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How to make a cirle button sennsor

Archive: 4 posts

Alot of people have played gevurah22s levels with the crazy circle pressing action...well i have come up with a way to recreate this ...to sense when the circle button has been pressed! ..so first off ull need a tetherd jetpack and a boxand a winch...now put the jetpack 1 layer behind the box and attach the winch
put a key on the box and a keyswitch on jetpack... Now set jetpack lenght to 4 and winch lenght to qabout 5 or 6 ...when u pick up the jetpack it hangs about 4 feet down so when u take it off it fall a lil bit on the 5 or 6 foot cord when it gets far away enuf to activate the key switch ..this jerks the winch back up to you re installing the jetpack and now u have the key switch wich can be hooked up to almost anything ,, if u have to convert the action you can use a slider so there you have it ...srry i cant put pics but ask any qeustion u want this tutorial may not be clear so ill answer and help out thanks!!!
2010-09-15 04:10:00

Posts: 7

This is the kind of thing that should be put in the tutorials section and oh look, it's already there (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=34577-Ability-To-Use-O-Button-as-a-Command.).2010-09-15 04:53:00

Posts: 2188

atually this is a new desing by gevurah 22 and its totally portable and reusable so now u can fly around in it like in gevurahs levels and you can reuse it too ... i didnt make this clear but no need to post angy comment to me about it srry for misunderstanding ]=2010-09-16 04:09:00

Posts: 7

Well actually https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=34871-How-to-make-a-robot....2010-09-16 04:56:00

Posts: 105

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