Lantern Caverns
Archive: 9 posts
Lantern Cavernscraelon A cave where the light really comes alive... Lantern Caverns is a trilogy I made where you go spelunking in a dangerous cave inhabited by evil lanterns. You don't have to play them in order, but the Lantern Caverns 3 beginning won't make much sense unless you play Lantern Caverns 2. Also, Lantern Caverns 2 has two paths to the finish. Which one you pick will depend on your prize at the end. Play both paths to get 100% prize bubbles. Some of the prize bubbles contain the entire boss fight rooms, so if you're curious as to "how I dun it," get all the prize bubbles! As mentioned before, there are 3 levels in this adventure. They are: Lantern Caverns Lantern Caverns 2 Lantern Caverns 3 The first Lantern Caverns is one of my oldest levels so the quality of it is significantly less than 2 or 3. I plan to release Lantern Caverns 1: REMASTERED Version in the future but I will always keep the first Lantern Caverns online. Please play all three ![]() | 2010-09-11 20:03:00 Author: Craelon ![]() Posts: 25 |
I just updated Lantern Caverns 3. I made one of the boss fights less tedious and put directions for people to follow in case you get lost/stuck. | 2010-09-11 22:45:00 Author: Craelon ![]() Posts: 25 |
I'll give them a try next time I'm on. | 2010-09-12 02:35:00 Author: MetaHybrid ![]() Posts: 27 |
Thanks dude. I put a key in each one for easy access to the next level but you can play whichever one you want first. | 2010-09-12 02:42:00 Author: Craelon ![]() Posts: 25 |
Played through all three of your levels Craelon. I can tall that your first level must have been an old one. When I saw the dissolve material bridge that dissovles I gave a small chuckle, cause I knew the moment I tried to cross it, it would vanish. Your second level was pretty fun. I liked how you split it up into two paths, and how each has it's own dangers and look. Although there was some hard parts to it, like that jump after the rolling fire block that chases you. The one with the real narrow gap you have to jump through. The bosses in it were cool, and it made the level even better that there was two totally different boss fights at the end. Your third level was also good, The Little bro lantern popping up everywhere was a nice touch. I was kinda sad that the last boss fight was a easy. I guess I was expecting a huge show down, but it did make me laugh how he went down so fast. I also like how the lanterns start to come around after the second and third level. First they try to kill you, and then they're helping you at every corner. Nice job. | 2010-09-12 07:12:00 Author: MetaHybrid ![]() Posts: 27 |
Thanks for the mini review. I'm glad that you noticed the whole switch-around with the lanterns. That was one of my primary focuses in terms of story is that in the beginning the lanterns are trying to hurt you and in the end they're all trying to help you. Sort of a journey through hell then a journey through heaven. That part where you have to "thread the needle" in the fire part of Lantern Caverns 2 is deceptively difficult. Even though it looks like its a tight fit it is actually almost impossible to hit your head on the ceiling fire. I was debating on putting an "X" or something where you're supposed to jump to make it through. If you think it needs it I'll be happy to go and place it then republish the level. The last boss was made easy as a sort of inside joke on my part. All my friends and a few people on other message boards I've posted it on have always said my boss battles are really difficult. So, as a joke, I made the final battle in Lantern Caverns 3 very intimidating but very easy ![]() | 2010-09-12 19:39:00 Author: Craelon ![]() Posts: 25 |
I just played Lantern Caverns 1 and it was a fun level. First off- I love when a level has multiple paths. I think you should put a sticker on the dissolving bridge...everyone knows what dissolve material looks like, so it's not really a surprise when it disappears. It would be nice if some of the lanterns made noise when you grab them. It would reinforce the fact that they're alive. I'll try to play 2 and 3 soon. __________________________________________________ UPDATE: I just finished the second installment--Wonderful! It's like two levels in one, adding alot to the replay value. The bosses are a good example of how paininator bosses should be. Not always a simple button masher. I've beaten the Icy path, but in the lava path Big Pa proved to be too much. I'll be playing again. Consider yourself hearted! | 2010-09-12 20:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'm glad you liked the boss battles, they took alot of planning and head-scratching to implement correctly and not have the whole place overheat. Have you tried Lantern Caverns 3 yet? Its much easier than 2. At least I think so. | 2010-09-13 08:54:00 Author: Craelon ![]() Posts: 25 |
Yes I've played 3. I love when I had to dunk Little Brother in the water! | 2010-09-15 02:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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