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The delay and the Online Creation patch

Archive: 5 posts

Sorry if this has been discussed before, but with the delay, would this mean that the patch to create online may be available by release date? I would assume MM would continue working on that patch, and with sources stating it being within a week after release- with release being later, would that mean it would be out by then?

Or at least sooner after the release. *shrug*

Anyway, sorry if discussed before. But yeah, I was just thinking about this.
2008-10-23 22:43:00

Posts: 10882

Yeah, I don't think the delay affected the patch much at all... We might see it in November (I hope!).2008-10-23 22:50:00

Posts: 1603

is anyone looking at the thread below


or are you not on about that? *is confused*
2008-10-23 22:53:00

Posts: 3767

is anyone looking at the thread below


or are you not on about that? *is confused*

You mean if this is about that patch?

Nah, this is about the patch allowing people creating levels online, instead of only on one PS3.
2008-10-23 22:55:00

Posts: 10882

Ah i get it. Yeah can't wait till that feature is up.2008-10-23 22:58:00

Posts: 3767

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