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Your rules for LBP creation.

Archive: 44 posts

Here are a few of mine.
- All intros/conversation trees must be skippable.
- No invisible barriers to break immersion.
- No overlapping magic mouths. Must be able to replay important ones.
- All vehicles must move faster than the player.
- Introduce all gameplay mechanics, even in sequels.
- Avoid obvious "thin gas" placement. The player should not notice.
- All player deaths must be avoidable.
- Everything must be as consistant as possible.
- If it's not fun, cut it.
I haven't been able to put some of these into practice yet, but I will do for my next level.

I thought it would be interesting to hear everyone else's rules, as I know they differ.
What are your rules you use when creating levels?
2010-09-03 07:37:00

Posts: 2513

Well considering I've never made an actual level my rules relate more to objects and concepts.
- Must be fun for me to build (this is paramount)
- Objects must be a reasonable size for sackboy
- Everything must be kept to as few layers as possible
- Reliability over visuals
- Easy to understand and use
- Use the least amount of thermo (I often forget this though)

The rules I use for the level ideas that I have include
- Fun for me to build, like before
- Replay value
- A new experience every play through (comes under replay value but is more important than other methods)
- This isn't necessary but hopefully the player experiences something new.
2010-09-03 08:43:00

Posts: 2431

i don't have many that aren't common sense imo but my new regiment/priorities are;

never 2-3 layers for flat stretches of ground & no walking/hallways without something interactive or fun within 20 steps

don't be afraid to build obstacles and themes that are architecturally out of context, but fun

nothing that i have to shoot til my thumb hurts

always leave room for brains, points and combos so actions can be rewarded (no more sacrificing gameplay for therm)

don't use fixed cameras on stationary places because it's not multiplayer friendly, in fact don't even build in ways that require odd perspective... same for puzzles and areas that need magic mouth instructions. it's GOT to be intuitive and fluid

everything doesn't have to be intricate... MM often used the most basic shapes and stickers

not new but my pet peeve is moving objects without sounds and not using keys to turn them on and off etc - if i'm at the top floor then the elevator shouldn't still be going whirrrrrrrrrr from a sensor
2010-09-03 09:30:00

Unknown User

"All vehicles must move faster than the player."

I laughed aloud when I read that! I've run into that problem several times in other creators' levels. Forty-five seconds of going slowly over an electric floor with nothing in the background, then if you die the car didn't go back!
2010-09-03 09:52:00

Unknown User

- Go in with a loose concept and no bigger picture, then make it all up as I go along.

- If someone's done it before then it's off the menu. I insist on bringing something different to the table.

- Think not "what can I create within the limitations of the tools?". Think "how can I manipulate the tools to create whatever the bloody hell I want to?".

- Get worryingly OCD over detail, wasting half the thermo allowance on the first area alone. Then panic.

- No random floating platforms. Everything you can drag, shoot, swing or jump on must have a logical context within the theme of the environment.

- Take time and care over creating custom made stickers. These can provide high detail and a unique look at no cost to the objects/shapes thermo.

- Composition is an essential element of aesthetics. There is beauty to be found in symmetry.

- Accept that I stink at complex logics and ask for help when my brain can't take the pain anymore.

- Enemies/npcs are essential. My levels shall not be devoid of other lifeforms!

- Make the player think and don't hold their hand like a child crossing the road.

- Score bubbles guzzle valuable thermo which could otherwise be used to make pretty things. Don't sprinkle them around liberally like icing sugar on a cake, but reserve them for rewarding secret hunters.

- A level is not ready to publish until my friends have playtested it a billion times over. If they begin to develop a vacant, glassy eyed expression and a general air of indifference, then flog 'em with a paddle until they look perky again.

- Dark humour is what Ungreth does best. Stick to the formula.

