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Creator Spotlight 22 - Foofles

Archive: 113 posts


Guns, Fun and Bun(nnies)
Interview conducted by xkappax (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?1864)

What do you think of when I say the name Foofles? Do you think of great platforming? Maybe. Do you think of fun boss fights? Perhaps. But more than anything, when I say Foofles, the first thing that springs to mind is “Bunnies, bunnies and MORE bunnies!” Robotic Bunnies, Space Bunnies, and Giant Bunnies that step on me and kill me; they’re all there, and they’re all brilliant.

But Foofles’ levels are more than just a bunch of bunnies hopping around and shooting you in the face. They are a marriage between humor, good mechanics and polish. This combination rarely exists in the world of LittleBigPlanet. The levels don’t take themselves seriously, but they’re seriously hilarious, and that’s really what LittleBigPlanet is all about, isn’t it? But enough of my yappin’! Let’s get on with the interview and see what makes this creator tick... Er, I mean ‘hop’.



Shortly after Cog is hired by the Creator Spotlight crew, he learns that he's bitten off more than he can chew!


All right, this one isn’t really a question, but if you would be so kind, please list the levels you’ve published to date and any statistics you’d like to share with us, i.e. plays, hearts, how many rocket animals per level, etc. Whatever you feel like sharing.

Mystic Garden - This is a level I published during the pre-release beta. 476 Plays and 30 hearts. It took me a short time to make, I published it the last day of the beta and it got one heart I was so happy.

Mecha-Bunny Mayhem! - The first bunny level. 1,710 plays and 176 hearts. It's a short level but people seemed to have enjoyed it. There are 9 real bunnies and 28 mecha bunnies. Outnumbered, but the Q-tip of doom cannot be beaten!

Hare-Razing Heights! - Second bunny level, first one with a boss. 1,843 plays and 193 hearts. First level I started using intermediate logic like permanent switches, also plenty of little details I like in here. Like when you're riding in the elevator shaft there are these little robot bunnies in the background who run away as the lift nears them. Had a video review on the LBPreviews blog.

Tundra Trouble! - The third Bunny level and probably one of the hardest. 1,400 Plays, 92 hearts. I republished over a dozen times because people had trouble with the twin serpent boss.

Ghostly Grove - No bunnies! 640 plays, 59 hearts. There is a lone point bubble stuck in the wall that you cannot get. Oops . There are 34 spotlights in the woods to simulate the moonlight, and I love the effect. I changed the character design of the ghost enemies and bosses like 10 times before it was published.

Cosmic Conundrum - Act 4 of Bunny series. The first level I tried making with the MGS kit. 299 hearts and 2,492 plays. This was on Media Molecule's front page once! The area where the bunny hotwires the rocket has enemies that respawn infinitely until he is done, so the faster you kill the more points you get!!!

Factory Frenzy - Act 5 of the bunny series. 771 plays and 77 hearts. The things that fall down rails in the background were a last second add and I think they look great. The section from the race end to the level end takes up 1 bar on the thermometer, and the last bar was left to finalize the visuals.

Bunnies in Space - my level for the GOTY disc. Does this count? I don't know how many plays or hearts there were here, but I get a lot of comments on it. Mixed bag. Some people say they love it, other half complains of glitches. I can't fix the glitches and couldn't get anyone to test it for me. Trivia: When I first started working on this it was actually...

Wild Adventure in the Woods - My latest but not last bunny level. 824 plays and 82 hearts. Character design went through 5 different revisions. That bird! He kept looking ugly.

Kitchen Katastrophy - 188 plays, 40 hearts. New level! No bunnies. /lie Ok there may or may not be one if you have a keen eye

No rocket cheetahs were harmed in the making of any levels.

Now, tell me... of these levels, which is your favorite? And why?
That's so hard to say. I'd say I like cosmic conundrum most because it's full of action, but I also really like the atmosphere I made in Factory Frenzy, Ghostly Grove, and Wild Adventure in the Woods. I think I really nailed the look I was going for in Factory Frenzy the most.

How long have you been playing LBP?
I followed the game since it was announced and got into the pre-release beta the last few days it was running. I got the game on day 1 so I'm a veteran.

What was the first full level you ever built? And what was it like?
Mystic Garden, from the beta. You can see for yourself! It's short, not terribly complex, and a little frustrating towards the end. I did it to see how well I knew the tools.

What creators and levels (if any) have inspired you to create?
Media Molecule mainly. They have a certain charm to most of their levels and they don't feel overly complex or crowded. I'm trying to really nail this idea in my next bunny level.

Aside from drawing inspiration from other creators and levels, is there anything in the world outside of LittleBigPlanet that inspires you? This could be a hobby, profession, or even a particular movie or type of music. Pretty much it can be anything in your personal life that has contributed to your experiences as well as inspired you as a creator.
I get inspired by everything! So many games across many genres I'll play and think, "This would work great in LittleBigPlanet!". Even mean games like God of War have that effect. I'm starting a new series where I'm mostly inspired by the regular world we live in but from the POV of a few inch tall sackperson. Huge, huge, huge inspiration for me are old school platforming games like Donkey Kong Country and Sonic the Hedgehog.

What are some of your favorite video games (excluding LBP) - new and old?
Donkey Kong Country, Grim Fandango, Duke Nukem 3D, Commander Keen series, Final Fantasy 8, Super Mario RPG, House of the Dead 2 for Dreamcast with the light gun, Demon's Souls, the Hugo adventure series for DOS.. pretty much most of the 8 and 16 bit era platforming and adventure games!

If you could list your favorite things about LittleBigPlanet, what would they be?
Very powerful toolset, great community, great soundtrack.

And your least favorite thing(s)?
The tools are a little annoying to use sometimes, especially working between layers.
The graphics. Yes, you heard me Sony / MM, your graphics suck! I think they can be a lot sharper and less bland. There's this fuzzy effect on everything and it looks horrible, like the camera was smeared with vaseline or something.
The prompt when someone invites you or wants to join you, it steals focus from whatever you were doing. Who thought of that? I hate it so much.The fact that it's so hard to make something that looks genuinely good. Everything looks so flat, works great for some things, works poorly for others.

What’s the worst thing that’s happened while creating?
Many times I published levels to have them then break and everything in the level unglue and fall apart and I'd have to go back and fix it over and over again. I don't think this happens anymore.

