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I can't please all...

Archive: 60 posts

I want to discuss this situation with you all to see if some of you are in a similar situation.

I share my playstation with my younger brothers and sisters so when im at work they get to use the PS3. As long as they don’t touch MAH LBP!

So with this in mind I only really come on lbp at weekends. I spend most of my time creating online/offline. I barely get to play with my friends unless its really early hours of the morning when I cant be bothered to create. Or now and then throughout the day for half an hour.

My friends on my list are starting to get upset with me because I can’t play with them a lot...
This is getting to me ARRRGH! I’m only one person and I can’t please all. Hmmm I hate being busy but that’s life I guess.
If i play with a friend for half an hour or an hour that isnt enough for some, they expect me to play for hours. I try to play with as many different friends as i can at weekends to keep them happy but its not working...

So sorry if you’re on my list and you hardly see me, I have my reasons and if I could play all day I would.

I get loads of messages non stop as well which sometimes annoys me because im sitting there messaging people back all day. I don’t like to ignore people.

I LOVE playing with my friends, I could play for hours and hours.

I know this might sound bad but sometimes I feel like deleting my whole friends list just so I can relax and get on with things. I like to play online levels but sometimes like to play them alone. I know I can easily create another account and play on that but I don’t want to, people have asked me to play their levels for them and I like uploading photos and leaving a comment.

I try my best to keep up but im slowly failing, I can’t take it! Lol

I also feel bad when I get messages from people asking me to add them and I cant and they keep messaging me every now and then to check if I have a free friends space yet. I hate it that there’s a limit of 100 friends. I don’t play with all my friends on my list but I wouldn’t want to delete them…

Wouldn’t it be great if I could get paid to play/create on lbp lol that would be the life. All day, most days LBP!

Is anyone else in this situation, if so, how do you go about it?
2010-09-17 13:44:00

Posts: 1969

real friends are understanding. if you've gotta do something, then they have your back regardless of the situation. i'm on all the time and rarely feel like getting out of solo create mode, and if i do i get bored really quick of playing random terrible levels on cool pages, or rushing through really good levels that i'd rather savor - if i'm gonna stop working it's to catch upon showcase levels i've been meaning to play and feed, or to work on something big with someone.

i do need more people on my list that actually play levels though lol when i get sick of creating the last thing i want to do is go into create mode heh
2010-09-17 13:55:00

Unknown User

real friends are understanding. if you've gotta do something, then they have your back regardless of the situation. i'm on all the time and rarely feel like getting out of solo create mode, and if i do i get bored really quick of playing random terrible levels on cool pages, or rushing through really good levels that i'd rather savor - if i'm gonna stop working it's to catch upon showcase levels i've been meaning to play and feed, or to work on something big with someone.

i do need more people on my list that actually play levels though lol when i get sick of creating the last thing i want to do is go into create mode heh

You sound like you dont play a lot with others. I do like playing levels with my friends, its fun but its just getting the time.

Yeah some of my friends do understand but theres only so long they can take me putting them off lol

Im sure theres loads of people on here that want to be friends with you Ninja
2010-09-17 13:59:00

Posts: 1969

I had a feeling a thread like this would pop up sooner or later by someone.

Unfortunately I can't help since I don't know what it's like. Hopefully you work something out though.
2010-09-17 14:01:00

Posts: 2431

thath what you sed about poeple aski9ng you to take photos of theire levels
delete those guys
they use you as a tool to get more plubicity for theire levels

just say to those who are mad about your not online mutch

'i have a life besides Lbp youknow, a busy one.'
2010-09-17 14:08:00

Unknown User

thath what you sed about poeple aski9ng you to take photos of theire levels
delete those guys
they use you as a tool to get more plubicity for theire levels

just say to those who are mad about your not online mutch

'i have a life besides Lbp youknow, a busy one.'

Haha your response made me feel like shouting "YEEEEAH!"

I do get people askingme to upload a photo so they can get more plays lol strange...
But i always upload a photo anyway to show ive played a level and i leave a comment to let them know what i think.
2010-09-17 14:10:00

Posts: 1969

Haha your response made me feel like shouting "YEEEEAH!"

