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3D First Person Guns and Helicopters.

Archive: 10 posts

Hello, this is my collector of 3D guns and Helicopters.
Some models in the pictures are old and have been updated since I have taken them.

M240 - Fixed Placement

AK-47 (old model)

Spas 12 (old model)

Mini Uzis - Akimbo

M16A1 (old model)
I'm planning to make a New more realistic looking M16 when LBP2 is out. (How I do cross out?)


Huey Helicopter (No DLC used)
To get this helicopter finish my level "Vietnam:FPS"
[Main rotor blade and tail needs to be corrected]

Blackhawk Helicopter (No DLC used)
To get this helicopter find all 10 secret prizes in my "BlackHawk:FPS" level.

Hope you enjoy my eye candy
2010-09-07 08:11:00

Posts: 449

i wish i could make your awesome level but i suck at making things that use a lot of logic that and iv been having creators block
but still your levels are awesome.
2010-09-07 11:19:00

Posts: 538

That actually looks surprisingly good.
But the big question is, can they shoot?
If they shoot is there recoil, (Earthquake box will do)
Is there a flash.
In the M420 do the bullets slide along.

EDIT: Sniped! >.<
2010-09-07 11:21:00

Unknown User

i wish i could make your awesome level but i suck at making things that use a lot of logic that and iv been having creators block
but still your levels are awesome.

The guns use hardly any logic. It's the **** rocket powered frame I use, and OH and the ammo counter... Now that's a nightmare to figure out. And thanks.

That actually looks surprisingly good.
But the big question is, can they shoot?
If they shoot is there recoil, (Earthquake box will do)
Is there a flash.
In the M420 do the bullets slide along.

EDIT: Sniped! >.<

Yes, they all can shoot, expect for the mini uzi's.

Visual recoil yes, but theres no spray. I took it out because the emitter liked to emit the bullets far out more then you expected.
About the m240. The bullets don't slide sidewards, but they do move up and down. I'd admit it's a poor way to make it seem like it's sliding across but you can't have two objects move against each other in the front glitch layers.

Also, when out of ammo, the case next to the M240 drops and goes back up to simulate reloading.

I've only modeled out what you can see, I'm pretty sure the other side of the guns are a ugly mess.

Edit: There is flash.
2010-09-07 15:01:00

Posts: 449

Sniped is when you comment on a post but someone comments on it quicker than you..

This sounds more promisising than Warlord Evil's
2010-09-07 22:49:00

Unknown User

Lol PPp, none of my guns (the 3 that i have, one being like 3 peices lol) are real. I guess my DMR and R-553 are kinda real because they're in video games like MAG and Halo: REACH. Ima try to be more original and create an entirely new gun.2010-10-14 22:27:00

Unknown User

thank you very much im GhostkOfkSpartak i ask you to be my frind but you dont want
but thanks but where can i get them? pleas send them to me or be my frind an give them to me
2010-10-27 12:58:00

Unknown User

i love the guns, great objects, cool levels too especialy the vietnam helicopter. Can anyone tell me how you make the guns, is it all in the three layers or do you use the 50 layer glitch.2010-11-14 04:34:00

Posts: 104

I would have an easier time growing a third person shooter in my backyard then completing just one of these models and having it work. Just creating the hand wrapped around the grip of the weapon like that. No way.2010-11-14 14:56:00

Posts: 653

Great stuff. Great use of the 3d glitch.2010-11-20 21:55:00

Posts: 587

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