Formatting the Level Description text?
Archive: 5 posts
Is there any way to add a line-break of some sort in the level description? I've seen a couple of levels out there with a lovely footer like so: ----------------------- lbpcentral.com I'm trying to have the level description be nicely formatted in the "while loading the level"-window, as well as the full-width "about this level"-window. However, I can't seem to get it right. Am I trying for the impossible here? | 2010-09-08 23:41:00 Author: wbrinkman ![]() Posts: 12 |
I not 100%, but what they might be doing is exploiting the automatic wordwrap by using the long string of hyphens to force a line break (actually two line breaks - one before and one after). | 2010-09-09 10:26:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
Underscores_ are better than dashes- __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ press space before you put in underscores or dashes. | 2010-09-09 10:29:00 Author: lifeiscrapislife ![]() Posts: 396 |
Cheers, I thought it was something like that. | 2010-09-09 23:39:00 Author: wbrinkman ![]() Posts: 12 |
Anyone know, off the top of your head, how many underscores to put in to force the line breaks? | 2010-09-10 15:05:00 Author: RoharDragontamer ![]() Posts: 397 |
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