On a sort of similar subject, have there ever been any great ideas you had that failed or for any other reason you never implemented?
Hundreds. Usually I end up recycling the idea when I get better at the game. Actually in my Wild Adventure in the Woods level, I wanted to do some kind of setup where you'd have to punch the boss with these spring loaded boxing gloves. It kept breaking though, I will have to recycle the idea later.

In my new Kitchen Katastrophy level, in the part with the mouse, I originally planned to have dangers like gas that you'd have to avoid but then got into issues with player respawns and things and simplified it so there are obstacles but none are lethal. Thought I could work it out but just wanted to get the level out, even considered removing the mouse part altogether but left it for variety.

If you worked for Media Molecule, what would your first order of business be? This could be anything from adding materials or tools to eradicating H4H.
I'd improve the rendering engine and shaders. Like I said, it looks awful. It should look a lot crisper. I'd also put in more variety to the materials, especially metals. I'd also like the ability to make objects have ACTUAL rounded edges, if you know what I mean. I hate how everything looks so rectangular along the Z axis.

I think I'd also like more variety to the corner editor, like maybe a "smooth" brush to round out edges, I think that would be divine.



I would NOT want this guy on my bad side!


So, all right. This is the first question that has to be asked. Foofles, if that IS your real name, what is the deal with you and bunnies? Are you particularly fond of rabbits, do you have a pet rabbit or is there some other reason you chose them as the main subject matter for your levels?
Bunnies are cute. Ok, embarrassing story - There was a show on TV for kids, I think it had a puppet called Lamb Chop and it had a little song about Little Bunny Foo Foo, and my mom called me that ever since. It stuck and I'd use Lil' Bunny Foo Foo online, and then I'd start shorting it to 'Foo' variations and happened upon Foofles eventually, and the bunny stuck. The bunny design in my avatar is ancient. I had one pet bunny but I had to give him away. I love bunnies but actually cats are my favorite animals!!! SHOCK AND HORROR!

You are a big fan of guns and a big advocate of second amendment rights. I also see that a lot of your levels use the Paintinator. Am I sensing a correlation here?
Not necessarily. I feel guns are not toys, so my paintinator usage wasn't really to turn LBP into call of duty, but I felt it was really action oriented and fun. I'm also trying to shy away from using paintinator as I think for now I've exhausted my creative juices on paintinator bosses and I think I've relied on the gimmick for too long.

Oh who am I kidding, I love shooting stuff until it blows up.

We have talked many times about this subject, but you have told me many times that it feels like the magic has left the game and that you feel that LittleBigPlanet hasn’t lived up to your expectations that you had of it in the beginning. What were these expectations and what are you hopes for the future of LBP and LBP2?
It's really hard to put into words. I suppose when I first saw the videos of LittleBigPlanet pre-release, I got this warm feeling inside just full of childish abandon. Like nothing but joy and silly fun. Even just dancing around with feathers on your head like a Kindergartner made my heart flutter with delight. Everything seemed so playful and warm, but it seems like the community isn't bringing that out in the game. Myself included. I am going to try my hardest to bring these feelings into my next bunny level, due within the next couple of weeks.

You like to use alliteration in the titles of your levels. Ghostly Grove, Cosmic Conundrum, etc. Is this something that you decided to do from the very beginning, or did it just happen?
It just kind of happened because I liked the sound of it, then the 2nd level I had a good pun and then I figured, why not? It's cool enough if I don't have to force it. Like in my latest bunny level and my next one, I didn't happen upon any good titles like that so I'm not using it.

You were one of the lucky creators chosen back in the winter of 2009 to work on the Game of the Year Edition (you lucky bugger!). That had to be extremely exciting. Can you talk a bit about your experience?
I'm not sure, can I? It was very interesting, it started with a PSN message that I thought would end up being for some blog and then I eventually started getting emails from SCEA producers. It was tough, I think the thing that really bothered me was that I couldn't actually get any opinions on my work or get anyone to test it, otherwise I might not have the few known issues there are now that I can't even fix.

It was also very exciting to work with the camera crew, I actually improvised my little dialogue on the spot. I also cut my hair since then, so rejoice or cry.

I was under a very strict NDA about it, so I couldn't talk to anyone about it even though I was excited. As soon as it was lifted I told everyone the good news. Yup I didn't tell any of my friends. I can keep secrets amazingly well

One thing that has always been memorable about your levels, aside from the bunnies, are your boss battles. What sort of process goes into making these battles? Do you plan them out meticulously, or is it something that just happens when you are in the level messing around?
I think you can judge that from the quality. With things like my serpent battle in Tundra Trouble, I imagined the design and creation in my head for days before I actually started it; I planned all the logic in advance even before I started the level. The same with the boss from the 2nd bunny level, the one that stomps his hands on the ground. To be honest I could make him more stable and less cheap now, so maybe I should rerelease some older bunny acts.

The second boss in Factory Frenzy was totally just thrown together. I'm running stale on the Paintinator bosses so that's one more reason I'm not going to be using paintinators as much anymore.

This isn’t exactly related to LBP, but you started making your very own 3D Game engine a little while ago. I remember seeing concept art of giant cheese enemies, evil bananas that looked like Duurps, and my favorite, the Grapes of Wrath. Can we expect to see a full game by you in the future featuring these wacky creatures? Talk about anything you want about this Foof-engine, we’re here to listen. ^__^
The Foof Engine has been on hold for a bit, I am trying to work a client-server setup instead of what was there before. To be honest, I didn't go into it with intentions of having a game with all the fruit and alien characters but I think it could work, it seems cooky enough that people would want to play it. I'm always rewriting it to make it better, and the engine as a whole will support a scene editor. Not like Unreal Ed exactly, but something similar.

Right now the Renderer is for DirectX10 only, ie. Vista and up. But I will put in support for OpenGL, DirectX 9, etc. It's a small part of the engine to code, really. Modular design.

Latest video here: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrFoofles#p/a/u/0/P0vjZh8MsGg

You can see that it supports full collision against scenery and movable scenery. Graphics wise, it supports a lot of effects but not all of them are perfected enough for me to display. I'm still working on things like particle systems, I also am working on better lighting algorithms. I also temporarily disabled animation blending as I make it better...

