in schools, or he will b) back down, if he realizes you aren't a little girl. Either way, it's problem solved. I actually don't know, i can't do helpful posts. Ya know what, just shoot him. | 2010-09-30 22:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I think you would do better to ask advice from someone you trust rather than a bunch of strangers on the internet. ![]() However... as Bremnen said we are animals, but thankfully some of us have learned to rise above that. I did my best bully bashing by simply using my wit and made fun of them. Laughing at them for the silly animals they were worked great for me. Of course if you wish to jump in and stomp on folks, well gosh by all means go for it! The WWE are always looking for new talent I suppose. lol | 2010-09-30 22:56:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Don't fight him, that would be stupid. And he may just kill you if you do that. It's all well and good people saying 'OMG K1CK HIS A$$ D00D!' on the internet, however i sincerely doubt any of them actually do that if such a situation arises. Because that would be stupid. Just stay out of his way, and if he comes up to you and tried to pick a fight, stand up to him, yeah, but don't attack him. Don't back down and run away, but don't try and beat him up. Just stand your ground and see what happens. He'll probably either a) Hit you, in which case he'll probably get more than a suspension, given he has already done it before, and bullying, especially when it involves violence, is not tolerated in schools, or he will b) back down, if he realizes you aren't a little girl. Either way, it's problem solved. I actually don't know, i can't do helpful posts. Ya know what, just shoot him. See, in a perfect world that would happen, no! He has to fight, it is honestly the only way, look at what you just posted through the eyes of the bully. No bully is gonna stop because you "stand your ground" You have to establish dominance and fight him. | 2010-09-30 22:59:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
There's an unfortunately large amount of extremely incompetent adults who make up the faculty of our schools... And unfortunately, it seems that in today's stupid youth culture, doing something bad is apparently funny if you're not on the receiving end and reporting a problem to some higher authority is merit for exile. Because today's youth is stupid, and the adults are playing along. Ok, rant over. What you'll want to do is try to find the most sensible faculty member within the school and talk to them. You're not going to want to take this up with the apathetic assistant principal, or the incompetent language arts teacher, or whatever specimens of adult stupidity you have running around. Find someone who will see your problem and assist you. If, by some unforeseen coincidence, you don't have any competent adults within your reach, confront him verbally. Gosh darn it, if your teachers are stupid enough to not have caught him, they won't notice you ripping him apart with your words. Also, that Alpha Male stuff is complete poppycock. You don't need to stoop to his level to prove anything. You are superior to him because you don't have to resort to some sort of primitive Texas Justice to stop him. | 2010-09-30 23:02:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
My honest opinion is that there's no shame in being a *****. I'm 100% bone and fat, I would never fight anyone. I feel no shame in hiding from someone who I know would beat me . And, at least in my school, nobody cares. That said, no one really tries to fight me either, which is odd because I mess with people a lot. Humans aren't dogs, we all have the ability to reason... | 2010-09-30 23:16:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
See, in a perfect world that would happen, no! He has to fight, it is honestly the only way, look at what you just posted through the eyes of the bully. No bully is gonna stop because you "stand your ground" You have to establish dominance and fight him. Establish Dominance and Fight him? Kids these days. ![]() | 2010-09-30 23:17:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
See, in a perfect world that would happen, no! He has to fight, it is honestly the only way, look at what you just posted through the eyes of the bully. No bully is gonna stop because you "stand your ground" You have to establish dominance and fight him. Yeah, right. Actively fighting him is only going to provoke a reaction. And a reaction is bad. Because he won't want to be seen to look an idiot/puff/whatever derogatory term you wish to give him, in front of his hardcore crew. So he will fight back. If he hits you and you take the punch, but don't react, it'll throw him off, because bullies don't expect people to react defiantly, at least not like that. They either want a fight, or they want to look cool by making you run. If he hits you, and you don't attack back, and he hits you again, how much of a **** does that make him look? Fighting IS NOT the way to solve this, and if you do fight him and a teacher catches you, then not only will he get into trouble, so will you. And that won't exactly help your cause... | 2010-09-30 23:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Don't fight him, that would be stupid. And he may just kill you if you do that. It's all well and good people saying 'OMG K1CK HIS A$$ D00D!' on the internet, however i sincerely doubt any of them actually do that if such a situation arises. Because that would be stupid. I actually don't know, i can't do helpful posts. Ya know what, just shoot him. Dis' guy does. ![]() There's an unfortunately large amount of extremely incompetent adults who make up the faculty of our schools... And unfortunately, it seems that in today's stupid youth culture, doing something bad is apparently funny if you're not on the receiving end and reporting a problem to some higher authority is merit for exile. Because today's youth is stupid, and the adults are playing along. Also, that Alpha Male stuff is complete poppycock. You don't need to stoop to his level to prove anything. You are superior to him because you don't have to resort to some sort of primitive Texas Justice to stop him. Top half: Your just asking for it. Second half: Your not stooping to his level if you fight him. Will you turn into a bully and start attacking people just because you had to defend yourself? Of course not. The reasons why telling a teacher will never be in your best interest is: 1. Your pretty much calling yourself stupid by saying you couldn't think of a way to solve your own simple problem. 