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Low-To-Ground Hovercar concept! [Pics]

Archive: 11 posts

I made some hovercars as a test to see if they would work or not, and published it as its own level.
I did this because I've seen other peoples hovercars, and they just kinda float away into the invisible walls...

So I made three or four invisible metal pads, glued them, connected it with springs to the bottom of my car, and viola!
Also, I'm making a better version than the other ones, since these ones have an odd look to them.

If you'd like to see them, look up my PSN on LBP, then find the "1~3 Person Hovercar Test" level, and tell me if their good or not.

Here's some pictures of a hovercar model in the level;

Flight (Doesn't look as good as the real thing)

Flight! (Notice the lights are on during flight)

These models aren't done, because of a speed error going up ramps. Need to make a thin glass for it! (Thanks shadowsythe456732 for reminding me!
2010-09-29 21:00:00

Posts: 258

Ill will do this when possible, just gotta make a mental note 2010-10-06 09:46:00

Posts: 775

Ill will do this when possible, just gotta make a mental note

Lol, when I try to do that, I end up forgetting anyway.
2010-10-11 16:17:00

Posts: 258

Hmm, interesting.. I tried the level, and these are wuite realistic, you just need to make em more detailed, ive been trying to do this with one wheel, using the same method for the othe, didnt happen, anyway well done.2010-10-19 00:29:00

Posts: 2135

Hmm, interesting.. I tried the level, and these are wuite realistic, you just need to make em more detailed, ive been trying to do this with one wheel, using the same method for the othe, didnt happen, anyway well done.

Yep. Except when LBP2 comes out, these will probably be completely useless.
2010-10-19 05:08:00

Posts: 258

or you can make a piec of ice under the ground, string it to the hovercar and just have it restrained that way, use rockets to make it go up and move, or make one like i did, using just rockets, material, and a grab switch, nothing to hold it down ( it actually works too, i published a thread with a tutorial .2010-10-20 02:11:00

Posts: 585

yeah but so many people have done ones like that, I like the ones that Tmjtk has made because not many have done something like this before.2010-10-20 03:35:00

Posts: 2135

yeah but so many people have done ones like that, I like the ones that Tmjtk has made because not many have done something like this before.

I'm actually working on piston type hovercars to reduce bounciness. And they are full bodied with working doors.

or you can make a piec of ice under the ground, string it to the hovercar and just have it restrained that way, use rockets to make it go up and move, or make one like i did, using just rockets, material, and a grab switch, nothing to hold it down ( it actually works too, i published a thread with a tutorial .

The thing is, I didn't want to have to keep it tethered under the level, I wanted it to be able to climb up hills and such, instead of hitting a certain height , then stopping, then possibly break off the glass underneath. You see what I'm saying?
2010-10-20 05:49:00

Posts: 258

Well, i think the game adds weight times velocity, so u would go slower going up. Also friction. I recommend using a super thin (invisible) layer of glass on he bottom permitting it to slide rather than scrape accross the floor/ramp. I checked your lvl out and i like the concept. its a nice hovercraft! Also for the floor pannel that controls the hovercraft, use cardboard with a shaft running through the middle so it dosent fall out, and look good, and to make up for the weight add on of the cardboard, stiffen the springs.Finally, i like the bounciness, it adds effect.

p.s curve the end of the invisible peice of glass, it will permit it to go up hills more smooth.
2010-10-21 01:21:00

Posts: 176

Well, i think the game adds weight times velocity, so u would go slower going up. Also friction. I recommend using a super thin (invisible) layer of glass on he bottom permitting it to slide rather than scrape accross the floor/ramp. I checked your lvl out and i like the concept. its a nice hovercraft! Also for the floor pannel that controls the hovercraft, use cardboard with a shaft running through the middle so it dosent fall out, and look good, and to make up for the weight add on of the cardboard, stiffen the springs.Finally, i like the bounciness, it adds effect.

p.s curve the end of the invisible peice of glass, it will permit it to go up hills more smooth.

Actually, I need to incorporate the glass idea in the 2.0 versions.
The 1.0 Version DOES have glass and curves, but sometimes it ignores its purpose...
Also, the controls for the hovercraft uses pink floaty, because it slides under sackboy easier than cardboard.

As for the drag with the 2.0, I think its the glass thing.
Thanks for your post though, reminded me about the glass thing.
2010-10-21 02:31:00

Posts: 258

Hmmm. Looks pretty nice.2010-10-26 01:31:00

Posts: 682

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