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Multifloor elevator logic kit

Archive: 7 posts

This is a elevator logic kit that is very thermo friendly, only half of one of the small bars after a level has basic materials in it.
It uses a single grab, and a double-tap, tap, grab switch. it is easily extensible, and in theory, an support an infinite amount of floors The level is copyable. PM me if you need help installing

Level Name: Multifloor elevator logic kit.

5 F4F limit
2010-09-06 23:40:00

Posts: 386

Going to Have to Check This Out, Add Me on PSN? :}2010-09-07 22:38:00

Unknown User

Maybe you can make a copyable level if you hadn't already for those that just want to check out your method? 2010-09-07 23:03:00

Posts: 1355

only half of one of the small bars after a level has basic materials in it. You should place all the tools you used in a level aswell, not just the materials. I'm sure if you place a new tool it adds to the thermo more than placing a 2nd 1 does.2010-09-07 23:47:00

Posts: 396

Maybe you can make a copyable level for those that just want to check out your method?

The level is copyable.
2010-09-07 23:52:00

Posts: 386

I've seen it and tried it. It's a nice piece of kit, fully functional and not too heavy on the therm. Deviantgeek however is rather rude. He keeps dismissing me from create mode everytime I mess about, chatter too much or generally lose interest in the logic after seeing it for the six-billionth time. The indignity of it!2010-09-08 04:08:00

Posts: 2130

I've seen it and tried it. It's a nice piece of kit, fully functional and not too heavy on the therm. Deviantgeek however is rather rude. He keeps dismissing me from create mode everytime I mess about, chatter too much or generally lose interest in the logic after seeing it for the six-billionth time. The indignity of it!

I Don't dissmiss you, i just say, you aren't required to stay
2010-09-08 23:07:00

Posts: 386

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