2. Your admitting that the bully is stronger than you. That you are weak. That some ignorant teacher getting the bully out of school for a little while, avoiding the problem, and leading to you getting attacked again is better for you than solving the problem. The natural instinct is to fight the person who does you wrong. Then your taught to be civil and use words. After you realize that words don't work and do the opposite of what you wanted, you go back to fighting. Btw, Don't insult my generation ever again. :kz: | 2010-09-30 23:28:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Yeah, right. Actively fighting him is only going to provoke a reaction. And a reaction is bad. Because he won't want to be seen to look an idiot/puff/whatever derogatory term you wish to give him, in front of his hardcore crew. So he will fight back. If he hits you and you take the punch, but don't react, it'll throw him off, because bullies don't expect people to react defiantly, at least not like that. They either want a fight, or they want to look cool by making you run. If he hits you, and you don't attack back, and he hits you again, how much of a **** does that make him look? Fighting IS NOT the way to solve this, and if you do fight him and a teacher catches you, then not only will he get into trouble, so will you. And that won't exactly help your cause... "Hardcore crew"?! What is this, an 90's after school special about gang violence?! HE'S AND AVERAGE SCHOOL BULLY! He's a troubled person, that takes his anger out on others, not a hardcore thug from the projects! I'm standing by my comment! FIGHT HIM! | 2010-09-30 23:28:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
This thread should get locked. | 2010-09-30 23:31:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
"Hardcore crew"?! What is this, an 90's after school special about gang violence?! HE'S AND AVERAGE SCHOOL BULLY! He's a troubled person, that takes his anger out on others, not a hardcore thug from the projects! I'm standing by my comment! FIGHT HIM! You took the hardcore crew comment seriously? Don't fight him, and lock this thread before it gets out of hand. Stand by your comment all you want, but it's a stupid idea unless he wants to get himself hurt. | 2010-09-30 23:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You took the hardcore crew comment seriously? Don't fight him, and lock this thread before it gets out of hand. Stand by your comment all you want, but it's a stupid idea unless he wants to get himself hurt. Oh, and letting the bully keep hurting him by standing by and letting it happen, how is that any better?! | 2010-09-30 23:40:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
Oh, and letting the bully keep hurting him by standing by and letting it happen, how is that any better?! Look at it this way. If he stands his ground, then there is a chance he gets hit, but it makes the bully look like a ****, and is likely to result in trouble for the bully. If he starts a fight the bully can do what he wants, knowing that he didn't start it and therefore he is less likely tog et in massive trouble. If you want him to fight then fine, however i would suggest you leave this thread. You've made your point. | 2010-09-30 23:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Look at it this way. If he stands his ground, then there is a chance he gets hit, but it makes the bully look like a ****, and is likely to result in trouble for the bully. If he starts a fight the bully can do what he wants, knowing that he didn't start it and therefore he is less likely tog et in massive trouble. If you want him to fight then fine, however i would suggest you leave this thread. You've made your point. No, it doesn't matter who starts the fight, a bully will always have friends to back him up to tell the teacher that he didn't start it. And i don't think i have made my point at all, so i will not leave this thread good sir, and i would advise you watch your laguage | 2010-09-30 23:45:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
Why are the trolls asking for a lock? Am I on the wrong side this time? Did I hit a nerve? | 2010-09-30 23:45:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Lol! No, but I do think we've said all there is to say here, folks. There have been some good suggestions, but I do think, LBP_NEWS_CREW, that you need to go and find that supportive member of staff as a starting point. I have seen both sides of the argument here work in different situations. My personal preference is not to lower ones self to the bully's standard, but some bullies need to be put in their place - it's all they understand. However, as some here have wisely warned, you can't really know what lengths he will then go to to ensure he doesn't lose face.. it's really a tricky situation. My advice, other than going to a supportive adult, is to stand your ground. Don't be intimidated. Tell him he can beat you up but in the end he is of no consequence to you or anybody else and so he's wasting his time trying to prove that with his violence. I'm really sorry you're having to deal with this. I was never bullied but my little sister was and it's heartbreaking. I really hope you manage to find a good solution, friend ![]() | 2010-09-30 23:51:00 Author: BabyDoll1970 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
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