North America Celebrates Playstation's 15th Anniversary
Archive: 1 post
First, I did check before posting. Noticed the 15th Anniversary of the official launch of PS was celebrated last year as well, but apparently they're celebrating yet again with the official NA release. So, I guess we should yet again wish a happy 15th to the console that has given us the ability to venture into many worlds of amazement and fantasy, and just as well the ability to play, create, and share. Official US Playstation Anniversary page: http://us.playstation.com/go/15thanniversary/ 15th Anniversary On September 9, 1995 the original PlayStation? made its debut in North America, revolutionizing the gaming industry and forever altering consumer entertainment experiences. 15 years later, PlayStation is still bringing groundbreaking new innovations into the home and on the go, and is once again redefining entertainment for a new generation of consumers with the introduction of PlayStation? Move and stereoscopic 3D games. Let?s celebrate PlayStation's rich heritage and continued innovation for many years to come. PS Blog - NA Anniversary Video Timeline: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/09/09/playstation-15-years-in-the-making/ PS Blog - NA 15th Anniversary Announcement and Information: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010/09/09/playstation-store-celebrates-15-years-of-innovation/ Hi everyone, As many of you are already aware, today marks a monumental milestone for gamers in North America. Fifteen years ago, the original PlayStation console was introduced, forever altering the entertainment experience for our loyal PlayStation fans and revolutionizing the video game industry. In order to celebrate our 15-year anniversary with you, we are launching a new category on the PlayStation Store (look under New Releases) that will hold classic content in PlayStation?s history. Today, we?re kicking off the celebration with a sale on Super Rub ?a? Dub. How does this fit into PlayStation?s history? Well some of you may not know that the ducks in Super Rub ?a? Dub were used in a tech demo at E3 2005 to show the processing power of the PlayStation 3. Along with Super Rub ?a? Dub, we will also have a sale on Suikoden, an iconic RPG from Konami that launched within the first year of the PlayStation?s release. Finally, be sure to check out a free anniversary theme available for the PlayStation 3 and PSP. The celebration doesn?t stop after today! We will continue to add content onto the anniversary section of the PlayStation Store. Thank you again for your continued support and we look forward to celebrating this milestone with you. ...and, if this new 15th anniversary has been posted, I shall take a class on how to properly use the search function better while you pelt me with stones. ![]() | 2010-09-10 00:37:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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