Uses my own Model format which supports skeletal animation with 256 bones per mesh, 4 bone influences per vertex. I also have a plugin to export from 3DS Max. So really, if I ever release the engine in a format that would allow people to create their own games, you could easily create art assets in 3DS max and export them into the engine.

To be honest my engine is the framework for a much larger and extremely serious game idea. I don't know if I wish to disclose it here I am actually trying to talk to sony about helping me get this project started, it would be PS3 exclusive in that case!

You are excellent at injecting just the right amount of humor into your levels. Even your more serious levels are peppered with humor here and there. You just can’t help but smile at robotic bunnies, even if they are trying to kill you. Is it hard for you to achieve that mix of humor and polish in a level?
Humor is always something that came naturally to me, I find the humor that works best is always something spontaneous and that just happens naturally. If you force humor it tends to feel stale.

What can we expect from Mr. Foofles in the future (LBP future, not real future, lol!)?
I will start working on LBP levels again. I am going to toy with a new series that pits you in regular human environments but as a few inch tall sackperson. The first one was in a Kitchen and I hope everyone enjoys it. I will also be working on a new bunny level but I would really like to show people I can do more than bunnies. You'll find I'm starting to stray away from the mecha-bunny theme, but I may return to it eventually. The next bunny level will not have evil robotic armies trying to kill you, just other things

And now, a light-hearted question: Your levels feature giant, gun-wielding, evil bunnies. What would you do if you came across one of these giant bunnies in real life and would it require more firepower than currently at your disposal?
Firepower? All I got for firepower is my Yorkshire terrier Tiger and a bunch of toy guns. And of course my guitars and amps. I'm sorry, I hate to say it, but if NYC were really invaded by an army of evil, mechanical bunnies... I think we'd be done for.

Finally, is there anything you, as a creator, would like to add to this? Or any other experiences you’d like to share? If not, I’d like to ask one more question of you: If you could give any bit of advice to new creators out there who are thinking about entering the wonderful world of creating, what would it be?
Have fun! Don't stress out over making things in the game, it's a game and games should be fun, not a chore! I know I always have fun when I'm creating, and if I'm not having fun I stop I don't do anything I don't enjoy.

Other than that, some general advice: give things depth! Don't just slap a huge color sticker on big flat blocks... flesh them out a bit! Use stickers, you have to really think outside the box but you'd be surprised at what you can use these things for. Some more obvious things are the gradients... I use them all the time to shade things in, makes them have a little more depth.

Animate things! Use different materials! Give things life. And don't forget sound!!! Remember, a key point of animation in general is that everything is exaggerated! Especially sound, if you knock down a door in your level don't just rely on the game physics to play a little "bang" sound. Put in sound effects to make it sound like a wrecking ball is knocking down a 50 foot door made of solid steel!

And use clean color combinations. You should stick to 3 main colors for each of your areas in the level. And shapes, don't worry about getting really elaborate shapes, LBP favors a sort of cardboard cutout character style anyway, if you try to make it too realistic and detailed it actually looks awful.



Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!
He's got huge, sharp... er... He can leap about... LOOK AT THE BONES!


It's the battle of the bands. This is the moment that BoxGhost has been waiting for her whole life. She gets up on the stage, confident that this is going to finally be her time to shine... but wait.... what is that awesome music? And where is it coming from?! Find out in this exciting installment of RemoteMoonProductions' Creator Closeup! And just so y'all know, Foofles recorded all of his own guitar music for this one! ENJOY!


For those of you with shiny ipads and iphones, here's the direct link to the video:


Foofles has been rockin' the pop-it since the very beginnings of the game and is very good at it. With a PSN name like Foofles, you just can't help but smile when you're blasting through the hoards of evil mechanical bunnies that he sets you against. His levels are about something that I truly believe has been lost by many creators since the very beginning of this game: Fun. It's what the game is all about. Sure, his levels also have all the polish and bells and whistles that it takes to be a top creator, but they also have that "Media Molecule" quality about them. I think that's one of the things that sets Foofles here apart from the rest. Well, that, and I challenge you to find another who can maintain the level of humor and fun in their levels as long as he has. And if Foofles ever does choose to abandon the Epic Bunny series, perhaps he will treat us with another weapon-wielding animal adventure, such as Kitten Kraze or Puppy Pandemonium? I know I'd play it.

Well, that's all, folks! We hope you have enjoyed this installment of the Creator Spotlight. For past spotlights, please visit this link (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?100-Creator-Spotlight-Archive). See you in two weeks!
2010-09-12 14:26:00

Posts: 5338

Yay a new spotlight! I'll read it right away 2010-09-12 14:32:00

Posts: 1653

Foofles has such a cool presenting voice!!2010-09-12 14:40:00

Posts: 2105

Yay, great interview!

Now I'm going to watch the creator closeup
2010-09-12 14:46:00

Posts: 3871

Hurray for Foofles!
One of the wackiest creator of LBP!
I'm glad you got spotlighted, totally worth it. Thanks a million Spotlight Crew, we love you!
2010-09-12 14:47:00

Posts: 1712

It's up!

I'd like to thank my fans, and my mom, and my dog, and my neighbor, and the LBP community


And the mailman, and my ISP, and Sony, and MM


And my 4th Grade teacher Mrs. Rifkin, and my ... I'm not out of the game yet people, that level you see a very small preview of is coming this week... and it's going to be the best of all.
2010-09-12 15:02:00

Posts: 2278

Sorry this one is up a bit late, guys... we had a bit of a weird sync problem with the video... stupid youtube! Anyway, it's up, and I want to thank Leather for his master editing skillz, and jw for his vigilance and hard work on this one. And Teebonesy for... well, having the best mustache this side of Texas.

I'd also like to take this time to welcome our two new crew members. First, we've got Cog, who recorded all of the playthrough stuff for this video. He's been extremely helpful in this one, and I'm happy to have him on the team.

The second new member is DayneOram. Dayne is pretty much a jack of all trades, so he'll be doing odd jobs for the spotlight crew and helping out with some of the writing on the future spotlights and some video editing. Dayne has been EXTREMELY helpful in the past few weeks that he's been part of the team, so everyone give him a warm welcome, and Cog too!