- Woo her with flowers, chocolates and sweet talk, then bed her as soon as...um...oops, where did my mind go?
2010-09-03 10:20:00

Posts: 2130

Everything Ungreth said is pretty much the formula for awesome/mad science.

don't forget to change your material set 500 times too, until deciding to stick with the original one.
2010-09-03 11:01:00

Unknown User

If it's crap, delete and start again.2010-09-03 11:08:00

Posts: 4291

-Go overboard on a vehicle/play mechanic that really isn't practical in lbp, spend months trying to shoehorn it in, and never release an actual level with it when it turns out to not be playable.
-Never ever include "One player only" in the title or description: all levels must support at least two, and if at all possible, four players (um....except my next level, which is going to be a one player thing).
-If it's been done before, find a way to make it better so I can totally one-up the other guy... err.. um .. so I can push my limits as a creator and give the player the most enjoyable experience possible.
-Never force the player to die unavoidably or cheaply: all levels must be aceable.
-Include instructions for vehicles, etc. but make them skippable.
-If the player can escape the level, give them some extra points for finding their way out.
-If the player can't escape the level, add in a way for them to do it and then refer to the previous rule.
-If the player will need a sticker to continue, warn them to turn prizes on before the prize bubble shows up.
-Make prize bubbles avoidable so players don't have to take my crappy gadgets (not as important as it was before yarg, but still a polite thing).
-Vehicles must be as playable as possible: give the player the ability to move left/right/up/down (as the case may be) and shoot/jump/honk the horn/something to make them feel like they're still playing a game, not just holding down the drive button.
-Work in jokes that I think are hilarious and that I'm sure everybody else will find hilarious.... but that nobody else realizes are even supposed to be funny.
-Never ever use a Mm style character: make them from 3d doll parts and stuff if possible/use a sackboy cutout/make 'em look awesome one way or another:
2010-09-03 11:28:00

Posts: 2188

I'm still working on a level series, so here's my rules for it:
- Choose around 2 basic materials for each area;
- LBPC sticker at the beggining;
- Story must progress;
That's all I can think for now.
2010-09-03 12:58:00

Posts: 5891

I think the rules for really good levels are quite obvious:
-everything you build has to be detailed, neat, as complex as possible and has to be in the level for a reason (no random added material just to fill the level with something or simple lines and no decorations etc.)
-when you build things like cars, buildings etc. it should be like the real thing (a street has lamps and benches, a house needs windows, a car needs doors and all that)
-never use the outer walls for your levels or let the players even see them because that looks cheap, destroys the illusion and is a mark of amateurs
-never leave parts of the level blank and try to decoarte open spaces with the 3D glitch
-always try to do new things people have never seen before
-never add comments like "Give me 5 stars and a heart please" because that makes you look like a stupid little kid without skills
-Never use anything someone else made (nor Mm objects you can do urself) and do anything alone so everything looks exactly like you have imagined it (as long as it's not something you wanted to do together with someone in the first place)
2010-09-03 13:37:00

Posts: 554

Well, I have no levels out yet for the moment, but for the projects I am working on I do have some requirements:
- Gameplay must be enjoyable, working and flowing while also having a certain amount of difficulty. No sunshine walk on the beach.
- Choice of sound and music must be fitting, no unfitting sounds.
- Setting is crucial, I can use lots of time swinging the fogginess settings from left or right and find just the right tone.
- Have everything neat and tidy, but have an area where you keep lots of random stuff you might need.
- Characters and level visual style must be a match, everything must keept to their style, while you have to vary within it to let there be something refreshing and new every time.

And, my rule number one:
Always check for secret duck sticker placed by visitors!!!
2010-09-03 13:57:00

Posts: 1627

- Natural enviornment/outline first, then add man-made pieces.
- Save thermo for later. Nothing worse than running out before you've added bubbles and details.
- I place many bubble combos for two reasons:
1. Encourage replayability to try for highscore.
2. Reward players for finding secrets and/or making long jumps.
- Multiple paths are a must. Linear isn't always the best.
- If multiple paths aren't possible, include secrets for players to search for.
- Add LIGHTS! Increase immersion by 100 times.
- Keep it fun.
- Keep it beautiful.
- Keep it detailed.
- Make the level a good length.

That's all I've got...
2010-09-03 15:04:00

Posts: 2979

-I dont let people change the level I made into what THEY want. They can suggest things that they want to see, but if its something I dont want to add, I dont add it. period.

