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Build-a-sackboy Teddy shop?

Archive: 6 posts

What about a Build-a-Sackboy shop?
Like Build-a-bear Workshop but a LBP one?

EDIT: OOPS wrong section, should this be in suggestions?
2010-09-09 08:23:00

Posts: 83

I made my own but it doesn't look that good.2010-09-09 08:33:00

Posts: 637

What about a Build-a-Sackboy shop?
Like Build-a-bear Workshop but a LBP one?

EDIT: OOPS wrong section, should this be in suggestions?

Indeed it should be in the 'Suggestions' section! But no worries, that's what mods are here for! To help in anyway possible! Just request a move

And actually, that would be a brilliant idea! I like the way you think.
2010-09-09 09:01:00

Posts: 860

that would be awesome...
but since im in NZ that'll never happen
2010-09-09 09:51:00

Posts: 775

That would be awesome.
But yeah, highly doubtful it will be in NZ. =(
2010-09-09 10:34:00

Posts: 2513

That won't happen. The oly reason 'Build-a-bear' can be successful is the range of bears and animals and stuff, which kids can then customise. Having a shop solely for a videogame character would fail horribly on any large scale. Even on a small scale it wouldn't be great.

(For the record, every time we go to the Trafford Centre, my sister goes there so she has loads of them, i personally don't shop there... )
2010-09-09 16:48:00

Unknown User

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