Oh, and thanks to Foofles for the original guitar music in this video and for the Bunny Stage. ^___^

Okay, I'll shut up now, except for this statement: When you watch the video, please keep in mind that I CAN play guitar (kinda) and am not as bad as the video might lead you to believe.
2010-09-12 15:05:00

Posts: 2569

Yay! Foofles! Definitely the craziest creator evaaaaa

Excellent spotlight as usual! Thanks spotlight team! Welcome Cog and Dayne!

Can't wait to see that level, Foofles!
2010-09-12 15:07:00

Posts: 1355

Very interesting read. I'll have to remember to try out these levels when I get some time.

Congrats on the creator spotlight Foofles!

Welcome to the new spotlight members, great work!
2010-09-12 15:09:00

Posts: 2536

Awesome spotlight, thanks guys!

I've only played Foofles GOTY level (it was crazy!), but I'll try to play the others the next time I get a chance.
2010-09-12 15:15:00

Posts: 1800

The second new member is DayneOram. Dayne is pretty much a jack of all trades, so he'll be doing odd jobs for the spotlight crew and helping out with some of the writing on the future spotlights and some video editing. Dayne has been EXTREMELY helpful in the past few weeks that he's been part of the team, so everyone give him a warm welcome, and Cog too!

Yay thanks =)

Okay, I'll shut up now, except for this statement: When you watch the video, please keep in mind that I CAN play guitar and am not as bad as the video might lead you to believe.

Just to point out to everyone, if you picked up on "My Patch" at the end - that was xkappax!
2010-09-12 15:19:00

Posts: 2105

Okay I read it now, awesome interview and well deserved for Foofles. The video was also amazing, more on that down below...
This would actually look like I am doing a double post but I'm pretty sure people have posted by now...

Foofles is indeed a very good creator and a very funny guy, just look at his intervie from the GOTY edition, so much emotion in that little speech.
Although I have to confess, I have only played the kitchen level and the GOTY level... I'm not too familiar with his epic bunnies.
I like how he was actually the first one to answer the first question properly, with all the info on bunnies and plays and other stuff.

I have to agree on the fact that LBP has lost its warm fuzzy feeling, so many levels are too serious these days... not that LBP would have become bad, it's just not new anymore. Good thing LBP2 is coming... oh yes!

Umm yeah, the Foof engine is actually really interesting, I've watched videos of it but never really thought of how much work was put into it. I hope we get to see a PS3 exlusive by Foofles some day, that would be awesome!

Overall the interview was awesome, it shows that Foofles is a funny guy...
Now onto the video...
Yay, a creator closeup again, I prefer those to the rewinds just because they show the creator a lot more.

Nice guitar music, Foofles really has some talent.
I lol'd at the "look at this low budget"
Really cool to see Foofles levels behind the scenes, I always like to see other people's levels in create mode.
I have to disagree with Jww, bananas aren't really the same as bunnies... except for the eyes and the cartoony stuff... Although those bananas aren't normal, right?
The video kinda shows that you don't have to build complex things to make it awesome...
Oh yeah the ending of the video, awesomeness

The sound quality was great this time, I hope it will stay like that in the future. Nice bloopers at the end, too
I think that's pretty much it, thank you for doing these spotlights

Oh yeah nearly forgot, what is Cog doing on the team? I see him in the photos but he isn't mentioned in the vid credits so I suppose he just snaps those photos?
EDIT: Oh that got answered, thanks
2010-09-12 15:43:00

Posts: 1653

Great Creator Spotlights, as always! And video is pretty cool and funny as usual. Foofle's bunnies and bananas are bonanzas!2010-09-12 15:44:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Really cool to see Foofles levels behind the scenes, I always like to see other people's levels in create mode.
I have to disagree with Jww, bananas aren't really the same as bunnies... except for the eyes and the cartoony stuff... Although those bananas aren't normal, right?
The video kinda shows that you don't have to build complex things to make it awesome...
Oh yeah the ending of the video, awesomeness

The sound quality was great this time, I hope it will stay like that in the future. Nice bloopers at the end, too
I think that's pretty much it, thank you for doing these spotlights

Oh yeah nearly forgot, what is Cog doing on the team? I see him in the photos but he isn't mentioned in the vid credits so I suppose he just snaps those photos?
EDIT: Oh that got answered, thanks

Thanks!! Glad you enjoyed!

Bunnies and Bananas both start with B! ..yeah, I know.. I was just being silly.

Using Skype really has helped a bunch! ..not sure why it didn't work on rtm's, but possibly his mic was just not cooperating at all.

There wasn't a ton of setwork since Foofles did his bunny stage himself and Sara sorta borrowed a certain PITM stage.. lol. Most of the time was on the demolition in the last scene trying to get stuff to land somewhat like it was shown in the final scene and just making it nice and explody. Also have to give a nod to Teebonesy for the awesome boxghost first person box scene and the ecstatic crowd bits as well as his usual amazing brand of hilarity that is such great fun for me to play off time after time.

Cog is helping out by recording the normal play through bits that really helps add an extra dimension to the closeup while the creator is describing. He also helped out by posing for the pics. Takes a huge load off of me!!

Dayne has been helping with quite a bit of the proofreading and other stuff behind the scenes. We have some more stuff in store for him soon.

Thanks Cog and Dayne! Welcome to the insanity!!

...and thanks for all the comments everyone! These are really fun to do, but wow.. takes a ton of time!!
2010-09-12 15:59:00

Posts: 11383

Thanks Cog and Dayne! Welcome to the insanity!!

Thanks! And Insanity is my middle name...

Well, actually it's mad, and it's my sub-username...

Same thing!!
2010-09-12 16:02:00

Posts: 2105

Great interview as always. Congrats Foofles, and great work on the spotlight interview kappa.

May I ask why all of RemoteMoonProduction's subscribers are half-naked emo girls?
2010-09-12 16:21:00

Posts: 3664

Great interview as always. Congrats Foofles, and great work on the spotlight interview kappa.

May I ask why all of RemoteMoonProduction's subscribers are half-naked emo girls?

I am no half-naked emo girl
2010-09-12 16:36:00

Posts: 1653

Great interview as always. Congrats Foofles, and great work on the spotlight interview kappa.

May I ask why all of RemoteMoonProduction's subscribers are half-naked emo girls?

