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Direct Control Seats

Archive: 16 posts

Direct Control Seats (FREE PRIZES) TECH DEMO
by Aspherex

Hi all

I made an awesome "direct control seat" for my "Cake Survival" level (thread in my sig).

Pics of the device itself are not tremendously exciting, so here are some images of me shooting some cakes:


***NEW*** Here are some images of me shooting some trucks, in my new level "Highway Onslaught" which makes great use of the 32-way direct control seat. (Click on the link in my sig) ***NEW***


Here's what it does -
There is a button that releases poison gas and a checkpoint within the device to let you in
It is jetpack based - you can move in all directions
The device measures which direction you have pressed on the analogue stick and instantly moves the aiming device to point in that direction
There is also a grab switch with a relay you can use whilst aiming
No need to press X whilst moving
Jetpack fumes are NOT visible once device is covered up with thin layer of material
If you press O you pick up another jetpack
Brilliant for survival levels
I am not allowed to call it an analogue stick because this phrase becomes censored

There are 2 versions of the direct control seat - one is 8-way and has a slightly quicker response time (this is the one used in my level), and there's a new 32-way version which is a lot smoother (but still slightly glitchy because it's very arduous to tweak 32 directions). Both are shareable.

I've made a seperate level showing these two objects. Let me know what you think!
2010-09-08 15:46:00

Posts: 388

Wow amazing pure amazing. I just play your level with the direct control seats and the precision on it was amazing!2010-09-08 16:44:00

Posts: 3

Wow amazing pure amazing. I just play your level with the direct control seats and the precision on it was amazing!

Thanks! Feel free to use it in a survival level of your own. My own "Cake Survival" is pretty good but I did rush it out for the LBL 4 in 1 competition. I'd love to see what other people can do with this!

Also I may work on a level incorporating the 32-way seat... but stay tuned...
2010-09-08 17:20:00

Posts: 388

Looks original and fun.
May i request a retro style level?
2010-09-13 01:57:00

Unknown User

My latest level is now out featuring the 32-way direct control seat! Highway onslaught - play it now (http://bit.ly/9UVuWH)!2010-09-26 16:21:00

Posts: 388

This looks very interesting (and complicated) I will definitely check this out and tell you if it works!2010-09-26 19:36:00

Posts: 55

32 way? as in 32 different outputs?2010-09-26 20:32:00

Posts: 1328

kind of this stuff is what makes lbp1 only for advanced creators to make awesome stuff, i dont know know if i should be excited or let down by the new tools in lbp2...., maybe this will lead to a lack of creativity, anyway, congratulations for your enthusiasm into making this even when it will become kinda useless with the use of the controllinator :2010-09-28 20:28:00

Posts: 898

32 way? as in 32 different outputs?

32 different inputs (analogue directions). Play the level to see, OR play "Highway Onslaught" because that level makes great use of the 32-way direct control seat.

kind of this stuff is what makes lbp1 only for advanced creators to make awesome stuff, i dont know know if i should be excited or let down by the new tools in lbp2...., maybe this will lead to a lack of creativity, anyway, congratulations for your enthusiasm into making this even when it will become kinda useless with the use of the controllinator :

Yeah but LBP2 still doesn't come for a few months, and I've made 2 full levels out of this and both are quite fun. Believe me - the new tools in LBP2 will NOT lead to a lack of creativity. Creativity will simply be focused more on gameplay, visuals and fun rather than trying to build complex contraptions to perform a task which LBP2 can do in a cinch.
2010-10-07 11:24:00

Posts: 388

I can't since I don't have a PS3.
I was just curious because I made a control seat on the PSP version.
2010-10-07 23:19:00

Posts: 1328

Whoa, very cool indeed. I've seen one like this before, but certainly can't be even as accurate as this.

Are these levels published?
2010-10-08 16:08:00

Posts: 606

Whoa, very cool indeed. I've seen one like this before, but certainly can't be even as accurate as this.

Are these levels published?

Yes the Cake Survival level was published a while ago for the LBL 4 in 1 competition.
The Highway Onslaught level was published a week and a half ago.
The Direct Control Seats level was published a while ago and contains two versions of the seat as prizes.

Search for my PSN "Aspherex" to find them.
2010-10-08 23:18:00

Posts: 388

I need to check this out tomorrow :> i wonder how it works in action2010-10-09 04:12:00

Posts: 3991

AWSOME!! I would love to try this out!2010-10-09 08:40:00

Posts: 83

It's little chunky and have large latency, but still it's best emulation out there,so good job ;] Look like it works the best if you roll the stick2010-10-09 21:37:00

Posts: 3991

im a notorious clan called shade and wanted to let you know u hv mad skillz and wanted u to join shade thin about it2010-10-10 02:08:00

james exio
Posts: 2

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