-Corner editor must be used in a level I am assisting/creating. No corner editor, no fun.

-I must have fun when I am making a level. If I do, others may also have as much fun as I did creating a level, And vice versa.

- Close to no Logic. No overload of darkmatter or complicated switches. If I dont want to make it a supercomputer, I dont add logic.( thats also because I stink at making logic! ) And close to no glitches whatsoever. If theres a few glitches I need to add to prevent the player from cheating(cough, Thecxmen, cough*), Then thats fine, But if im using glitches every section of my level, then Im not having fun.

Thats basically it. Im not hard to create with, I just hate overcomplicating things.
2010-09-03 15:19:00

Posts: 1990

Start with a nice fancy beginning that uses effects.
Place invisible walls/thin gas where people won't notice, only for the corner jumpers.
Lots 'o lights.
3-4 main materials, 2-3 extra ones.
No Mm objects, except for the 3D ones.
Logics get hidden.
Hide (MOST) winches, and place a string that the player WILL see.
No areas where the player has to fiddle around with logic.
Plenty of camera angles, pointing out the small details and hazards.
Layer glitch only for details. Don't use extra layers WITH the regular ones for a road.
Lots of sound effects.
Almost always INT. music, and it changes instruments depending on the area.
Corner edit everything!
Point bubbles in groups of 3, but able to get multipliers.
Finish with a big special effect.
Show scoreboard.

2010-09-03 15:23:00

Posts: 1106

I hate rules, that's why I don't have any when creating.2010-09-03 15:37:00

Posts: 3871

?Level must be difficult
?Level should be atleast 2 player friendly
?Test EVERYTHING you add, then test it again
?Don't show logic
?Anything that is transportation should move faster than the player.
?The boss must be a flying head. NO EXCEPTIONS
2010-09-03 15:41:00

Posts: 3262

No overlapping magic mouths. Must be able to replay important ones.

Off topic, but just FYI: a simple prox will allow you to replay magic mouths that are overlapping.
2010-09-03 15:49:00

Posts: 6497

Rules... hmmmm.

Rule 1 - Include the donkey head.
Rule 2 - Mm objects are only to be used for blowing them up or crushing them for the lulz.
Rule 3 - Community objects, same as Rule 2.
Rule 4 - There is no rule 4.
Rule 4a - This is not a contradiction.
Rule 5 - Save at least once every 5.3 seconds, even if you didn't change anything.
Rule 5a - If there are others in Create mode with you, don't save unless absolutely necessary.
Rule 6 - Always create in Paused mode, creating in Unpaused mode is madness!
Rule 7 - Wobble logics. Because it looks cooler than piston logics.
Rule 8 - The censoring system was coded by an albino platypus on a 386 with half the keyboard missing.

That should be enough for now.
2010-09-03 16:19:00

Posts: 2536

My rules are here:

1. The first start gate must be at an interesting place.
2. Never let the player switch between all three layers at will, at one spot.
3. Use the most complicated logic ever(, go only as far as you must, don't do anything useless).
4. Always have varying gameplay.
5. The level will always introduce a gameplay mechanic that you didn't already know/is not common.
6. The level must be varying.
7. Use many stickers. No, don't spam one sticker everywhere, use different kinds of 'em.
8. Add small details. Vines are always good. Or something similar, but it must be thin, and long.
9. Use lights.
10. Use decorations.
11. Everything based on logic is possible.
Edit: 12. Create everything yourself, except for 3d objects.

The 1. and 5. rules are the hardest ones to follow. That's why I haven't created any full levels, but my first real level is getting ready soon.
2010-09-03 17:09:00

Posts: 83

I can only think of a few at the moment:

- Keep developing logic up to the point where you can no longer remember what half of it does.

- Ambient lighting is beautiful.

- Overlap decorations where possible for new and interesting combinations (for example the thrusters on my flyers or the steam cannons on the turrets in Locomotive Leviathan).

- Always add something for the curious player (hiddens treasure chests, lights that can be shot out etc).

- Hide logic at all times, but extra special bonus points if this can be done whilst incorporating the logic into a moving piece of scenery etc.