You may ask... we have no answer! Not ALL of them though.. Looks like 8 or 10 of the almost 500 subscribers! Yay!
2010-09-12 16:45:00

Posts: 11383

Congrats to Foofles and thanks for another great spotlight! Heh, I've always had a special place in my heart for rabbits, so I'll definitely have to make sure to check out all of the bunny levels, asap! 2010-09-12 17:26:00

Posts: 95

Great spotlight, video and of course creator.

Keep it up everybody!
2010-09-12 17:43:00

Posts: 429

I had so much fun editing this! Foofles is awesome.

I had hours of epic stuff to edit with and it was unbearable to scrub most of it so the video could fit on YouTube. Speaking of YouTube, I left my computer on constantly for the past 2 days/nights because of uploading problems. Blarg, was worth it though. Thanks to the Spotlight Crew for letting me edit this, and being so patient with me when it came to uploading. (Eek) :blush:
2010-09-12 17:45:00

Posts: 2266

Yikes! Sorry Leather... forgot to thank you for all the amazing editing as well as sharing the stage for a wee bit with Foofles! Still wish that stage intro hadn't have ended up on the cutting floor. lol.. just kidding.

Also big thanks to Sara for the original concept of the storyline. It sort of went off on it's own after that.. because well.. we just like any excuse to smash and blow stuff up. lol
2010-09-12 17:53:00

Posts: 11383

Good stuff!

Loved the little rockband stuff in the beginning.

Glad to see this spotlight since I've never actually seen these levels before and they look quite grand and fun.

Really enjoyed the informative behind the scenes reveal - thanks Foofles.

And thanks Spotlight Crew - another great production.
2010-09-12 17:58:00

Posts: 1230

I had so much fun editing this! Foofles is awesome.

I had hours of epic stuff to edit with and it was unbearable to scrub most of it so the video could fit on YouTube. Speaking of YouTube, I left my computer on constantly for the past 2 days/nights because of uploading problems. Blarg, was worth it though. Thanks to the Spotlight Crew for letting me edit this, and being so patient with me when it came to uploading. (Eek) :blush:

thanks so much Leather for going through all the trouble of getting the video up And thanks to the rest of the crew for bearing with my schedule.

I wanted to give you more music but don't have much opportunity to record in my apartment lol If anyone has an issue with the music, kiss my fluffy butt
2010-09-12 18:16:00

Posts: 2278

Thanks alot crew and foofles! These interviews must take alot of your time and we really appreiciate it!2010-09-12 18:16:00

Posts: 562

yes another creator spotlight congratulations Foofles I love your bunny levels they are so fun XD

Also thanks to spotlight team for bringing another incredible spotlight
2010-09-12 18:28:00

Posts: 1843

Great interview as usual, I'll try to see the video right now 2010-09-12 18:31:00

Posts: 5208

Oh another great spotlight, congrats Foofles! well deserved
also great Interview spotlight team!
2010-09-12 18:33:00

Posts: 758

Nice guitar playing xkappax 2010-09-12 18:36:00

Posts: 2345

Congratulations Foofles, Foofles, Foofles, Foofles, sorry, just love the sound of your fabulous name!

Brilliant interview Sara and as always, the video was splendiferous! Thanks to all the lovely members of the crew and welcome to Cog and Dayne. Can't wait to hear your voices!

2010-09-12 18:43:00

Posts: 1057

Hey I just notice something Foofles you create some big logic switches lol XD2010-09-12 19:16:00

Posts: 1843

Congrats Foofles! Your sort of like the bunny of creators... quiet but prolific!

Awesome guitar playing too.... I suddenly feel the need to load up Rock Band 2 so I can pretend to play You should put up a vid of you playing Painkiller for real.... seriously impressive stuff!

@ The spotlight team - great work as always! Thanks for another informative and funny video!
2010-09-12 19:18:00

Posts: 5983

WHAT?! My reality just went topsy-turvy!
I thought Jww's voice was Teeb and Teeb's was Jww's!
What is this madness?!?!42!!!

Another AAA spotlight, good work everyone!

And awesome levels Foofles!!!
This makes me want to start a LittleBigBand in LBP2 lol!
Guitarist,bassist(me of course xD), drummer..

Foofles, as someone who has brought the LBP graphics engine to the brink of imploding into empty space, I must disagree with you on the graphical capabilities of LBP.
Personally, I believe that if people were to spend time experimenting with the corner editer and sticker/decorations there would be more visually stunning levels.
The only major problems I find with the graphics is that if you put too many stickers too close together, the game will glitch and break the material that they are placed on.(By embedding the stickers into the material and mixing the colors together too much.)
Other than that, large stickers tend to flicker and show other, nearby stickers underneath them when they flicker.
Though the game could do with an upgrade..or even just fixing those glitches would be nice..

Oh and don't worry xkappax, we believe you about your guitar playing
2010-09-12 19:22:00

Posts: 1800

Congrats to Foofles. Bunnies FTW

And congrats to the spotlight crew for giving me something fun to do while the sky pours buckets of rain outside.

2010-09-12 19:42:00

Posts: 1114

Foofles, as someone who has brought the LBP graphics engine to the brink of imploding into empty space, I must disagree with you on the graphical capabilities of LBP.
Personally, I believe that if people were to spend time experimenting with the corner editer and sticker/decorations there would be more visually stunning levels.

I agree that stuff goes a long way to making it look better, but everything is inherently flat by the engine design. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing depending to the artistic design, mine takes advantage of it as best as I can. That and I think the lighting engine is a little flat, for some reason I thought it would be better from the trailers pre-release. I just hate the grainy/muddy look to the game, regardless of what the level art is.

Awesome guitar playing too.... I suddenly feel the need to load up Rock Band 2 so I can pretend to play You should put up a vid of you playing Painkiller for real.... seriously impressive stuff!

Thanks, although I could've put in better guitar work I just didn't have much time so I threw the first things that came to mind when I thought of happy bunnies running around. The more I hear the beginning song the more I wish I would've gotten something more "oomphy" but whatever
2010-09-12 19:52:00

Posts: 2278

Cool spotlight, never played a Foofles level! :O They all look so awesome, must catch up!

Music was awesome, and so was the video in general!

Just wondering, who was that guy backstage with kappa at the start of the video?

2010-09-12 19:53:00

Posts: 409

I don't know. Some guy who wandered onto the set. I think he said his name was Ringo, or Bingo... I dunno.