I do get people askingme to upload a photo so they can get more plays lol strange...
But i always upload a photo anyway to show ive played a level and i leave a comment to let them know what i think.

but remeber do not let anybody think your a tool for them

but just be direct to your friends and say the truth that you have a life besides Lbp
good friends will understand
the ones who wil get mad are not friends
2010-09-17 14:16:00

Unknown User

but remeber do not let anybody think your a tool for them

but just be direct to your friends and say the truth that you have a life besides Lbp
good friends will understand
the ones who wil get mad are not friends

I don't and wouldn't let someone use me as a tool, I can tell when someone wants something lol.

I don't want to be rude to my friends and even when i hint to them they still dont get it. Maybe i should stop being so nice and try being firmer...
2010-09-17 14:20:00

Posts: 1969

I don't and wouldn't let someone use me as a tool, I can tell when someone wants something lol.

I don't want to be rude to my friends and even when i hint to them they still dont get it. Maybe i should stop being so nice and try being firmer...

you can always say ''sorry for my rudenes'' if you say to them the rude and straight way so you stay Nice
2010-09-17 14:23:00

Unknown User

Apologizing with a LOLCAT just in case...
2010-09-17 14:55:00

Posts: 1627

Moony, your a great friend, i likes you on mah list 2010-09-17 14:56:00

Posts: 1969

I know how it is for you, youve told me many a time in my pod
I agree with hybrid tho, your real friends will not mind if you cant play as theres always other times, the ones who just dont get the message are probably more fans than anything and want to be in level photos with fenderjt
Thats what i think anyway
2010-09-17 15:10:00

Posts: 139

I know how it is for you, youve told me many a time in my pod
I agree with hybrid tho, your real friends will not mind if you cant play as theres always other times, the ones who just dont get the message are probably more fans than anything and want to be in level photos with fenderjt
Thats what i think anyway

Some people use me to let their friends touch my crown LOL

Yep Tony you have seen me get annoyed a lot of times when im on lbp lol
2010-09-17 15:27:00

Posts: 1969

I also feel bad when I get messages from people asking me to add them and I cant and they keep messaging me every now and then to check if I have a free friends space yet.

i feel like i've been too much of a bother
2010-09-17 15:48:00

Posts: 3365

I get around this by not being some one who is widely knowen.. :o

And by the fact that I tend to.. well, idk, I almost never play alone.

So, your situation is far different from mine. :S


Er, why do people expect you to play for hours? People have non-gaming lives too... O.o

I suggest you go ask Comphermc. He has some way of doing it....
Either that, or he just isn't nice to people. Psst, I never said this, ktnx?
2010-09-17 15:49:00

Posts: 1578

I suggest you go ask Comphermc. He has some way of doing it....
Either that, or he just isn't nice to people. Psst, I never said this, ktnx?

From what i know and have seen of Comphermc, its that he's more of a creator and helps people create etc I might be wrong though
2010-09-17 15:56:00

Posts: 1969

From what i know and have seen of Comphermc, its that he's more of a creator and helps people create etc I might be wrong though

Heh. Idunno. ignore that part of my post then?
2010-09-17 16:05:00

Posts: 1578

Er, why do people expect you to play for hours? People have non-gaming lives too... O.o

People are GREEDY! lol
Some people dont appreciate the little things, the always expect more
2010-09-17 16:10:00

Posts: 1969

its kinda sucks that u can only have 100 friends but think if u had more ? more people messaging you asking to play or what not lol i think u should have your thing as 'away' so instead of blue it goes that yellow/orange couler* (MIND FREEZE CANT SEEM IT SPELL IT) and u should get less messages and in your comment say 'making level' or 'busy' . thats what i do on my other account when im recording my MW2 videos .

