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MM vs User

Archive: 25 posts

ok so what levels are better the MM levels or like the beta levels or "USER" levels....

i mean better look

better feel

better machines

2008-10-26 23:41:00

Posts: 3154

Does my level count?


LOL, on a serious note I think the Mm levels right now are better because they encompass so much at once giving the player an inspiring ambition to say... "You know what, I wanna do that too." I can only hope as a creator I can do the same, but it really started with the Mm levels hands down.
2008-10-26 23:51:00

Posts: 1476

wow did you make that EPIC!!

and you should of aced it you did great

your a good player/creator
2008-10-27 00:05:00

Posts: 3154

i say user.

i think MM added some custom things to make there levels
2008-10-27 01:10:00

Posts: 6419

I think that right now the MM levels are better quality across the board but they also act as inspiration to us creators. Over time I think the quality of user made levels will increase and eventually surpass the MM levels.

(Oh and first post here ... started lurking this board when I got into the beta figured now would be a good time to sign up and join some fellow LBP players.)
2008-10-27 01:24:00

Posts: 1

The MM levels have me totally floored with disbelief. I knew they were going to be good but I had no idea how good.

I think over time, many user levels will be close to the quality of the MM levels or better. There will always be some so-so levels but I expect to see some amazing user levels around every corner in just a couple months from now.
2008-10-27 01:33:00

Posts: 601

Don't know yet, but i'll vote when i get the game

(Oh and first post here ... started lurking this board when I got into the beta figured now would be a good time to sign up and join some fellow LBP players.)

Welcome dude,
you should say hi properly in the introduce yourself forms
2008-10-27 01:38:00

Posts: 2767

so you guys are saying MM are like really GREAT levels?2008-10-27 01:40:00

Posts: 3154

Yeah. My favorites is the serpent level and the japanese themed level I'm currently at.
Also, I think we could get all the items MM used to make their levels.
2008-10-27 01:53:00

Posts: 62

o sweet nice one

so is there a story line or not?
2008-10-27 01:56:00

Posts: 3154

Personally, what bugged me by the end was the quantity of MM's levels, not the qualtity. How long was the Beta open for? Off the top of my head, I thought it was about 3 weeks. In that time, some users had managed to make 3 levels almost of as high a standard (some IMO even higher) than MM.I am surprised MM couldn't have fit some more MM made levels in there.

I especially found a lot of the minigames to be dissapointing, mostly those like the seesaws which were just cut and pastes of an idea from a level and then expanded. And we were told 50+ levels on disk. By my count, there are 49, as the same level but harder is still the same level. And since when did minigames count as actual whole levels for counting? In my humble opinion, there are 25 levels, and a selection of minigames.

I'm looking forward to what users can create.
2008-10-27 07:50:00

Posts: 1084

It's a pretty loose connected story. The different zones all kind of have their own story, but when you switch to another zone (theme, continent, whatever), it's kinda just like "go see my friend here" and then you set off.

Frankly, the story is pretty basic, although there are a few awesome characters. Read spoiler if you want:

There is Stripy Tail, who likes to hang out in the VIP room with the ladies (dancing on poles even!), Frida and her Skulldozer, the cat who kills the fire dude with the knife (forgot its name, I think its fire cat, I dunno), Don Lu's trusty dog. Lot's of cool moments.
2008-10-27 07:56:00

Posts: 136

lol so there is accutly a story line............2008-10-27 08:03:00

Posts: 3154

Yeah but you do realize it for a while... it is a shame. The story could have been so much more. And I haven't actually played on any user levels as yet, hopefully tomorrow or even tonight when the servers go up. So I shall vote properly then. 2008-10-27 12:31:00

Posts: 134

The story mode wasn't well done and didn't last very long, but less story levels means less time spent trying to ace them all, and I wasn't really looking forward to the story anyway. >_<

Definately User levels.
2008-10-27 12:52:00

Posts: 3476

I don't really care that the story sucked. It's an action game. The story doesn't affect the game play the same way it would in something like an RPG. I think we're really going to start seeing some amazing user levels but MM probably has the upper hand right now.2008-10-27 14:50:00

Posts: 117

I think Azure Palace is the only level to match the quality of an MM level thus far, but give it time and there will be plenty more.2008-10-27 15:12:00

Posts: 1097

I agree with the consensus, which is that the MM levels are better... now. The user-created levels are eventually going to become super-wicked. Eventually great things will be built, hearted, tweaked. It's just going to be so great to see all of the diversity as well.

I'm really hoping for more themes to be DLC than anything. That addition will inspire even more great stuff.
2008-10-27 16:22:00

Posts: 1366

I would say the MM levels.

(From experience in the beta)
2008-10-27 18:39:00

Posts: 1287

i dont know, i say MM at the moment because their levels seem to look better, while user level ar fun to play but not look as good, like the background,2008-10-29 12:34:00

Posts: 362

MM obviously has the better levels as that is their job. They had a team of highly skilled and passionate people that got paid to brainstorm, make concept art, and bring it to life. They are an elite creative team that had the resources to create and playtest every aspect of their levels.

Ofcourse, a dedicated handful of users will create great levels that might stand on par, but most will fall under that threshold. I, for one, am trying my best to become one of those people.
2008-10-29 19:22:00

Posts: 646

they had 2 years to make a great level and if it takes use a week or two to make a level that can compete, which one is better the one who spend 2 years on it or the one who spend 2 weeks on it2008-10-29 19:25:00

Posts: 362

Does my level count?


Now now, I won't deny that your level is sweet but be humble about it or you're just not cool. :arg:
2008-11-03 02:13:00

Posts: 1097

Now now, I won't deny that your level is sweet but be humble about it or you're just not cool. :arg:

LOL, I'm just messin. I think at this point, the user levels do offer a good alternative to what the story levels offer, but they still have a long way to go before becoming as solid as the Mm levels.
2008-11-03 03:53:00

Posts: 1476

I think Azure Palace is the only level to match the quality of an MM level thus far, but give it time and there will be plenty more.

Would you believe I still can't get into that one.. every time i try, the level is unavailable...

Overall: The MM levels are "better" (just for obvious time and tools reasons..), but it just depends on what you're having fun with...

But I have to say, one of my favorite levels I've gotten on to so far is the User level: Arkham Escape. It's simple, but deceptively fun... (not to mention, lots of impressive items (none of which you can win though grr ).. and some cute little sidenotes.
2008-11-03 18:43:00

Posts: 136

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