(actually, it was Teebonesy, he was supposed to be my producer or something?)
2010-09-12 20:46:00

Posts: 2569

i see congratulations are in order...couldnt have said it better myself (seriously these spotlights take ages to read thru now lol)2010-09-12 20:55:00

Posts: 3365

HA, just noticed the Monty Python reference 2010-09-12 20:57:00

Posts: 1800

Ha! Funny interview with the King Of Bunnies. Great read. 2010-09-12 21:02:00

Posts: 2979

Another great interview and hilarious video! Foofles and Bunnies forever!2010-09-12 21:06:00

Posts: 1335

Congratulations Foofles. Your "Game of the year edition" level "Bunnies From Space" is awesome and hilarious and the boss battle is epic. As always the spotlight crew does an amazing job on an interview and video.2010-09-12 21:17:00

Posts: 1314

Wow, the video came together very well! Great job guys!

I'm happy to be apart of this awesome team
2010-09-12 21:19:00

Posts: 2358

I love Boxghosts first person view.2010-09-12 21:53:00

Posts: 637

Wow, the video came together very well! Great job guys!

I'm happy to be apart of this awesome team

Me too Mad isn't it?

(The group that is)
2010-09-12 22:12:00

Posts: 2105

Congrats, Foofles! I have to say, this was an incredibly hilarious Creator Spotlight, kept me laughing for ages!2010-09-12 23:40:00

Posts: 463

Thanks again spotlight team for another great interview and video!

To be honest I haven't played any of Foofles levels except for the GOTY level. I'll make sure to check out his levels next time.
2010-09-13 00:04:00

Posts: 111

Foofles has great levels, and from most indicators is also fun people. Grats to him for this, thanks to the spotlight crew...and here's to crossing my fingers for more GOTY creators showing up on spotlights!2010-09-13 00:20:00

Posts: 422

Great interview again. I have to confess that, although I'd heard of him, I didn't know very much about Foofles or his work. The interview was the perfect way of catching up on what I've been missing - both informative and entertaining, once again.

I loved the video too. The Creator Close-up's are really cool because they give you a genuine opportunity to get an insight into what makes a creator tick. Foofles' warmth and enthusiasm came across so well! Hilarious intro and outro too, as ever!

Oh, and as I loved his Kitchen level, I was so pleased to learn there's going to be a series!
2010-09-13 00:34:00

Posts: 1455

I learned so much from the interview and behind the creator closeup! These are a blessing! Keep it up!

Oh, and to Mr. Foofles, love your oddness! Keep it up!
2010-09-13 00:56:00

Unknown User

Awesome spotlight, I really love foofles levels. They always have this "quirky" quality to them, and the bunnies are classic.2010-09-13 01:51:00

Posts: 222

Really great Spotlight! I haven't played much of Foofles' stuff, but everyone's heard of him! I remember playing Bunnies in Space when I first got the game, months before I got my PS3 online, and then thinking "Oh, yeah, he's that Bunnies guy," when I played Kitchen Katastrophe.

What surprises me is that it's taken you guys this long to Spotlight him!
2010-09-13 03:03:00

Posts: 331

I Loved The Spotlight Foofles! Keep On Making Amazing Levels!!!!!

Oh Ya, I Also Love That Little BoxGhost He/She Is So Cute!!!!! xkappax Right?
2010-09-13 03:19:00

Posts: 453

... What surprises me is that it's taken you guys this long to Spotlight him!

First off glad you liked the spotlight as we had fun as well!!

To be honest, we like surprises. Having everyone guess "who's next" is as much as part of the fun as doing the spotlight. So far, there have been 22 spotlights and this crew started with lucky number 13. That means we just now completed our 10th. Ack!! Seems like 100 of them to me!

We have lots more surprises in store, both known and maybe not so well known. With as much amazing talent walking the halls here at LBPC, I think you will find it will be quite awhile before we don't get a comment like this.
2010-09-13 03:32:00

Posts: 11383

aaaa what an amazing spotlight! I think I am in love with bunnies now! hahaha. Great job on the video guys, kept me entertained the whole time. Keep up the good work!2010-09-13 04:11:00

Posts: 1010

HAHA someone please remind me to play foofles levels, they look awesome 2010-09-13 04:57:00

Posts: 775

Hey all,

Congratulations on the spotlight Foofles! Very well deserved. My little brother and I always play Bunnies in Space for a guaranteed good'ol fun time and smiles. Thanks for making these fantastic and charming levels for the community to enjoy!

Thanks Creator Spotlight Crew for all your hard work making a totally engrossing and entertaining interview. That video was also ace once again; I always look forward to watching them. And don't worry xkappax, I know you can play the guitar! Hehe.

Finding some evil mechanical carrots,
2010-09-13 05:04:00

Posts: 648

Bunnies bunnies bunnies!!!!
Congrats on the spotlight foofles!!!!
2010-09-13 05:13:00

Posts: 2442

Congrats to FooFles and bunnies everywhere.2010-09-13 07:31:00

Posts: 637

What an incredible spotlight, funny creator closeup, but I still feel bad for poor boxghost D: Poem coming up in a bit for Foofles 2010-09-13 16:03:00

Posts: 1627

i really want that battle of the bands track for in-game music... i demand a foofles box

and hey, i recognize that stage

"it doesn't have to make sense in the real world it just has to fit the theme" qft
2010-09-13 16:24:00

Unknown User

Yeah, I forgot to put that in my main post, but I think jw said something about it. The stage that boxghost is on in the video was made by ninjamicwz, gruntosuk, jackofcourse and me, although I took out all the parts that I made, lol. It was for a contest template called Piggy in The Middle in the online create beta. Sorry about that, ninja, I didn't mean not to give you guys credit!

And yeah, foofles is a talented guy, isn't he?
2010-09-13 16:27:00

Posts: 2569

i wasn't worried about it, kappa. i'm not like that... i just thought it was cool to see the cameo/memories. made me feel like part of something bigger 2010-09-13 16:29:00

Unknown User

That's what I was goin' for, ninja. ^__^2010-09-13 16:33:00

Posts: 2569

Hey fellow GOTY buddy! *hi five*2010-09-13 17:21:00

Posts: 1476

Congratulations on your well-earned Spotlight!

I have a household of cats and bunnies that co-exist quite peacefully... I reserve my shock and horror...

I love bunnies but actually cats are my favorite animals!!! SHOCK AND HORROR!

