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Archive: 13 posts

My name is Se?n, I am 19 years old. I'm Irish. I bought LBP on its release date for ?74, only to have the price drop dramatically after I had purchased it.

I am decent at playing the game, while I was trying to Ace the game I managed to Ace the Doom Wheel level ,in the Wilderness, first time. I took a long while to get good at creating properly, and some of my early levels look really bad. My most recent level, The Town Road, was the culmination of all the style and characteristics I had developed while creating the previous levels. This is most apparent when you look at it's prequel, The High Road, it had my character and style but still needed refinement. I had removed all my other levels for LBP because my skills where improving and I was feeling that, either I upgrade them or get rid of them, getting rid of them was by far the easiest option.

I also find LBP frustrating. I go on to the community pages and get bombarded by bomb levels, races challenges, shark attack, jump challenges, you can't beat this, kill your friends, Mario kart, Crazy train, blank levels, H4H, Hate H4H, basically lots of rubbish. Rubbish that I feel is far worse than my levels, I have had to look really hard to find good levels, like The Mulberry Wood, Monster Pinball, LittleBig Dead Space, and others I cannot remember the name of, They all go to my hearted page and I play them again. I was so disheartened by LBP page one cool levels that I couldn't find a reason to play LBP any more. I had to constantly update my level just to keep it near the top ten pages, So I couldn't find any motivation to make a sequel, seen as though I was being ignored anyway.

I made lots of friends on LBP, some really good creators, some knew where the good levels were, others where great craic to play with, with all the banter that goes on.

So after leaving LBP for a long time, I came back just to have a look, found a LBPcentral sticker and looked it up on the net, and so that brought me here. So far it looks like a lively community, I've been enjoying playing the spotlight levels, adding them to hearted and ticking them off my list. I've already posted up my level in Showcases just to see a response. I think I'll stick around this time, and eagerly await the second coming.
2010-09-04 13:11:00

Regan Spor
Posts: 9

Hello and welcome to LBPC Regan Spor!

Makio (I?m also new here)
2010-09-04 13:16:00

Unknown User

Welcome! Glad ya made it!

Yup.. quite a few of us ended up here under similar circumstances. Disheartened by what was out there or ran off by other forums that weren't very friendly. Besides the Spotlights, make sure to check out the Cool Levels in the Level Showcase. Another great tip is to check out the hearted list of some of your favorite creators. Sometimes you find really amazing creators that way and then start checking out THEIR hearted list and so on.. There is really a ton of amazing stuff out there to be found!

Also take advantage of the F4F system (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=7962-Feedback-For-Feedback) (feedback for feedback) as it can get you a bit more feedback. This works especially well, if you go and play other F4F levels in the Level Showcase, leave constructive feedback and mention what level to play to honor their F4F.

Let us know if you have any questions!!

Have fun!
2010-09-04 13:22:00

Posts: 11383

hey! welcome to little big planet central!2010-09-04 17:44:00

Posts: 29

Hey, another Irish dude! I'm Irish as well!

You know what they say about us, we are handsome blokes with a funny accent. We're like Sheriff Zapata out of story mode.
2010-09-04 18:34:00

Posts: 1114

Hello, welcome to LBPC, have fun!!

BTW, Irish people are the best kind around!
2010-09-04 23:52:00

Posts: 1800

Welcome to the central!
If you have any questions feel free to ask
Hope you have fun!
2010-09-05 00:07:00

Posts: 2442

Welcome to Little Big Planet Central.2010-09-06 22:53:00

Unknown User

nice to meet u all wellcome im new my self im on lbp right now XD2010-09-06 22:57:00

Posts: 2

Welcome to Little Big Planet Central.2010-09-07 07:58:00

Posts: 84

Thanks all for such a warm welcome. I can't wait to get stuck in.2010-09-09 15:38:00

Regan Spor
Posts: 9

Oh, I think you'll find that you have already been sucked in and there's no chance of you ever getting away from us now! Mwahahaha!2010-09-09 16:18:00

Posts: 771

Welcome! Have a good time. Friend me if you want.2010-09-10 02:25:00

Posts: 1030

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