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arcade quest

Archive: 7 posts

i decided to replace majormel84 vs highschool with arcade quest.itll still be a beat em up and strategy/rpg .itll still include the cast of charecters. in one lbp2 video,you see sackbots playing on a arcade machine.so if you mix up my idea,kirby super star(yea u heard me lol)and the awesome item searches from legend of zelda youll end up with arcade quest.

majormel84 gets a summer job at an arcade with his buddy lulz 64. majormel's job is to test the new arcade games.majormel then meets pheobe(if some of you saw my majormel84 vs highschool thread i changed the name from sora to pheobe.)a young teenage girl who just moved into town . after the introduction a gang called the sharks take away the golden joystick and break it into 7 pieces.and to make matters worst pheobe is spirited away by the masked bandage.

so give me some ideas and comment to help
2010-09-08 22:57:00

Posts: 398

No offense, but its no all that good of a story..... Maybe if you decided to take The sharks and pheobe and you, (after they shatter the stupid joystiq thing) and you all get sucked into the game, the sharks take pheobe off to a castle (like super mario) and you and sackboy have to go rescue her and hve the king (held hostage by the sharks) help you get back to the real world, EPIC BALLOON RIDE TO A FAR OFF LAND, where a mean mr mustard (beatles reference) Agrees to send you back IF you can defeat his hotdogs of doom, or something silly2010-09-08 23:55:00

Posts: 95

well okay i understand your complaint.but it was made up in a minute so ill try to make a better story lol. honestly though i didnt want the characters to get sucked into the game.but how about they come out of the game world to wreak havoc?2010-09-09 00:32:00

Posts: 398

lol don't listen to him, the original story is fine as it is, though it may need a few plot twists to keep it interesting if its going to be as long as planned. maybe the longer it takes you too collect the piece of the joystick from each world the more of the game world spills out into reality, kinda like a void. then you would be competeing with time as well, making the action more fast pased. or you could just stick it normal.2010-09-10 16:58:00

Posts: 533

Pretty good idea. By chance though did any of your story idea come from the movie or book Scott Pilgrim? I couldn't help but think of it while I was reading your post.2010-09-10 22:22:00

Posts: 91

Pretty good idea. By chance though did any of your story idea come from the movie or book Scott Pilgrim? I couldn't help but think of it while I was reading your post.

the beat em up idea came from scott pilgrim the game. but i felt that kind of vibe when writing the story. the story isnt finished yet tho.did you see the movie?cuzi saw it and it was good.

and smudge 228 thanks for the idea!i think ill add some half minute hero mechanics into it but im not sure if we can have the ability to add time to a timer but we will wait and see.

EDIT:I might make an update 2morrow
2010-09-10 23:19:00

Posts: 398

oh the color design for this game is purple.(sry for the double post!)2010-09-12 19:27:00

Posts: 398

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