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I Have made a new Material!

Archive: 38 posts

Everyone, I have made (Atleast I think) a new material! CLAY! Yes sir! You can drag it around to make your own platform or maybe even a shape! If you would like to see it, add me on PSN if you haven't already!2010-09-06 22:46:00

Posts: 63

I'll add you next time I'm on... I'm curious.2010-09-06 23:03:00

Posts: 849

Upload pictures >.<2010-09-06 23:13:00

Unknown User

Is this a piece of grabbable stone material you've made?2010-09-06 23:27:00

Posts: 2454

I'm with TheChannel, we need pictures. And to add to that, maybe a short description of what it does. Otherwise, I'm quite curious to see what it is, because it sounds cool.2010-09-06 23:31:00

Posts: 463

That is awesome! Upload some pics!2010-09-10 02:37:00

Posts: 2

So... Your saying you can resize this is play mode?2010-09-10 03:29:00

Posts: 1578

Are you sure it just isn't cow-glitched material? :/2010-09-10 03:51:00

Posts: 6707

Seriously, pictures. I am interested, but I want to know more before adding you.2010-09-10 04:23:00

Posts: 1874

Are you sure it just isn't cow-glitched material? :/

What is cow-glitch material?! That is driving me crazy!!Anyways.I'll add you......sounds interesting
2010-09-10 05:08:00

Posts: 564

I think you should ask for friends in the Find Other Happy Gadders area.

2010-09-10 05:20:00

Posts: 673

I'm glad somebody caught on.
2010-09-10 07:51:00

Posts: 3149

yeah.......... if anything this is just a cow-glitched something...
but then again, isn't cow glitch patched? (and he said hes MADE it)
2010-09-10 08:01:00

Posts: 775

What is cow-glitch material?! That is driving me crazy!!Anyways.I'll add you......sounds interesting

Cow-glitch is an old glitch that gives a material the properties of another, like spongy rocks, heavy pink floaty, or movable dark matter as example.

yeah.......... if anything this is just a cow-glitched something...
but then again, isn't cow glitch patched? (and he said hes MADE it)

Yet again, seeing as this appears as a desperate call for friends he could just as easly goten it from the thousands of levels that have cow-glitched materials and said he invented it, don't you think?

Remember, the way to make them was patched, but not the materials themselves.
2010-09-10 08:28:00

Posts: 6707

I want proof
2010-09-10 20:10:00

Posts: 184

what a coincidence, so did I!
Just give me you address, full bank details; ill show you it, its awesome!
2010-09-10 20:26:00

Posts: 1872

Cow-glitch is an old glitch that gives a material the properties of another, like spongy rocks, heavy pink floaty, or movable dark matter as example.

Oh THAT'S what it is?? I never really had a name for it. It was just a glitch really, I guess I called it the "Hey do you have the glitched material that looks like X but acts like X material??"
2010-09-10 21:31:00

Posts: 564

what a coincidence, so did I!
Just give me you address, full bank details; ill show you it, its awesome!

PM sent with all details! Can't wait!

2010-09-10 23:04:00

Posts: 1230

Remember, the way to make them was patched, but not the materials themselves.

Infact If you search for Aya042's Garden of Goodies, you can fnd over 3000 different material samples of materials that have had their properties changed.

But this guy seems to say he can make the object change shape during play...
2010-09-11 00:31:00

Posts: 1578

OP, please respond!!! Everyone here is dying to know, but too suspicious of your possible ulterior motives!2010-09-11 05:54:00

Posts: 92

Now if this was legit wouldn't he have come back here saying "My new friends love my learher"? Or something to that effect? I sense a friend trap like people in Home that say "Hello. Can I add you?".2010-09-11 19:53:00

Posts: 5

Infact If you search for Aya042's Garden of Goodies, you can fnd over 3000 different material samples of materials that have had their properties changed.

But this guy seems to say he can make the object change shape during play...

I have a hax to make sackbots in LBP1 and make clay that changes properties during play mode.

I'll make a level that actually shows them untill I get 5000 creator hearts tho...