and when its blue your 'available' u can play with friends

i dunno just an idea
2010-09-17 16:11:00

Posts: 623

its kinda sucks that u can only have 100 friends but think if u had more ? more people messaging you asking to play or what not lol i think u should have your thing as 'away' so instead of blue it goes that yellow/orange couler* (MIND FREEZE CANT SEEM IT SPELL IT) and u should get less messages and in your comment say 'making level' or 'busy' . thats what i do on my other account when im recording my MW2 videos .

and when its blue your 'available' u can play with friends

i dunno just an idea

Yeah i do that but still doesnt work, and people keep inviting me when im in create mode and my comment says "Making a level DND"

I guess some people just dont get it, but i wouldnt delete them for it

i feel like i've been too much of a bother

No no you havent at all! No one has annoyed me by keep asking me, i just feel bad i cant add them
2010-09-17 16:14:00

Posts: 1969

I guess some people just dont get it, but i wouldnt delete them for it

then give them friendly warnings i'd say

No no you havent at all! No one has annoyed me by keep asking me, i just feel bad i cant add them

well if it makes you feel better...id NEVER MESSAGE YOU TO ASK TO PLAY....nor would i keep spamming you if you never replied...if anything i just make the request as im playing online and if it says you ignored it or the request "timed out" then id just keep playing like nothing happen...maybe id message you once in a while to see how you're doing but yah i wouldnt keep annoying you about that stuff
2010-09-17 16:20:00

Posts: 3365

well if it makes you feel better...id NEVER MESSAGE YOU TO ASK TO PLAY....nor would i keep spamming you if you never replied...if anything i just make the request as im playing online and if it says you ignored it or the request "timed out" then id just keep playing like nothing happen...maybe id message you once in a while to see how you're doing but yah i wouldnt keep annoying you about that stuff

I'll keep that in mind, thanks
2010-09-17 16:22:00

Posts: 1969

anytime friend 2010-09-17 16:23:00

Posts: 3365

It seems to me that you have popularity problems hmm?... Well all I can say is that for those people who keep messaging you constantly, they must not have an understanding of how to be considerate and not be bothersome to you when your comment clearly says "busy". They must be either inconsiderate or immature. Either way, for me I make friends with people who I can hold a conversation with and not have them screamming "BLACK POPIT LOOK!" I sorta know how it can be bc I made the terrible mistake of adding some random people I met in lbp and they just will not get off my back about me following them or asking weird and innapropriate questions. Make sure you know them well enough to have as a friend or they will just be another noob friend who is only there to give you grief. Man I hate preaching about this subject 2010-09-17 17:25:00

Posts: 771

So random but... I happened to practise on this song in singing lessons, and I think it fits perfectly here somewhere (especially the chorus) XD

2010-09-17 17:39:00

Posts: 1627

Most, if not all my friends understand I am busy and just cannot play much if ever. Actually I sorta stop it at the front door as I rarely add anyone. I hate to hurt peoples feelings, but most want me to add them just to play with them and I just never get the time. I always ignore the random requests from folks I never heard of and sorry to say, even those that are here on LBPC. I just don't have the time and in fact most of what I do for like spotlights and the caption contest, I do on an alt account so the friends I do have don't get clues to anything I am up to.

If I had a friend that was demanding more time and was driving me nuts by spamming me with joins or invites, I would try to explain things a few times and if they don't get it, then they probably end up being deleted.
2010-09-17 17:43:00

Posts: 11383

I suggest you go ask Comphermc. He has some way of doing it....
Either that, or he just isn't nice to people. Psst, I never said this, ktnx?

Lol, there's some partial truth to the mean thing. I do create most of the time, Fender, but I do like to play occasionally.

The way that I see it is if the other person can't handle not playing with you all the time, then it's not worth the stress of keeping him/her on your list. He or she needs to understand that your time belongs to you, and not to him/her. Thus, if I ever get a friend who complains about not being able to join, or who spams my account, I remove him. If he asks why, I'll explain it, but that doesn't mean that I'll add him back.

It's really no fair to yourself to be worried only about what other people want.

