Oblivios's pixel-sackboys/girls
Archive: 6 posts
I made this sackboy today its pretty crappy but its my first pixelart image... http://i51.tinypic.com/1zbyzq1.jpg you can suggest me things what i could make in pixel-art constructive critique is welcome He has the patapon skin, stickered origami hat and led eyes | 2010-09-24 19:59:00 Author: oblivios ![]() Posts: 143 |
Are you meaning to take requests? Because that is what it sounds like. If you are, I would love one of my sackboy. I could reciprocate. | 2010-09-25 04:49:00 Author: Super_Dork_42 ![]() Posts: 1874 |
No matter where the artist, no matter what the site, you can trust in Super_Dork_42 to be there to ask you, "Are you taking Requests?"![]() | 2010-09-25 04:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Good start! just a note, it looks like you saved as a JPG, as the pixels aren't sharp and the colours are kinda odd. don't save as JPG, save as PNG, it keeps the pixels lovely and clean and editable. | 2010-09-25 13:46:00 Author: Matimoo ![]() Posts: 1027 |
Good start! just a note, it looks like you saved as a JPG, as the pixels aren't sharp and the colours are kinda odd. don't save as JPG, save as PNG, it keeps the pixels lovely and clean and editable. ok i was unsure which format was the best... now im planning on starting web comic series which would be every once in a while pixel-full edit: @super_dork maybe when i get lil better ![]() | 2010-09-30 17:00:00 Author: oblivios ![]() Posts: 143 |
well, after seeing this thread, i thought it shouldnt be too hard to make a pixel sack, so i tried luck on my first try and the result (for me) is amazing! http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo6/icaras_racer/lbp%20stuff/Pixelsackboybig.png If there was to be a NES LBP this would be the the 8-Bit Sackboy! | 2010-09-30 19:53:00 Author: Ragnarok ![]() Posts: 898 |
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