I'm out of level inspiration, obstacle ideas and just about anything creative!
Archive: 10 posts
Hey folks, seeing all the amazing levels you all seem to pound out daily, I've been trying my hand at creating, and it hasn't been going awfully well either. so im looking for ideas, anything, also, some friends to help me focus on the levels I oh so wish I could focus on creating. Thanks, huntedstorm | 2010-09-10 08:25:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
They way I get inspiration going is to set myself limits. What these limits are doesn't matter. When I'm faced with a 'do whatever you want' situation my mind just goes blank. So try setting yourself limits like, - make a platformer entirely out of x object - centre your level entirely around x object or word Forcing these limitations on myself forces me to be creative, it might work for you. Hope you get inspired soon anyway ![]() | 2010-09-10 10:26:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
wow, upon playing bomb survivals (yes I know bomb survivals, I had a friend over) and thought of an idea, probably won't last long at all but its an idea. I was thinking players could traverse a masssive tunnel System with stuff... idk. just an idea. | 2010-09-10 11:10:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
okay this idea has evolved, i'm now thinking that you go through a large tunnel system and find a place full of fairys or something, any comments, suggestions ect! | 2010-09-11 03:25:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
When you say tunnels, I think of subway tunnels. Speaking of which, that could make a pretty good level, with subway tunnels and sewers. Sort of like "Something Beneath", which is a great level. But I suppose you're talking about caves and fantasies. | 2010-09-11 04:19:00 Author: Darth ![]() Posts: 186 |
indeed i am, thanks for posting though, do you have any other ideas? for levels | 2010-09-11 05:46:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
Ok, for me I just think about things that get me excited. I love movies so I like thinking of my levels as like movies, then I set a theme and story for it. If I don't want to have it story centered, I just start writing down level names and designing it based on what the level is called, I have some great level ideas atm and lets see if any of them fit your fancy ![]() -You are a member of an elite fighting force dedicated to taking out virusus at the nano-size, the master computer at work has been compromised! Shrink down and deliver a virus-butt kicking the little big world has never witnessed! -While going home from a party, you stumble upon an abandoned house with your friends, what starts out as a dare to enter the house has left yourself questioning whether you will survive the horrors inside or not... -A lbp player has hacked the servers and now creators everywhere are seperated from their beloved sack people! Head to his hidden base within little big planet and restore the connection before the sack people lose their ability to create at all1! Hope those get some gears turning in your head ![]() | 2010-09-11 16:45:00 Author: damaz10 ![]() Posts: 771 |
Do as i, i mean you can play story lvls and put some of those gameplay ideas to notes | 2011-04-20 16:04:00 Author: Dioxi ![]() Posts: 61 |
EDIT - Ok, i totally didn't realise this was in the LBP 1 section, so t'is basically void LOL. But I'll leave it up because the underlying concept remains applicable. --- Always remember its very healthy to think outside the box in these situations. Little big planet one was fairly constrained to designing platforming games but with little big planet 2 and its Controlinators, Movers, material tweakers, side on cameras so on and so forth, as creators we really have the capability of making any game concept that comes to mind, even one's that have never been thought of before. If you're having trouble thinking of interesting game designs within the standard little big planet sack staring paradigm, stretch your imagination a little bit further try and come up with entirely different concepts completely unrelated to what we (have all to some degree) become conditioned to imagine could be created; i.e. levels a-kin to the story levels or [insert theme here] survival challenges. I'm talking top down shooters, Racing games, RPGs, Mini games, there's a really interesting one that comes to mind released recently where you are a jellyfish and you have to solve puzzles with you're little follower friends, Point and click puzzle games, Reflex and quick thinking type puzzle games. Or any not mentioned / A mix of any and all between. It's possible in LBP to do any of this. In a nut-shell try not to limit yourself to be defined by the lowest common denominator in LBP, be original and be creative with it, the only thing stopping you literally is self doubt of your own capabilities and imagination. Good luck. | 2011-07-20 18:54:00 Author: Epicurean Dreamer ![]() Posts: 224 |
Expanding from your previous idea; You could have your player "fall" through the Earth while doing an everyday task. (Such as checking the mail) Underground, he encounters a world of fantasy... (Fairies, Goblins, whatever.) They have a problem in their world as well and agree to help the player get back up to his world if he resolves their problem. Anyhow, I mainly get inspiration by playing other community levels for the most part. Maybe that could help you! | 2011-07-21 01:54:00 Author: xRystar ![]() Posts: 39 |
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