Midnight Mission
Archive: 6 posts
Midnight MissionThisDudeRufus http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/1622/aphoto4.jpgA short, military-type level, with "traps" (you can see them easily), and certain weight-based elements, so try to do this alone. http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/6505/aphoton.jpg http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/701/aphoto6.jpg http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/576/aphoto5.jpg This is my second level, and my first one that I like enough to post here, because it's a lot less ugly. | 2010-09-26 17:13:00 Author: ThisDudeRufus ![]() Posts: 170 |
I'm sorry for bending the rules here, but I'm looking for some feedback, I'm looking for critical people to tell me what needs work. Thank you. | 2010-12-01 22:19:00 Author: ThisDudeRufus ![]() Posts: 170 |
Haha, I thought that second post was someone else ![]() I'll play your level and give you feedback, if you play mine and give me feedback. The link is in my sig. | 2010-12-01 22:52:00 Author: Babkockdood ![]() Posts: 26 |
That was a very difficult level. I liked some of the ideas, but it was often unclear what to do and then really tricky to do it. The absailing bit at the start is a nice idea but I could only do it by holding left so that my sackboy was gently lowered to the ground without actually bouncing off those pads on the wall. I really liked the part where you had to shoot the floaty electic things, and I enjoyed the tower just after that. Climbing across the pistons was a bit awkward but not too bad, I think the button to turn it on is unnecessary. If the gas was a bit higher it would be much less frustrating. The circles with spikes were what confused me the most, something to make it more obvious how to do that part would be nice. Also, it is possible to get trapped between the circles by stopping them with the button and then activating the checkpoint inbetween them, this caused me to have to restart the level. The ending part seemed to work well. Finaly, there is a typo in your level description. I gave it :star::star::star:. For F4F please play my leve:l https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=40950-Save-the-Burning-Village! | 2010-12-03 23:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thank you for that feedback, I will play your level soon. And I'll see what I can do about all that. | 2010-12-04 13:24:00 Author: ThisDudeRufus ![]() Posts: 170 |
This is what I think about your level: Good: Its well made. Has a good atmosphere. Creative. Bad: Too difficult. Doesn't make you want to try again. Now please check out my level: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=40606-An-Adventure-in-the-Woods | 2010-12-04 16:46:00 Author: H-O-S-M-A-R ![]() Posts: 74 |
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