- 3 way switches are forbidden (I try to avoid them / build alternatives where possible) thus benefitting the above.

- Mm / community objects are forbidden, except for Mm objects that have not been made ingame (Davy Jones' chest, Iron Man mask, teacup etc).

- The glitched sublayers are your friend.

- If you can fool someone into thinking your level was made by Mm / made in LBP2 / from an entirely different game you have achieved a goal.
2010-09-03 17:41:00

Posts: 572

Rules! Bah! I'll just go ahead and list a few out of all 3,000.

-Create when inspired.

-Do not create when not inspired.

-Logic doesn't have to be optimized. (Glares at Incinerator and logic people.)

-Ignore the thermo.

-If the thermo goes full then delete the bomb device Incinerator may have placed in your level.

-Turn off the HUD in create mode.

-Turn on music.

-All magnetic keys must hidden, along with all other logic stuff that is off-screen.

-Do not choose high contrast materials that make detail of the level clash and cause headaches for the creator or player.

-Game play or important objects should have little to no detail so it is not hidden into awesome scenery.

-Merging two materials together is better than using the corner editor.

-Let little to no-one test my level because I already know it has little to no problems. :kz:

-Let no-one join because they will linger and want to create something, but I do not want them to create something, because I will not like it.

-Use all aspects of creation, lights, decorations, objects, materials, stickers, sounds, music, to the fullest thermo breaking limit.

-If one of the aspects fills the thermo, deplete it and evenly scatter it through-out the level, then use the next aspect until you can't do that either. All aspects should be applied evenly at the same time, however.

-Build moving game play in a separate level and import into the final level, as the hour glitch is merciless with your poor pistons.

-If a built area troubles you, delete it and rebuild.

-If it does not trouble you, but someone else tells you it's wrong, wait that rule doesn't apply to me. :kz:

-Build for fun and not plays, hearts, crowns, or free cookies.
2010-09-03 22:27:00

Posts: 4193

-MM is God. They got it right and their levels are a prime example of what to do.

-Score bubbles aren't always necessary.

-Secrets are a good thing.

-Thin gas is your friend.

-If you really want to use an MM made object (Creator Curator, contraptions, etc.), recreate it!

-Hidden duck is a must.

-Incorporate your environment into your obstacles.

-Lights are good (unless the level is light enough).

-Glitches are not bad, they are mearly the evolution of the game and so you must use them.

-Include REeL WATorZ!!!1!!111!one in your title. ()
2010-09-03 22:31:00

Posts: 1562

-Logic doesn't have to be optimized. (Glares at Incinerator and logic people.)

*Glares back and flashes the middle finger*

2010-09-03 23:36:00

Posts: 3251

*Glares back and flashes the middle finger*

Glares again.
2010-09-03 23:40:00

Posts: 4193

Here are a few of mine:

-Make the visuals quality consistent
-If there is too much to undo, start from scratch (probably not a good rule)
-If I wouldn't enjoy it, don't publish it
-Have a snippet of originality at least
-Make sure I get second or third opinions on major decisions
2010-09-04 00:30:00

Posts: 587

Heh, I have some rudimentary ones.

The level must never have bugs. All possible bugs must be eliminated before release. This rule must be 100% adhered to.

Test the living daylights out of the level to make sure everything works perfectly, all the time.

All logic and gameplay must be reliable, thermo efficient or not.

The player must find their way by thinking, and with limited instructions.

The level must be easy to complete but very hard to ace.

Everything must be atleast remotely reasonable in it's environment.

All terrain/objects should look fluidly realistic within the environment.

Prizes/hidden objects should be very hard to find, sometimes to the extreme. (see waterfall temple)

As much feedback as possible should be sought so that the level is published near perfection.

All curves should be as smooth as possible.

NEVER edit while the game is unpaused. Always rewind after unpausing.

Those are my main ones.
2010-09-04 00:54:00

Posts: 1578

Hmm... I would say a few of them, some I HAVE to follow in order!

-Procrastinate, try not to think about my next level, it will probably stress me out and whoever joins me next will get the brunt of the anger.

