Lego box + Basketball
Archive: 4 posts
Lego box + BasketballDevinOde Okay, a few people have seen them already. They're two simple toys I made to have a little fun. The first one, being a small room where you can spawn lego bricks of 4 different colors, and stack them with the jetpack. It's simple and sometimes tough to connect them, but it can be fun. The second toy being basketball, it's basically just a ball you can swing into the net with a jetpack. (you can't go directly over the net, mind you.) When you make a hoop, you get a score bubble. This toy does need improvement though... I will probably make the net move at least to add a bit of a challenge. So yea, check them out and please give some feedback. | 2010-09-26 22:11:00 Author: ode1234 ![]() Posts: 59 |
Well they're complete they just have room for improvement. I posted them because they are still technically levels. | 2010-09-26 22:29:00 Author: ode1234 ![]() Posts: 59 |
I disagree with Ricky. This is the "level and Object showcase" catagory, so ode1234 has the right to post here. As for the Objects, Nice ode. Very cool. | 2010-09-30 05:24:00 Author: The-Questor ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Well, thank you Questor. I may be making more of these "toys" in the future. Heh, It is fun to have something to play with. | 2010-10-01 17:28:00 Author: ode1234 ![]() Posts: 59 |
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