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auto brain (rocklogic)

Archive: 10 posts

this device will eventually replace creature brains for mech enemies

1.get a huge circle of peach floaty

2.cut out a hole in it and put another circle in it

3.put a character switch on 8 spots on the floaty

4. expand the switches radius to max

5. set the angles of the switch to 70 deggres

6.put 8 rockets to match up with the switches

7. connect the switches to the respective direction

shrink it down as far as you can and done a brain that you can put into any mech or by itself for a player tracker

(and btw try this with key switches instead of player switches)
2010-09-09 22:53:00

Posts: 70

In short just a player tracker...?2010-09-09 22:57:00

Posts: 6707

yes but its a thermo-friendly one you can put 25 without over heating2010-09-09 23:00:00

Posts: 70

A player tracker can be easily done using three pistons (two for direction, one for stability), two sensor switches, a piece of dark matter, and a piece of cardboard.

In short, much more thermo friendly.
A lot more than 25 (if you don't place them as collected objects) can be placed in a level. Nice idea, though!
2010-09-09 23:44:00

Posts: 619

Is this a multidirectional tracker?2010-09-11 06:03:00

Posts: 92

Is this a multidirectional tracker?

yes... yes it is

A player tracker can be easily done using three pistons (two for direction, one for stability), two sensor switches, a piece of dark matter, and a piece of cardboard.

In short, much more thermo friendly.
A lot more than 25 (if you don't place them as collected objects) can be placed in a level. Nice idea, though!

no offense but can your "piston" be put into any object and turned into a enemy? and i bet your "piston" cannot be emitted as a player tracking missile.
and my autobrain is only 1 layer thick good for hoverboards eh? but no offense because i don't like offending ppl and i might have been off on how many can be put into a level cause i.. didn't count but you can emit 20 without lag so i figured.. :blush:
2010-09-12 03:01:00

Posts: 70

no offense but can your "piston" be put into any object and turned into a enemy? and i bet your "piston" cannot be emitted as a player tracking missile.
and MY autobrain is only 1 layer thick good for hoverboards eh? but no offense because i don't like offending ppl and i might have been off on how many can be put into a level cause i.. didn't count but you can emit 20 without lag so i figured.. :blush:

Its been invented since who knows when dude! XD

How do you think Shark survival level-Sharks work?
2010-09-12 03:26:00

Posts: 6707

How do you think Shark survival level-Sharks work?

badly? lol but this is more efficient for enemy's and bosses and just better overall
2010-09-12 08:25:00

Posts: 70


well its not mine
2010-09-12 15:04:00

Posts: 70

Guys, listen. The logic pack (piston) player tracker is completely different from this player tracker. Neither one of them is better than the other, as they have completely different functions. The piston one tracks a player along the horizontal axis, very useful for setting off key switches for cinematic effects. The one described here appears to be for tracking a player 8 different directions when he is near the tracker, but the tracker itself is not going to follow the player all level. These are the key differences that make these have different applications, so I can't see how one could be better than the other. Remember, these are my opinions, not facts.2010-09-12 15:44:00

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