The graphics. Yes, you heard me Sony / MM, your graphics suck! I think they can be a lot sharper and less bland. There's this fuzzy effect on everything and it looks horrible, like the camera was smeared with vaseline or something.

And shapes, don't worry about getting really elaborate shapes, LBP favors a sort of cardboard cutout character style anyway, if you try to make it too realistic and detailed it actually looks awful.
2010-09-13 17:38:00

Posts: 1308

Awesome spotlight! I have two bunnies of my own, I don't think they are evil though...

Congrats Foofles!
2010-09-13 19:52:00

Posts: 1316

Haha foofles seems like a cool guy!
Great interview and brilliant vid. Well done everyone!
2010-09-13 21:44:00

Posts: 1969

Bunnies are awesome!

I've been a fan of the Epic Bunny series since they were first spotlighted, and the bunnies in space was one of the best GOTY edition levels - one of several I keep going back to.

You've done a great job, Foofles, and totally deserve this Creator Spotlight. Keep it up - we expect great things from you in LBP2.
2010-09-14 16:00:00

Posts: 4430

I love creator spotlight and i love Foofles' levels so this creator spotlight is good one for me! . Indeed Floofles is one of the best creators on lbp.2010-09-14 18:21:00

Unknown User

Is this finally up!

any way This was amazing i knew i heard the name foofles before but DIDN'T KNOW HE DID GOTYedittion thats so cool (only one of his levels)

*few* the amount of replies back here Anyway Congrats FOOFLES!
2010-09-14 19:48:00

Posts: 247

House of the Dead 2 for Dreamcast with the light gun
Omg it's a dreamcaster! I love you so much. Just for that, I'm going to play EVERY single one of your levels. (getting back to my D-2 based level for dreamcast in LBP. Hope to have it released y november)
2010-09-15 03:28:00

Posts: 1382

Even that I have never heard of you (sorry for that) I think you totally deserve this spotlight. Good job Foofles and good job spotlight team. Must be pretty excisting! huh.2010-09-15 14:43:00

Posts: 2462

awesome! great job guys.2010-09-15 19:32:00

Posts: 777

Thanks for all the kind words everyone It means more than I can express. I'm working very hard to bring a new level out this week, so I hope you'll enjoy it. I restarted it many times because it didn't have the right zing to it but now I'm happy with it.

Omg it's a dreamcaster! I love you so much. Just for that, I'm going to play EVERY single one of your levels. (getting back to my D-2 based level for dreamcast in LBP. Hope to have it released y november)

Heh Dreamcast was an awesome console, I definitely have to go back and play some of my dreamcast games. Unfortunately I can't play House of the Dead 2 on it anymore because I have an LCD TV and the light gun only works on a CRT
2010-09-15 20:28:00

Posts: 2278

lol, Pants i think ur the wackiest creator of all. i mean, just look at ur avatar, a moving furry mouth creature, only u would be that strange.2010-09-15 23:24:00

Posts: 12

Ha, pretty interesting.
Loved that "free bird" gag at the end!
2010-09-16 22:09:00

Posts: 2513

lol cool video!
I've actually never played any of Foofles' levels
2010-09-18 17:55:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

Well, I'm ashamed to say I've never played a Foofles level, but clearly, since Foofles got creator spotlighted, I should make an effort to do so.

Any recommendations where to start?
2010-09-18 20:31:00

Posts: 2130

I think Factory Frenzy is my favorite of his levels. The bunnies are just so cute and hilarious, but that one has a nice visual style, too. The bunnies in space level from the GOTY collection is also a good one to try.2010-09-18 20:51:00

Posts: 2569

Anybody wanna bet whos goin to keep playing in avalon the first month of lbp2 release? 2010-09-18 21:00:00

Posts: 3365

I'm still working hard on the next bunny level. Will try to finish up tonight / tomorrow.

Anybody wanna bet whos goin to keep playing in avalon the first month of lbp2 release?

What is that? Is it something with bunnies or something?

(Foofles knows next to nothing about LBP2 other than he thinks there's a music sequencer that he wants to play with)
2010-09-18 22:11:00

Posts: 2278

(Foofles knows next to nothing about LBP2 other than he thinks there's a music sequencer that he wants to play with)

Hey!!! That's Mr Foofles to you buddy! lol
2010-09-18 22:15:00

Posts: 11383

What is that? Is it something with bunnies or something?

lol also known as "fluffy high tech"

and there will be bunnies you can use the DCS with
2010-09-18 23:57:00

Posts: 3365

lol also known as "fluffy high tech"

and there will be bunnies you can use the DCS with

Ha nice. I remember seeing something bunny-ish in a trailer lol I inspired them
2010-09-18 23:59:00

Posts: 2278

Ha nice. I remember seeing something bunny-ish in a trailer lol I inspired them

considering you're part of the GOTY legends...i wouldn't be surprised
2010-09-19 00:19:00

Posts: 3365

Is it bad that when I watch the video, I can't hear any of the voices?. . .

I feel left out. . . haha
2010-09-19 03:05:00

Posts: 180

Is it bad that when I watch the video, I can't hear any of the voices?. . .

I feel left out. . . haha

Yup.. you have a problem. Not sure what. Speakers muted?
2010-09-19 03:08:00

Posts: 11383

Some of the voices are only sent out through certain speakers, so make sure you have them both on and working. And you may not hear it if your output is set to mono? I dunno...2010-09-19 12:03:00

Posts: 2266

Ok, now I see what people mean about the bunnies.

Foofles, your levels are chaotic, bizarre and a lot of fun to play. I hearted you as a creator today.
2010-09-20 11:56:00

Posts: 2130

Poem for you Foofles! Woohoo! (ps. The just imagine the bounces are bunnies jumping on bass drums)

Is that a a bunny, a bunny I can see?
Say, is that bunny, is he talking to me?
Bounce - bounce - bounce- bounce
It's mecha bunny mayhem time, don't you agree?

Mechanical, supriminal, inspirational,sensational
creational non-wasteional... Incrediblional?
Bounce - Bounce - Bounce - Bounce
We can for sure say his effort is passional!

