retail glitch: game freezing
Archive: 2 posts
I think I found my first recurring glitch. Constant rewinds when you're at the peak thermo limit crash the game and the PS3 freezes. Powering off is the only way to kick it back. No save corrupts yet, but this has happened to me 5 times today already. I'll e-mail Mm in a bit, but beware when you're at your limit. | 2008-10-25 01:08:00 Author: gevurah22 ![]() Posts: 1476 |
I think I found my first recurring glitch. Constant rewinds when you're at the peak thermo limit crash the game and the PS3 freezes. Powering off is the only way to kick it back. No save corrupts yet, but this has happened to me 5 times today already. I'll e-mail Mm in a bit, but beware when you're at your limit. This happened a lot in the beta when the servers were down. I imagine this will clear up tomorrow. ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2008-10-25 02:11:00 Author: docpac ![]() Posts: 601 |
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