Comrades are Best
Archive: 1 post
Comrades are BestIudicium86 This is actually my entry in the co-op category for the LBL 4 in 1 epic-ness competition. You and a fellow Agent must infiltrate the Sacktonian Empire's Labs and stop their plans in making a new chemical warfare weapon. I did have to cut it just a bit short though =( Thermo ran out. But I may continue this if it becomes popular enough. http://x09.xanga.com/5f5f93f656332271601287/m216627769.jpg http://xa0.xanga.com/4a5f44f6d9d31271601290/b216627772.jpg http://x02.xanga.com/832f72f4d9d30271601291/b216627773.jpg http://x49.xanga.com/098f76fad9d30271601292/b216627774.jpg http://x2a.xanga.com/057f60f716333271601294/b216627776.jpg | 2010-09-06 02:02:00 Author: Iudicium_86 ![]() Posts: 167 |
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