Also, it helps that each and every one of my friends is from LBPC, so they kind of already know what's up. Like Jww, I don't add random people, generally.
2010-09-17 17:45:00

Posts: 5338

im in a simular suitation, but as 90% of my friends are currently random kids and 10% is in beta i guess it isn't as bad as your suitation... the kids doesn't matter and the beta are obviusly like me, busy.
but ehm... idk how to get out of these troubles sry
2010-09-18 12:50:00

Posts: 785

I have to share the PS3 with my brother. So everytime I come home from school I have to work out a time table just so we get the same amount of time. It really annoys me, I miss shows or sport because of it.

Christmas can't come sooner, I could definately do with 2 PS3s!
2010-09-18 13:00:00

Posts: 1114

I do most of my creating offline since I can't get any peace otherwise. I do have a close group of friends that I prefer to play with, but there's one kid that's gotten kind of annoying. I've known him for a fairly long time, but lately he only wants me to join him to simply watch him create and keep him company. I'd rather not entertain a lonely 15 year old, and would much prefer creating myself or off gadding with others. I guess some people become very possessive and act as though you own them your time.2010-09-18 13:25:00

Posts: 537

Out of curiosity, have you tried saying point blank to them (but not in a mean way), that you have very little time to spend playing LBP and have quite a lot of people vying for your attention? It's easy to assume that these people are being a little selfish, which they are, but it could just be that some of them have a shedload of time, not many friends and it doesn't occur to them that your situation isn't the same.

Or you could just add almost noone to your PSN friends list and boot anyone annoying
2010-09-18 14:03:00

Posts: 6497

I work and share my PS3 with my son. So I know all about the time thing. Sometimes I don't get the time on the game that I'd like, and sometimes I just plain feel like doing something else. I only have a few friends online though, and most of them seem to understand.

What suffers for me is my create time. A few people really dug my Invasion of the Sack Men From Space level. I left it as a cliffhanger and promised a sequel, but I don't have a lot of time to work on it and I'm darned if I'm going to do it when I'd rather be doing something else. It is a game after all, and supposed to be fun. If I'd rather watch Discovery Channel or browse music videos on YouTube, then that's what I'm going to do. The sequel is coming along, but not as quickly as I'd like. I just wish the thing would build itself. LOL

So I worry that folks are going to get impatient with me over that... Not sure what to do about it though. I create when the mood strikes.

For your situation, I agree with other posters. Friends understand. If you're busy, you're busy. Don't spread yourself too thin and get to where you aren't enjoying the game. Tell them what's going on in your life and that you'll play with them when you can. If they're still mad at you, you might have good reason to free up some friend slots.
2010-09-18 14:28:00

Posts: 331

Just explain the situation to them and hopefully they'll understand.

Getting paid for doing what you love doing is the best feeling. So I would encourage you to become a games designer if its the thing you like doing the most.
2010-09-18 20:24:00

Posts: 511

just putting this out their, but..
when you reach 100 friends, you can delete one, then you can add three more...
so for every 1 you delete you can add 3 more
(thats what i herd on another site anyway)
2010-09-19 01:16:00

Posts: 775

I'm not good with this type of situations. My PS3 is still broken, so I suspect my friends list to have gone down by 50%.

My solution: explain your situation. If they don't understand or they keep complaining then delete them. Your real friends should understand.
2010-09-19 01:54:00

Posts: 5551

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRGd0gD0QNE2010-09-19 06:29:00

Posts: 513

Real friend are the ones who don't throw a fit when they can't Join/Invite you. None of my friends are like that! Hurray for cool friends! 2010-09-19 15:59:00

Posts: 1800

Thank you all for your replies! Some interesting stuff ive read there!

Well i went on my ps3 at the weekend expecting the worse and yes it was bad lol constant messages, invites etc
I even said i cant play but they would message me saying when can you play, you never play BLAH BLAH! AAARRRGH!
I ignored half of them because i got fed up. I worked offline for ages which helped and i managed to play for a bit.
Like the title says...I CAN'T PLEASE ALL!!!

