starship x
Archive: 10 posts
starship xbeasty23jk get ubducted and make your way through space ships finding artaact keys and the likes part one of three at the end a fantastic boss. not to spoil it for you it is freakin awespme | 2010-09-18 22:11:00 Author: lbp is awespme ![]() Posts: 657 |
http://images.memegenerator.net/facepalm/ImageMacro/2658951/Sigh-Its-spoiler-and-spoiler.jpg | 2010-09-18 22:25:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
thanks b3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 2010-09-18 22:28:00 Author: lbp is awespme ![]() Posts: 657 |
Unfortunately, the level was not awpsome, or awesome, at all. The only thing even slightly good was the blind platforming section. You're getting better though. Not much, but a little. ![]() | 2010-09-18 22:33:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
you played it that fast!!!!!!!!!!!n wow that man deserves pie | 2010-09-18 22:34:00 Author: lbp is awespme ![]() Posts: 657 |
Okay, like I said awsepme, some comstructive feedback. I didn't really know I was being abducted in the beginning so I had no idea what was happening. Skipping all the walking (there's a lot in this level) and went down the first hole, uhh.... Don't under stand what the grabbable spinning thing is, grabbed artifact #1 (By the way it's spelt artifact not artafact) went down the second one and grabbed all the artifacts. Next time try to center the wheels on the car. Went up by retrying, Boring walking. AFP knock off eh? Nice, at least you didn't missplace the boards like some people. Epic boss fight = Not so epic. Finished I gave it 2/5. Also it needs music. It was bland in audio terms. | 2010-09-19 03:38:00 Author: The-Questor ![]() Posts: 1328 |
ya the other da we were talking me and afpoo and i mentioned that my new level was going to b3e destiny based he freaked out............................................... .................................................. ........................ cause he don't have the wifi to play it | 2010-09-19 03:43:00 Author: lbp is awespme ![]() Posts: 657 |
Freaked out happy or freaked out mad? | 2010-09-19 04:02:00 Author: The-Questor ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Hey man what's the deal? You asked me to beta test, but didn't wait long enough for me to get you some good advice. I was hoping that you were going to take your time and attempt to heed my advice. Basically at this point your level appears to be unfinished. It was difficult to tell that you are actually on a space ship (I would have used scifi paneling and added various sticker to make it appear electronic. I noticed that you used the corner editor much more than usual, that is great! Your corner editing is still in its fledgling state, but keep at it and you should produce some great results. You should work on your story as well. It is hard to follow when there are lots of grammatical errors and sometimes bad sentence structure. When you are making a level that is story based, you should spend a lot of time thinking of how it should flow. Start out with a basic story: You are abducted and must escape, then go from there. Also, your "spaceship" was a bit open to the elements. You should try closing it up, make a ceiling/roof, walls and floors. The only way you should be able to get out is through a hatch, door or window (basically). Along with all of that you should try to populate your level with things that fit with the theme. You were abducted in the level right? Why not make a city street, or even a farm where you are abducted. Try adding characters, so that you have a face to the people speaking to you. Bonus points for awesome aliens! I recommend taking this level and hopping back in the creator. Spend a lot of time, a lot, working on it. Try to make it relaly purrty and really fun. I will try to be available if you need help, just ask (I may not be the best creator, but I can try). | 2010-09-19 08:26:00 Author: Captain Rule ![]() Posts: 360 |
questor in your experience when has afpoo ever gotten mad at anybody? when has he ever been sad for compitetion? and white text on the last post i made no theis one | 2010-09-19 15:09:00 Author: lbp is awespme ![]() Posts: 657 |
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