-Listen to music.

-Actually create something instead of procrastinating.

-Join friends to procrastinate...

-Think about important things while creating, like Marvin the Paranoid Android.

-Work on the level.

-Drag people who don't want to test it to make sure the comments are 100% biased.

-Have something to eat while I publish.

That was my rule on how to schedule my time while creating a level!
2010-09-04 01:18:00

Posts: 1076

My rules of creating are something like that:

- The level must not break when you play it.
- The player must be able to easily avoid prize bubbles and keys.
- The player must not use the sackboy kill function from the poppit under ANY circumstances.
- It's possible to gather points.
- There are secrets + rewards.
- Level design must be coherent and never to send mixed signals to the player.
- Art should be coherent somehow.
- The player shall never see outside the level or see dark matter.
- The player should never see the "real" floor.
- If I find it not fun enough, it's not released.

2010-09-04 02:59:00

Posts: 3901

- The player shall never see outside the level or see dark matter.
This rule makes me mad, no, I use it all the time, but Mm keeps breaking it! Even in LBP2 videos I see that their levels have blank spaces below the floor.
2010-09-04 05:49:00

Posts: 4193

This rule makes me mad, no, I use it all the time, but Mm keeps breaking it! Even in LBP2 videos I see that their levels have blank spaces below the floor.
I think this is just one of those "personal preference" rules.
I don't mind it at all (except for blank background), as I find the ground looks decent with all the extra blades of grass and rocks and stuff.
Looks good when MM does it.
2010-09-04 06:49:00

Posts: 2513

I think this is just one of those "personal preference" rules.
I don't mind it at all (except for blank background), as I find the ground looks decent with all the extra blades of grass and rocks and stuff.
Looks good when MM does it.
I don't mean the base of the background, I mean the literal blank area outside of levels. In some levels, you can see that the level is floating. I don't like that...LBP1 levels in the Story mode never really did that.
2010-09-04 07:14:00

Posts: 4193

If it's crap, delete and start again.

This is my rule. I delete a lot of levels.
2010-09-04 07:46:00

Posts: 1114

I don't mean the base of the background, I mean the literal blank area outside of levels. In some levels, you can see that the level is floating. I don't like that...LBP1 levels in the Story mode never really did that.

Oh I see what you mean now.
Yeah, I don't like that at all.
I always corner edit out to extreme lengths to prevent it.
2010-09-04 08:20:00

Posts: 2513

I don't understand what people have against the level floor. I can't remember who criticized one of my levels because I actually *gasp* let the player run on the floor for five steps or so. He thought that I had legitimately messed up and needed to fix it (he did point out a bunch of other things that I did need to fix, though). Anyway, I figure if I'm doing a cavey type of level and I'm using the monster cave background, the floor is perfectly good for a small part of the level (but you shouldn't leave the player to run on the floor for any length of time without throwing something else in there to break it up).2010-09-04 09:20:00

Posts: 2188

- Don't use upwards of 7 different materials
- Don't use material based Mm objects (ones like the milk bottle .etc are A-OK!)
- No using community prizes, unless its a glitch material/something I can't make myself.
- No visible Darkmatter
- No prizes
- Humourous moments. Gotta love the funnies.
- No empty corridors longer than the screen will show normally in play.
- Hide the rubber ducky sticker around (and maybe give him a hat or a 'stache )
- If my sister ragequits testing it, it's probably too hard.
- Make sneaky shortcuts for me to use if it's a race level, that most others will miss C:<
- Build according to creator's emotion at the time (this explains why there is a really dark segment in an otherwise light-heartedish level I haven't released yet)
- Use the glitch 50 point bubble instead of regular ones.
2010-09-04 10:07:00

Posts: 1027

my is prob like anyone else's

-make sure it' fun to play, not too much areas where you just walk and see sume sweet graphics, that's lame.
-also try make something new with the gameplay, if your out of ideas then go and get inspired! play old games, read intresting books (ok so i never read books) or just watch at the weather and bang! a cloudy adventure!
-don't brag about the level too much and don't say it's too bad neither, if you brag about it people will hate you and send assasins after you , if you keep saying ''could have - should have - maybe it's bad that - etc people won't get intrested playing it.
-characters should-must have some parts moving, it makes it look more alive, it's a plus if you can make it say diffrent things depending what you do, (never succeded with that though) cardboard figures wtf! and sackbots ofc...
-listen to what people have to say about your level, some tips is neccisary for your level.
-h4h is weak
-cool visuals have never killed anybody, as long as they aren't copied :kz:

and that's about it...
2010-09-04 12:30:00

Posts: 785

I usually follow this list.

