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My tower defense objects

Archive: 7 posts

I read the tower defense tutorial on this site, and generally liked it. I had one problem with it though, you have to aim the towers. So I decided i would try to accomplish an auto-aim system with the same basic tower designs. It turned out working pretty well, i have a picture of it, with it's deployment platform.

I also used the same basic design from the tutorial for one of my enemies, which is a tank with it's subsequent logic. Here is a picture of that.

Give me any ideas or tips you can think of, I will use them. Thanks in advance!
2010-09-12 06:38:00

Unknown User

Can you show it in action? ^^2010-09-12 20:05:00

Posts: 220

I don't have a DVD recorder or a videocamera, sorry. D=2010-09-12 20:47:00

Unknown User

Could you post a demo level, so people could get an idea of how it works.2010-09-12 21:41:00

Posts: 153

The pictures make it look promising.
You can always use glitch material to make it look better and still act has peach floaty.
2010-09-13 01:54:00

Unknown User

Those pictures look very cool, and yes, posting a demo level (if you haven't already) would be a good idea. 2010-09-14 12:23:00

Posts: 1800

Alright, demo level posted. The level is called TD Object Testing. My PSN is frozenlava1.2010-09-24 23:06:00

Unknown User

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