There, I said it, so it MUST be true, there's NO WAY its just a trick to call attention or anything.
2010-09-11 20:13:00

Posts: 6707

Suspicious. I can't really trust in this before somebody proves the possible scheme.2010-09-11 20:17:00

Posts: 2462

I'm sure this is a trap, due to the fact that the OP hasn't responded since starting the thread. Someone should probably lock this.2010-09-11 22:08:00

Unknown User

It's nothing new, it's just an emitter that emits a chunk of polystyrene presumably attached to a DM dot, and then as you push a small cube, the chunks emit on top of themselves, so that it's not really "Expanding", it just appears so. This has been a long exploited glitch, nothing really new.2010-09-11 22:29:00

Posts: 222

How's this, I'll add you, you show me, if it's fake, you go bye bye from my friends list BTW, I will post my results here 2010-09-12 02:08:00

Posts: 849

How's this, I'll add you, you show me, if it's fake, you go bye bye from my friends list BTW, I will post my results here
someone should have done this a LOOOOONG time ago...
2010-09-12 02:29:00

Posts: 775

Hmm id like to see what it looks like or what it does...2010-09-12 09:28:00

Brand Newdles
Posts: 13

How did an innocent I've made a new material become filled with comments suggesting the poster is just a sad sack in search of friends? I thought I was of a cynical frame of mind but even I'm surprised by the negativity.
Took the trouble to check the material and it's an emitted substance with which you can draw level structures. can't think of a use for it but applaud you for trying and being willing to share your concept in a freindly manner.
2010-09-12 14:38:00

Posts: 533

what a coincidence, so did I!
Just give me you address, full bank details; ill show you it, its awesome!

Yeah! I discovered a new material too!
2010-09-12 15:45:00

Posts: 1800

so its basically some darkmatter polystyrene? oh
2010-09-12 16:52:00

Posts: 1872

How did an innocent I've made a new material become filled with comments suggesting the poster is just a sad sack in search of friends? I thought I was of a cynical frame of mind but even I'm surprised by the negativity.
Took the trouble to check the material and it's an emitted substance with which you can draw level structures. can't think of a use for it but applaud you for trying and being willing to share your concept in a freindly manner.

You gotta remember that threr are many people out there with very similar "tricking methods."
It may be a nice act indeed, but presented in a very suspicious way.

Its like a guy wearing a raincoat, shades and a hat, in a white van offering you a ride home.
Sure, there's a chance he's being nice and indeed just offering a ride home, but knowing the threndercy of that not being the case, are you realy just gnna trust him right away?

No, you're gonna ask for some proof he's no t trying anything suspicious and that he's indeed just giving you a ride home, no?

Yes I know the 2 examples are waaay too appart in importance levels and may just be exaggerating, but you get the main point I'm trying to say here, right?
2010-09-12 17:02:00

Posts: 6707

You gotta remember that threr are many people out there with very similar "tricking methods."
It may be a nice act indeed, but presented in a very suspicious way.

Its like a guy wearing a raincoat, shades and a hat, in a white van offering you a ride home.
Sure, there's a chance he's being nice and indeed just offering a ride home, but knowing the threndercy of that not being the case, are you realy just gnna trust him right away?

No, you're gonna ask for some proof he's no t trying anything suspicious and that he's indeed just giving you a ride home, no?

Yes I know the 2 examples are waaay too appart in importance levels and may just be exaggerating, but you get the main point I'm trying to say here, right?

I agree with what your saying SilverLeon! But I did let you out of the van after a couple of hours! Mwa ha ha ha!
Maybe a response to the intial poster would be to tell them to publish a demo level and gift the material to save a lot of hassle etc.
On a different but related note, a good friend of mine received a psn message telling he was on the LBP2 beta today asking him to return receipt confirmation of message
by sending back his name,e-mail and psn password. Obviously a fishing scam scheme which everyone should beware! Seems the dark denizens of the internet are hiding in the corners of the sackverse.
2010-09-12 21:30:00

Posts: 533

Is this a piece of grabbable stone material you've made?

I'm with TheChannel, we need pictures. And to add to that, maybe a short description of what it does. Otherwise, I'm quite curious to see what it is, because it sounds cool.
2010-09-14 20:14:00

Unknown User

Have come to the conclusion one (or more) of the following things happened to the OP:

He left the forums.

He dosnt know how to reply.

He was assassinated by MM.

He was captered by MM.

His PS3 detonated on contact with this hax.

The USA shot a nuke at him cuz it was too awesome.

Al-qaida has detained him to use this as their next secret weapon.


This does not exist.

I rest my case.
2010-09-14 20:25:00

Posts: 1578

*sigh* can we just let this thread die or does it need to be locked, whether the OP was telling the truth or not you will never find out since all your basically insults have scared them off.

Now maybe they were just a person looking for some friends, but there is no need to lower that persons self esteem by bullying them.
2010-09-14 20:27:00

Posts: 2662

GAH! wheres admiral ackbar when you need you need him... no anyone? fine
2010-09-14 20:35:00

The age of LOLZ
Posts: 229

I'm locking this thread. if the OP comes back with answers then, please PM me and I'll re-open it for you. As for the rest of you.. time to go and find something constructive to do, folks. Click.2010-09-14 22:33:00

Posts: 1567

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