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Extreme Scrolling Background Attempt

Archive: 18 posts

and it failed. =(


Yes, the video is not buffering, it's the game stuttering every time it loads up an instance of my super large background. It's 30+ layers and of course is filled with sticker work, lighting, complexity, etc. I also had to do the thermo trick just to get it to run properly... well, as good as it gets in the vid anyway, lol. It was interesting to see how far I could take it, but I'll have another crack at it to see if I can simplify yet get a similar visual look I was trying initially.
2010-09-07 16:53:00

Posts: 1476

That looks awesome, I almost thought this was a littlebigplanet 2 video!2010-09-07 16:58:00

Posts: 562

that seemed pretty 'Dayum' cool from the stutters, well done. 2010-09-07 22:35:00

Unknown User

That's very cool! Visually epic!! 2010-09-07 23:39:00

Posts: 1800

That looks pretty awesome! And you've given me hope with my chase scene 2010-09-07 23:46:00

Posts: 143

waw great Visually effect never seen anything like it in lbp keep up the good work.2010-09-08 19:59:00

Posts: 2

Hmm, I reckon it's all the lights causing that. I notice there are a lot of lights running across the beams especially. It still looks pretty nice despite the stuttering anyway.

Will you make another video?
2010-09-09 01:26:00

Posts: 2454

Such a shame... This looks so well made! I seriously thought there was something wrong with the video, but then I read what was actually happening lol. Hopefully you can get it to work when you simplify it some.2010-09-09 02:52:00

Posts: 1010

Hmm, I reckon it's all the lights causing that. I notice there are a lot of lights running across the beams especially. It still looks pretty nice despite the stuttering anyway.

Will you make another video?

If I get it working, then yes. I believe its the size that's doing it in since I have another level which has a large complex scrolling background that doesn't suffer from stuttering.
2010-09-09 05:22:00

Posts: 1476

WOW thats awesome
is it emited like train bomb survivels?
2010-09-09 08:57:00

Posts: 775

You're just too darn ambitious, trying to push the game beyond its limits. I can relate: I'm always trying to push things and I end up spending all my time fighting to get things working and no time actually building levels to put them in. I wouldn't use 30 layers for a scrolling background: you just know it's gonna' stutter each time it loads.... of course it's easy to say that now that I've seen what happens when you try.

C'mon, aren't you the guy that made a 3d space shooter in lbp2 using a single layer? I'm sure you can use quite a few fewer layers and still make it look like a 30 layer background. The stickers I'm sure aren't helping, but I'm betting things like lights and the number of vertices are the real problem. I'm sure you can knock out a good chunk of vertices without sacrificing much in the way of looks.
2010-09-09 18:21:00

Posts: 2188

LOL, I didn't do the starfox-esque shooter, but I definitely wanted to see how much further I could take it. =P A more simplified version will totally be feasible, but hopefully I can maintain a high level of layers just for the heck of it, lol.2010-09-09 18:28:00

Posts: 1476

Compher has a level where he scrolls a city scape and it works extremely well. It's not extremely detailed, but it has a good amount of stickers, decorations, objects, etc. Maybe he can give you a few tips... assuming there are other issues beyond the level of detail used.2010-09-09 19:52:00

Posts: 1335

My advice:

Lose the chain-link fence material. It's render heavy.
Rather than use a ton of different layers, make your layers move at different speeds. Fastest in front.
In that vein, I'd go really fast double thick layers for floor/ceiling. Moderately fast back thick layer. Slower moving back thin layer.
Simplify the shapes as much as possible. If you make them move fast enough, it shan't matter.
Use stickers and decos for the detail.
Use pistons, and not wheels, to move the pieces (I don't know how you did it). This is necessary for the variable layer speeds.
Turn down the fog.

Best of luck. I am being a bit slow to get my level using this method out...
2010-09-09 19:59:00

Posts: 5338

Hmmm, I thought about using separate layers instead of a giant combined object, but isn't there a collision problem with back layers if they attempt to cross over? How did you get past that?2010-09-09 20:28:00

Posts: 1476

By making any background layers and the back thin stick together. You don't need any more than one background layer to sell depth, really. Anything beyond that is overkill, and your thermo agrees.2010-09-11 06:18:00

Posts: 5338

Fair enough, but considering the scale, maximum camera angle and the fact that I need all three layers for the Gundam to traverse due to simple engine limitations, that's why I went with that route. I will admit though that I can drop the geometry a ton.2010-09-11 07:15:00

Posts: 1476

That was very visually impressive! Too bad the game engine couldn't handle it! Can't wait to see what this transforms into when LBP2 comes around!2010-09-16 05:15:00

Posts: 55

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