About Back-up profiles...
Archive: 5 posts
Is there a way I can back-up a profile to a new account without getting a message saying I can't get trophies? | 2010-09-05 15:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You press start and you go to settings (If you updated your Littlebigplanet, in the settings there will be a back-up option. | 2010-09-05 22:40:00 Author: Eronninja13 ![]() Posts: 637 |
Is there a way I can back-up a profile to a new account without getting a message saying I can't get trophies? Only if the two accounts share the same PSN ID (which means they'd have to be on two different PS3s). | 2010-09-05 23:15:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
So I can't use a new PSN? Because I want to transfer a costume I made ot another PSN and still get trophies | 2010-09-06 03:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
There's one possibility which I've never tried: assuming both accounts (let's call them PSN1 and PSN2) are on the same PS3, and you want to transfer the data from account PSN1 to account PSN2, then... Make a backup of all savegames in account PSN2. Delete account PSN2. Sign into PSN on account PSN1, but enter the account details for account PSN2. When signed in, start up LBP, and make a profile backup. Now shutdown LBP, and sign out of PSN. Now sign back in on account PSN1, but this time, enter the account details for account PSN1. Create a new local user account, and associate it with the account details for account PSN2. Copy the profile backup from PSN1 to PSN2. Now sign into account PSN2, and import the backup. Warning: This may not work, and I take no reponsibility for any data loss you may incur. If you decide to attempt this, I'd recommend making a full system backup first. | 2010-09-07 01:57:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
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