Dune (3d)
Archive: 16 posts
DUNE (3D)Tanuki75 Based on the cult sci-fi set in the year 10,191 on the desert planet Arrakis. This is the LBP1 only version of this level. Draws elements from both the Frank Herbert books and David Lynch film. If you're a Dune fan, this one's for you. Hope you enjoy playing! | 2010-09-08 11:34:00 Author: Tanuki75 ![]() Posts: 172 |
I'll play this NOW. EDIT: Okay, played it. The scale really is outstanding, and I like how you represented pretty well the main events, even if you took em from the film, rather than the book. You pretty much nailed the worlds, but I afraid that both the visuals and the gameplay suffered a lot because of the stress you put on making such an enormous level. Still, i'd reccomend this to every Dune fan! | 2010-09-08 11:53:00 Author: Keldur ![]() Posts: 628 |
Wow the visuals look amazing, i will definetly be playing this when im next on ![]() | 2010-09-08 11:57:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
Wow, this is a stunning level! Some of the visuals and setpieces that you pulled off are just amazing :-D Very very faithful to the source materials as well. I love your work here, particularly the bit where the fremen are climbing the worm!!! This REALLY puts my meagre little Dune-based level to shame!! | 2010-09-08 17:40:00 Author: DaveMuadDib ![]() Posts: 16 |
Thankyou Keldur, I quite agree. considering the limitations given I just wanted to capture the feel of a few set pieces. | 2010-09-08 19:09:00 Author: Tanuki75 ![]() Posts: 172 |
DaveMaudDib, if I can warm the cockles of any Dune fans my work is done. Ive played and been influenced by several 'meagre' Dune levels (and appreciate any love for it) and given our lbp limitations I feel cheeky for relying heavily on several glitches to make this level possible. Maybe better creators could have done it more justice but I made it with 100% love for the source material. Proud you got a kick out of it ![]() EDIT: If David Lynch made an lbp level it would probably be labelled 'Weird' 'Empty' 'Boring' | 2010-09-08 19:16:00 Author: Tanuki75 ![]() Posts: 172 |
It just boggles me how you pulled half of this stuff off! I'm a huge huge Dune fan, and your appreciation for the source material really does show through. It's all about the little things, like putting in the fight with Jamis, etc. Very nice ![]() | 2010-09-08 19:32:00 Author: DaveMuadDib ![]() Posts: 16 |
Excellent use of select moments from this most awesome novel to tell the story with a sense of completion. I have been a fan of Dune since I read the first book when I was in high school in the mid 80s. I've read EVERY Dune book since. This is just awesome on so many levels. Right down to the glowglobes in Sietch Tabr. Double check spelling on the mouths. I saw a glaring one with "kneck." And yes I am an English teacher for real. I think the glitch truly makes this level work. I don't know how you pull off the stunning visuals of that novel without it. Frank Herbert would be especially proud. If you would like to review my Flying Saucers From Mars level, I'd really appreciate it. | 2010-09-08 22:14:00 Author: thanatos989 ![]() Posts: 248 |
Looks like fun, I'll try to play this later. ![]() | 2010-09-09 03:50:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Good 3d, and to some extent, graphics. But lacked gameplay IMO. I guess it was built to imitate the story,.. Sorry but...: :star::star::star: | 2010-09-09 04:18:00 Author: Fishrock123 ![]() Posts: 1578 |
Like Keldur I MUST see this ![]() Huge Dune fan here. | 2010-09-09 11:08:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
I've never heard of dune before, but this level is fantastic! My only problem with is that their is a lack of obstacles and such. Visuals were beautiful, and its quite obvious you have the 3D thing down! Keep up the good work, and I'm hoping to play a sequel! | 2010-09-12 19:09:00 Author: Phosphorus15 ![]() Posts: 463 |
@sackfedora...never heard of Dune? Lol, you are missing out one a quintessential american sci-fi story. You have to read it, well it is a bit dry, but good...that and Herberts started losing his mind by the latter books. The Lynch movie was entertaining, and did try hard in many areas, worth a veiwing if you are a fan of the genre...the sci-fi mini series tried to stay closer to the books, such as the sheilding, space travel, and many other details...they both have positives and negatives...you should watch the movie...oh and @ OP I will try this level out a bit later today. ![]() | 2010-09-12 19:47:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
OK just played this level. It is very slow...but with that said very very well done. The silhouettes were perfect for me. I thnk I missed two spice boxes and now I am tearing my place apart jonesing for a bit more...stupid spice addiction with its space/time bending side effects. You titles and sets were great. I wish the intro spawn was more hidden perhaps him spawning behind the doors to a ship and opening as the scene starts where you have it, just a light green ship silhouette or doors to the palace...I just like hidden spawn points to hide the LBP factor at times. The wind and the flapping flags were well done, the starkness of the planet was very well done, the guilds space warping ship was spot on the the dune orbit was also perfect. At tiems the little spawn points bugged me, they just did not seem to fit, oh and the table your dad is talking at right before he is killed...if you keep going tot he right you can see out of the wall, the camera just goes there. If you could lock the camera so you can't see out. Liked the palace take over, but the ship was great...I wished I could have failed and been forced to do that part over, have the entire scene emitted if that is even possible and give the option of crashing too early...something like the entire scene goes black, the set dissolves, a trigger activates the spawn on the new ship and you die and reappear there...just really wanted to crash that ship....I did try, so if you can then I failed and failing. ![]() Edit: I forgot I was going to ask about the word censor and this level, and I just found out that another one of my speech bubbles was censored so I have to run and fix it...but how hard was it with all the Dune places and names not to get pwned by that annoying "*******". | 2010-09-12 21:43:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
Wow that's a lot of detailled feedback.. I thought this thread was dead a long time ago - so long ago I haven't even picked up LBP for a yonk or 2. Yes my Dune level does have issues, but given the nature of lbp, creating time etc etc I achieved pretty much what I wanted - and much more considering the sum of these parts, canvas and thermo size. I was pleased to make it happen in lbp1 (no luxury of linked levels, fancy lighting and so on). I will defo have to give your levels a play so expect to see a few uploaded pics - as for avoiding all the censored words - that's just familiarity with the game and having an extensive offensive vocabulary ![]() | 2010-10-25 11:36:00 Author: Tanuki75 ![]() Posts: 172 |
F4F: First of all i love the level, the 3d layer glitch, is just mind blowing ![]() I really enjoy this level, i've recommended it to my friends ![]() Only one thing, i personally feel, it lacked 'platforming' but that is only a minor set back ![]() Overall very good level, i rated 4 stars and and a heart. If it's ok i would like you to have a go at my level and tell me what you think: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=37711-The-Factory Thank you! | 2010-10-25 14:09:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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