Il keep trying a different approach to see how things go
2010-09-20 09:56:00

Posts: 1969

You know, I suspected that this was your situation, so that's why I never sent you a friend request, even if we chit chated quite a lot.
Actually, that's enough Tia for me. No friend request for you

My two cents on this: I'm assuming that you are an intelligent person, and as an intelligent person chances are that you'll want to play with intelligent/mature enough people. And that kind of people does perfectly understand the situatio if you are to tell them that you can't, and even don't, want to play with them.
My advice? Keep the intelligent people on your list, and gradually lose the not-so-intelligent/mature/worth the time.
2010-09-20 10:57:00

Posts: 628

You know, I suspected that this was your situation, so that's why I never sent you a friend request, even if we chit chated quite a lot.
Actually, that's enough Tia for me. No friend request for you

My two cents on this: I'm assuming that you are an intelligent person, and as an intelligent person chances are that you'll want to play with intelligent/mature enough people. And that kind of people does perfectly understand the situatio if you are to tell them that you can't, and even don't, want to play with them.
My advice? Keep the intelligent people on your list, and gradually lose the not-so-intelligent/mature/worth the time.

What are you talking about!? Your the worst one! I deleted your 7th request ok! lol

I do like to play with older friends but i do like to keep the younger players happy too. Some of them look up to me and their so nice and sweet that i get reeled into adding them lol

I think i need to clean up my list and delete the people who i will never play with. Its going to hurt some people and I'll probably get some haters and bad messages but it needs to be done!
2010-09-20 11:01:00

Posts: 1969

I think i need to clean up my list and delete the people who i will never play with. Its going to hurt some people and I'll probably get some haters and bad messages but it needs to be done!

just remember a certain promise you made to a certain someone about a certain friendslist and being included in it when space is open

(lol sweet jesus your friendslist is as exclusive as the garden of eden haha)

anyways unlike your "spammer fans" i wont be filling your inbox with nonsense like "lets play...omg play play...why wont you play?" and will replace it with actual conversations and stuff .......sooooooooo yeah keep that in mind when you decide who will replace those who can't "take the hint"
2010-09-20 11:23:00

Posts: 3365

As thel saying goes: "You cant make 100 friends
without making a few enemies.
2010-09-20 13:38:00

Posts: 1990

I just ignore everyone. Well... not everyone, but I prefer to create and because of that, I don't just hop out and play every time I'm sent a request. And I'm pretty picky about who I play with, just ask Javi_Haguse. He sent me invites all the time and I just ignored him until one day, I lost my mind and decided to play with him. Biggest mistake of my life.2010-09-20 22:50:00

Posts: 1335

And I'm pretty picky about who I play with, just ask Javi_Haguse. He sent me invites all the time and I just ignored him until one day, I lost my mind and decided to play with him. Biggest mistake of my life.

Yeah that happened to me once, my brain hasn't been the same since...

Yeah when i ask to join someone and your busy you reject my requests! lol so yeah i know how you work Mrsuperpc

2010-09-20 22:53:00

Posts: 1969

I know how you feel. I just make play with the friend i haven't played for a while or invite them all over. If some one deletes you because they haven't played with your for a while, then there loss.2010-09-20 22:59:00

Posts: 243

I didn't like the join option that much...
When people tries to join me I can't help but feel a bit of irritation.
It's like you knock on my house and ask for a cup of tea.
I might have finished tea, or just being in pants and slippers.
I don't like people enter while I'm in create, especially because most of the times I'm just watching the blank screen, trying to focus and not doing actually anything (and I hate people discovering this secret).

The thing change a lot when I'm invited, since I feel like, let's go out and take a cup of tea.

I'm not fully against the join option, but I like people to at least take 2 secs to ask in advance via pm and respect my spare time.

And I don't have lots of friends, so I can understand how you feel.
2010-09-21 06:32:00

Posts: 5112

I'm sorry, I can't help, as I don't play with anyone on LBP. Hell, I scarcely play it.