This creator hasFoofles as the name
A name nothing else than struck with fame
Bounce - bounce - bounce - bounce
His levels are really something to game...
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall day looooooooooooooooooooong (imagine a barbershop quartet singing that please to get maximum effect)

Hope you like it
2010-09-21 20:27:00

Posts: 1627

Poem for you Foofles! Woohoo! (ps. The just imagine the bounces are bunnies jumping on bass drums)

Is that a a bunny, a bunny I can see?
Say, is that bunny, is he talking to me?
Bounce - bounce - bounce- bounce
It's mecha bunny mayhem time, don't you agree?

Mechanical, supriminal, inspirational,sensational
creational non-wasteional... Incrediblional?
Bounce - Bounce - Bounce - Bounce
We can for sure say his effort is passional!

This creator hasFoofles as the name
A name nothing else than struck with fame
Bounce - bounce - bounce - bounce
His levels are really something to game...
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall day looooooooooooooooooooong (imagine a barbershop quartet singing that please to get maximum effect)

Hope you like it

Oh my god, thank you That was the best thing anyone's ever said/done for me lol
2010-09-21 20:51:00

Posts: 2278

I love that poem, moonwire!

So nice to get to know you, Foofles. That was a great interview. The closeup was great too. It was so nice to hear you talk about your levels and how they came about.
2010-09-21 23:12:00

Posts: 537

Not trying to brag, but foofles is on. my freinds list! we and about 10 other people, all awesome, are making LBP3 (littlebigplanet 3) NO LIE. so, if anybody wants to help us, just send me (PSN: Ace_Creator) a freind request. we have 15 positions left, so get em while there hot! ha ha! we NEED music desighners and level creators, so if you have detail skills or can make MEGA AWESOME music boxes, feel free to apply!2010-09-25 17:48:00

Posts: 9

Not trying to brag, but foofles is on. my freinds list! we and about 10 other people, all awesome, are making LBP3 (littlebigplanet 3) NO LIE. so, if anybody wants to help us, just send me (PSN: Ace_Creator) a freind request. we have 15 positions left, so get em while there hot! ha ha! we NEED music desighners and level creators, so if you have detail skills or can make MEGA AWESOME music boxes, feel free to apply!
Troll alert, troll alert

This is the real AceCreator (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?10002-AceCreator)
2010-09-25 18:01:00

Posts: 3871

Wow. Just. Wow.2010-09-25 22:48:00

Posts: 2569

Not trying to brag, but foofles is on. my freinds list! we and about 10 other people, all awesome, are making LBP3 (littlebigplanet 3) NO LIE. so, if anybody wants to help us, just send me (PSN: Ace_Creator) a freind request. we have 15 positions left, so get em while there hot! ha ha! we NEED music desighners and level creators, so if you have detail skills or can make MEGA AWESOME music boxes, feel free to apply!

Why brag because someone is on your friends list?
2010-09-25 23:11:00

Posts: 673

is it OK to report this impostor? and if so has anybody done it yet?2010-09-26 01:51:00

Posts: 3365

Well... Of course somebodies moment to shine.. ruined... by... that...

Fantastic spotlight, I liked the part of where your PSN came from. Heh... I will watch the creator close-up tomorrow probably, but I look forward too it!

A big hardy welcome to Cog. If it is anything like the level spotlight, trust me... It gets worse (You know I love everyone on the crew!)!
2010-09-26 02:01:00

Posts: 1076

The creator closeup was really good! I thought it would be full of all of these complicated switches and things but when i saw it i was amazed. Cant wait to play it!!!!

P.SOh yeh soz about the sig...Didnt turn out right. Im trying to find a new one though cause i made that one....
2010-09-26 10:31:00

Unknown User

Not trying to brag, but foofles is on. my freinds list! we and about 10 other people, all awesome, are making LBP3 (littlebigplanet 3) NO LIE. so, if anybody wants to help us, just send me (PSN: Ace_Creator) a freind request. we have 15 positions left, so get em while there hot! ha ha! we NEED music desighners and level creators, so if you have detail skills or can make MEGA AWESOME music boxes, feel free to apply!

Please don't start this again. We don't want another harmless thread ruined like the incident yesterday -_-
2010-09-26 10:59:00

Posts: 2105

The Spotlight is one of the best things about this site!2010-09-26 16:13:00

Posts: 31

On noes! Troll! *Whispers* If you ignore it, it will go away.2010-09-26 16:18:00

Posts: 276

Anyhoooo ... thanks for all the kind words everyone I just published a new bunny level, Bunnies Just Wanna Have Fun (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=36819-Bunnies-Just-Wanna-Have-Fun&p=637231)... I really hope you enjoy it.2010-09-28 00:06:00

Posts: 2278

Congrats on the Spotlight Foofles, your levels always get a few big laughs out of me!

Thanks for the interview and vid team, great again!
2010-09-28 15:51:00

Posts: 1156

Foofles is among the best creators, isn't he? That's where im aiming! I must let my name be known! Only if i was experienced enough...2010-10-03 15:45:00

Posts: 83

It takes some time to get there, but you will if you keep trying, Mick'o'Mania. Foofles has been doing this for almost two years and so have I. Doesn't usually happen overnight. But it does happen if you work at it. ^__^2010-10-03 15:49:00

Posts: 2569

It takes some time to get there, but you will if you keep trying, Mick'o'Mania. Foofles has been doing this for almost two years and so have I. Doesn't usually happen overnight. But it does happen if you work at it. ^__^
Yes... but, then..... some of us could work hard for several years and NEVER become "Fooflerific".

I would LOVE to be able to look back and say "you know... bouncing bunnies with springs as arms was MY idea!". But alas....
2010-10-03 17:38:00

Posts: 4430

No, Ccubbage has a point. There can be only one Foofles.2010-10-03 17:40:00

Posts: 2569

No, Ccubbage has a point. There can be only one Foofles.

I think the world is somehow safer that way. lol
2010-10-03 17:46:00

Posts: 11383

wait wait wait! is FOOFLES a game or LBP levels i didnt understand most of it, wer the pictures of foofles or is that a tribute2010-10-03 19:12:00

Unknown User

Foofles is a creator who was spotlighted in this edition of the Creator Spotlight. The pictures shown are from some of his levels. The video does contain Foofles himself as it is a closeup where we visit the creator while he shows us around.

Hope that helps!
2010-10-03 20:36:00

Posts: 11383

Locked and archived. 2010-10-09 22:18:00

Posts: 2870

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