1. Don't do it for others, if you like your level then it's good
2. If you think something can be done better, do it!
3. Plan ahead, draw some doodles to help you build the level
4. Don't give up after the first build session, if you don't like the level or can't come up with anything, leave it alone and come back when you have something in your mind.
6. Make everything fit into the level, a paintinator doesn't really fit into the stone-age
7. It doesn't look cool if you electrify everything
8. Avoid long hallways, always add some gameplay
9. Eat, sometimes a creator has to eat. You don't want to starve to death before hitting the 160h bug
10. Show your creation to others, that makes them interested and you pretty much have to finish your level or else everyone will be disappointed
11. Rocket cheetahs make everything better
12. Add bubbles, if possible make hard bubble combos
13. A moving block, a plasma emitter, a paint switch set to 100 hits and a brain isn't a good boss
14. To increase the fun factor, add secrets
15. Add lights, and sounds
16. Don't rely on the lights and sounds, lights may make the level look good but it doesn't make the level good.
17. Think about all the possible scenarios, can the player be stuck somewhere? Add a failsafe or a sign that says "noob!"
18. Don't use battles by atlas, that song will be stuck in your head for a week
19. If you didn't add water, put a global water switch at the scoreboard... wait wat?
20. Don't use extra layers if you aren't going into detail with those, a long grass field isn't really too impressive.
21. Don't come up with some stupid rules to prevent you from creating something fun
22. Remember, rules are meant to be broken

I tend to break many of these rules... At least rules 2, 4, 8, 13 and 16...
2010-09-04 14:32:00

Posts: 1653

Rule 1

Don't worry about,
- what other people might think
- what other people think is good
- whether it's been done before
- time

and most importantly,

- rules
2010-09-04 14:48:00

Posts: 3193

Rule 1

Don't worry about,
- what other people might think
- what other people think is good
- whether it's been done before
- time

and most importantly,

- rules
These are about the best rules you could ever use. Its YOUR level, Do what YOU want!
2010-09-04 15:48:00

Posts: 1990

Anything goes.

2010-09-04 16:07:00

Posts: 769

1. I must think it looks good, or at least, better than most levels in LBP

2. It must have a good story! (this is important since all my levels are story based)

3. If I don't make the story, make sure it is a good one.. (*cough*)

4. Make sure it doesn't look too bland. If a surface does look bland, slap down a dirt smudge sticker, or something else that fits with the theme of the level.
2010-09-04 16:39:00

Posts: 1913

For playing a level

-must be original
-NO remakes of another ones level
-try new things and unique gameplay (I 5 STAR anything that makes me smile)

For creating
-Don't apologize for the level being too short (I NO STAR anything that apologizes)
-discover techniques
-try out ALL the things MM give you before creating a level (it helps a lot for future issues)

-If the thermo is being a jerk then...
-get rid of some of the stickers or corners (try and use the corner editor it's easy on the thermo)
-get me to help you

P.S. all so don't make a player have to come across a dead end and kill themselves

(I probably didn't get all of them but who cares? I'm unknown)
2010-09-06 07:51:00

Posts: 15

Must be intentionally frustrating for the player. That way, they get mad at me and post funny comments,2010-09-06 07:58:00

Unknown User

no outside logic

all vehicles must have 1 function per every 5 by 5 grid space
do not use invisible rods pistons or any form of connectors
function over fashion always
bosses must follow rules for vehicles
use as few brains as possible
have at least one gundam per lvl
2010-09-12 04:46:00

Posts: 70

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