But I'm sure you'll figure it out.
2010-09-21 07:20:00

Posts: 624

Don't worry fenderjt, your not really alone. I know a few people having the same problem. But your a happy person, so you shouldn't get annoyed about it! If your unhappy just come see me I'll cheer you up (Hopefully lol). All you have to do is join sweet rejection then stoopid monkey and then join me. Not many people know that I'm so close to many cool LBP people like you. Come on you are a queen of LBp so you can just say: 'BOW DOWN TO MEH YOU PEASANT!!!!!!' XD If you wanted to. So enjoy yourself, as you are an elite

2010-09-21 17:52:00

Posts: 103

2010-09-21 18:55:00

Unknown User

This would be my reaction if you deleted your friends list D:

im just sayin'!!! even tho you always are busy.. the few times ive joined you, you seem to not have any rage towards me xD so id like to keep it that way :3
2010-09-21 20:18:00

Posts: 19

This would be my reaction if you deleted your friends list D:

im just sayin'!!! even tho you always are busy.. the few times ive joined you, you seem to not have any rage towards me xD so id like to keep it that way :3

HAHAHA that made me laugh. I wont ever get angry at anyone, im not that kind of person
Plus i wouldnt delete you ever XD

@sackruler, yeah sure we can meet some time!
2010-09-21 21:44:00

Posts: 1969

Well you're so nice i would love to have you on my Friends list but you're so Polite and nice that you're not the kind of person that would just say 'Bye had fun! (delete) I don't delete my Friends either. I understand your situation so you don't have to add me i would just like to keep in touch.2010-10-12 11:40:00

Unknown User

If some one starts to molest me when I'm playing I just delete and then block, as easy as it is, no remorse. (No offense there to your friends, I don't want to be rude but if some one cant seem to respect that you have a life and need your space with yourself and others then they are just being selfish, a good friend knows when to give a break, and when also knows when he is interfering a lot.)

(sorry if i seem a bit too crude, but i prefer to be realistic, than posting something that just doesn't bring a suggestion at all)
2010-10-12 20:09:00

Posts: 898

Ive had enough, maybe i will have to quit lbp some day as it is getting to much now. Which doesnt make this game fun. Or i will make another account and become someone unknown to all.2010-10-12 23:11:00

Posts: 1969

Ive had enough, maybe i will have to quit lbp some day as it is getting to much now. Which doesnt make this game fun. Or i will make another account and become someone unknown to all.

OR you could just delete those who keep bothering you like everyone else...honestly why are you going to go through all that trouble of making an account and stuff when the answer is as simple as a few clicks?
2010-10-12 23:14:00

Posts: 3365

OR you could just delete those who keep bothering you like everyone else...honestly why are you going to go through all that trouble of making an account and stuff when the answer is as simple as a few clicks?

I like my friends even if they can annoy me sometimes and i wouldnt like to delete them and hurt em.

Il find a way around it Il be going through my list this weekend and might have a good clean out
2010-10-12 23:15:00

Posts: 1969

Just do a super quick delete-the-annoying-people cleanse of you acc, then when they ask why you deleted them you can say "I don't know what your talking about, I thought you deleted me!"

That should help a bit xD
2010-10-12 23:17:00

Posts: 1800

I like my friends even if they can annoy me sometimes and i wouldnt like to delete them and hurt em.

Il find a way around it Il be going through my list this weekend and might have a good clean out

well whatever you decide to do...but remember as soon as you've said "ive had enough"...it's pretty obvious you're not happy...so id just take care of the problem ASAP
2010-10-12 23:18:00

Posts: 3365

Just do a super quick delete-the-annoying-people cleanse of you acc, then when they ask why you deleted them you can say "I don't know what your talking about, I thought you deleted me!"

That should help a bit xD

then again, that's why its better to delete and then block, they wont be able to respond back, if its an annoying person there is no way to feel guilty, after all they were seeking for that...

(what I usually do is to not add random players I encounter or unknown players, I just tell people that my friend list is full, best excuse ever!)
2010-10-12 23:19:00

Posts: 898

You could always become a singer! 2010-10-13 01:23:00

Posts: 1010

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