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Jetpack [likely old info]

Archive: 7 posts

Forgive me if this is old info but I was suprised.. I just kept shaking and shaking my controller but nothing happened.

Then I actually read the screen. The jetpack is now taken off with the circle button, which makes me happy. I thought I was going to break my controller shaking it that much.
2008-10-25 23:01:00

Posts: 601

was just looking to see if there was a "differences from the beta" post.. about this one 2008-10-26 00:10:00

Posts: 18

yeah i noticed that, anyone else notice that pre-order codes dont work yet either?2008-10-26 00:14:00

Posts: 1082

Forgive me if this is old info but I was suprised.. I just kept shaking and shaking my controller but nothing happened.

Then I actually read the screen. The jetpack is now taken off with the circle button, which makes me happy. I thought I was going to break my controller shaking it that much.

This sounds as better idea than shaking like a man lol
Much better, me tinks anyways
2008-10-26 00:16:00

Posts: 2767

That's odd. I just tried it, and I still have to shake for it to come off. I am guessing it's because of the fact that my copy is pre-recall. I'll bet that flakmagnet, among others, still have to shake as well.2008-10-26 00:27:00

Posts: 3729

That's odd. I just tried it, and I still have to shake for it to come off. I am guessing it's because of the fact that my copy is pre-recall. I'll bet that flakmagnet, among others, still have to shake as well.

Ah. Perhaps that was the added "feature" they mentioned. It is a very nice change of pace. Maybe the old versions will get a patch for that.

I've also noticed some minor visual changes. The wobble bolt for example. I've noticed a few more but they are so minor that I can't even recall what they were.
2008-10-26 03:15:00

Posts: 601

SWEET, i love this!2008-10-26 05:08:00

Posts: 3154

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