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nothing i make is mine! pls help!

Archive: 12 posts

whenever i save any of my objects it says that it was made by little big planet or mmstudio even my costumes and when i name my objects they dont even appear in my objects they go to community what did i do? i cant even update my metal B.O.I's now! 2010-09-19 03:03:00

Posts: 70

Are you playing as controller/ player 1? if you dont, it will say the object / costume is made by littlebigplanet.
Dont play as guest if you're playing alone.
PM me if you dont understand.
2010-09-19 18:34:00

Posts: 11

I think that happens if you play as a guest or something, can't really be sure2010-09-19 19:05:00

Unknown User

Are you playing as controller/ player 1? if you dont, it will say the object / costume is made by littlebigplanet.
Dont play as guest if you're playing alone.
PM me if you dont understand.

no i don't use guest on lbp my psn is endgame and EVERYTHING i make is the same to quote ' made by littlebigplanet origianaly by mmstudio" objects, clothing, Stickers but nothing so far with my lvls but this is serious i cant edit any of my objects or they delete them self like the mm objects
2010-09-19 23:08:00

Posts: 70

Actually, it says that if you use anything from the objects area in your popit. If you use nothing but stuff from the materials/stickers/ and decorations section it shouldn't say something like that.

I may be wrong though.
2010-09-20 00:51:00

Posts: 1800

Actually, it says that if you use anything from the objects area in your popit. If you use nothing but stuff from the materials/stickers/ and decorations section it shouldn't say something like that.

I may be wrong though.

yet again i say ANYTHING even my costumes!!!
2010-09-20 03:49:00

Posts: 70

This happened to me to, but it was because my saved data was corrupted (I fixed it because I iz handy!). It was a long drawn out process to get the PS3 to debug the data (yes I actually forced my PS3 to fix the data) so I don't really remember how I did it other than it took 2 profiles and a lot of copying.

Sorry I couldn't help
2010-09-20 03:55:00

Unknown User

This happened to me to, but it was because my saved data was corrupted (I fixed it because I iz handy!). It was a long drawn out process to get the PS3 to debug the data (yes I actually forced my PS3 to fix the data) so I don't really remember how I did it other than it took 2 profiles and a lot of copying.

Sorry I couldn't help

well maby mm will let me work for them
2010-09-20 04:29:00

Posts: 70

well i may know whats causing all your stuff to say littlebigplanet made it or mmstudio made it...sometimes if you use other peoples stuff it will say originally made by "insert name here"or if u saved it with more mm items in it than your own stuff it may say the same ex. i used some logic from the logicpack levels to make an awesome helicopter and alot of realy cool tanks(almost as good as mighty might but u cant beat original) and it said they were made by compherc i didnt release tanks and helicopter to public because i didnt want grief about false claiming i made them when i made them from scratch its so frustrating sometimes sry for getting off topic hope this helped 2010-09-21 02:43:00

Posts: 10

well i may know whats causing all your stuff to say littlebigplanet made it or mmstudio made it...sometimes if you use other peoples stuff it will say originally made by "insert name here"or if u saved it with more mm items in it than your own stuff it may say the same ex. i used some logic from the logicpack levels to make an awesome helicopter and alot of realy cool tanks(almost as good as mighty might but u cant beat original) and it said they were made by compherc i didnt release tanks and helicopter to public because i didnt want grief about false claiming i made them when i made them from scratch its so frustrating sometimes sry for getting off topic hope this helped

But he says objects made from scratch and costume which I believe cannot be transfered, also say so.

By any chance, is that your original game/ save file?
Or did you happen to download one online for whatever reason?
2010-09-21 02:46:00

Posts: 6707

Hmmmm ok then whatever u said im not sure still working it out.....im not the brightest...but i have decided i will post the pics of my helicopter and best 2 tanks on my profile so you guys can tell me if i should make them public or not please look at them once i get them posted2010-09-21 03:33:00

Posts: 10

But he says objects made from scratch and costume which I believe cannot be transfered, also say so.

By any chance, is that your original game/ save file?
Or did you happen to download one online for whatever reason?

the only thing i did was change my user name on my ps3 and it was doing stuff almost as bad b4 but now it will freeze randomly when i mess with glitches (like the broken brains) when there is no lag at all or when i delete things, and as i have said b4 i cant edit any of my objects unless it only says that it was made by lbp, if it says origianaly by mmstudio i cant edit them
2010-09-21 20:48:00

Posts: 70

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