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Portal help!

Archive: 11 posts

HI. I want to get portal but Im not sure what to get first. Portal 1 or Portal 2? And how do I get Portal 1 for PS3, I searched every where and found the orange box. What is the orange box? Or should I just get the PC version? I want to get both but one first. I got Uncharted 2 first, should I do the same for this game? Im really confused Can somebody please Help?2010-09-02 20:11:00

Posts: 72

The orange box is half life 2 + episodes 1 & 2 + team fortress 2 + portal.

You can't buy portal 2 on its own for ps3.
2010-09-02 21:07:00

Posts: 6728

I think you should definitely play the first Portal. It's a great game and it's a quick play (I'd estimate about 3-5 hours on your first play through).

The Orange Box is a collection of Valve games and includes Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode 1, Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2. I have The Orange Box for my Xbox 360 and love it. I've heard that there are some issues with the PS3 version, but I know a couple people who bought it and were happy with it. You can find the Orange Box pretty cheap these days, so it's a pretty good deal considering you get all those other games.

The PC version of Portal is pretty cheap these days also and a big advantage it has over the console version is that people have created new maps and mods, which have extended the life of the game.

I don't think you can really go wrong with either of these options, so I'd just go with whatever platform you prefer to game on.
2010-09-02 21:11:00

Posts: 1335

Get the cheaper PC version of Portal from Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/app/400/)

Alternatively, watch a walkthrough of Portal 1 on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIbGm5RIIs0&feature=PlayList&p=D22333BEB25852AE&index=0&playnext=1) so you understand the story, and then purchase Portal 2 for the PS3. This is the better option if you don't have enough money for both games!
2010-09-02 21:20:00

Posts: 2105

I recommend Portal 1 on the PC. Portal 2 is supposed to come out in February, but Valve is horrible when it comes to release dates. You could be waiting longer than you thought.2010-09-02 21:20:00

Posts: 3262

Ok iv made up my mind. Ill wait to get Portal 2 and watch the walkthrough on youtube. Thatill give me more time to play LBP2!

Edit: Just watched the whole thing the end was EPIC!: p
2010-09-02 23:44:00

Posts: 72

Get portal 1 for your computer through steam, then get portal 2 for the ps3 when it comes out. SKIP THE ORANGE BOX FOR PS3! It was ported from the xbox version very badly by an outside company and gave Gabe Newell, the main man behind portal, the idea that the ps3 is crap. He has since changed his opinion, but still.2010-09-03 05:40:00

Posts: 1874

Get portal 1 for your computer through steam, then get portal 2 for the ps3 when it comes out. SKIP THE ORANGE BOX FOR PS3! It was ported from the xbox version very badly by an outside company and gave Gabe Newell, the main man behind portal, the idea that the ps3 is crap. He has since changed his opinion, but still.

that didn't make him think the ps3 was crap, it's because it is so hard to code for because it uses OpenGL instead.
now that they've started developing for Mac (which also uses OpenGL), he changed his mind as it's gonna be easier now.
2010-09-03 17:41:00

Unknown User

I've played the orange box on PS3 - though I've only really played portal off it. I don't think I encountered any problems at all with it, except for the loading screens being slightly longer than expected. Still, an awesome play! You can get it for a fiver or something nowadays. Doesn't cost much, and is well worth the money. It'll also give you a feel for how to play portal, so when the second one is out it won't be as fiddly.2010-09-04 01:04:00

Posts: 1113

I strongly recommend that you purchase the PC version of Orange Box regardless. If you are at all interested in Portal some of the other Valve games might very well find their way into your blood pumping organs. I know Portal was the game that I was most excited for in the Orange Box (I hadn't picked up Half-Life 2 until then...). I ended up enjoying the Half-Life 2 series (thus far, still waiting on Episode 3) far more than I enjoyed Portal. The PC version will run, and look better than the PS3 version of the Orange Box... Plus, if you ever gain an interest in TF2 it is far better for the PC community wise, and there have been a significant amount of free updates for it. Besides all of that there are a tonne of mods for Valve's stuff that you may enjoy as well. Another thing is that some games actually depend on other Valve games... For instance Garry's mod (which I think is released by Valve as well now, but I'm pretty sure it's not stand alone) requires a source engine game to run. I would wager that most people on this forum would have an interest in Garry's mod, since it shares a lot of the same principles as LBP. I don't own Garry's mod, and have only played it a few times so I don't know everything about it... But, it's an example.


incoherent edit:

Get portal 1 for your computer through steam, then get portal 2 for the ps3 when it comes out. SKIP THE ORANGE BOX FOR PS3! It was ported from the xbox version very badly by an outside company and gave Gabe Newell, the main man behind portal, the idea that the ps3 is crap. He has since changed his opinion, but still.

There was no xbox version of the Orange Box, unless you are referring to the 360. There was, however, an xbox version of Half-Life 2, but this would not have anything to do with the PS3 port of the Orange Box.

that didn't make him think the ps3 was crap, it's because it is so hard to code for because it uses OpenGL instead.
now that they've started developing for Mac (which also uses OpenGL), he changed his mind as it's gonna be easier now.

Ummm, not really. The PS3 can use an OpenGL API (or, at least something related to it), but if I recall correctly there is a PS3 specific low level (less abstraction from the hardware) graphics API. In fact, if I recall correctly the "PS3 version" of OpenGL was based off of one of the OpenGL-ES versions and PS3 specific functions were added to the API.

At any rate, the PS3 (to my understanding) is not ONLY an OpenGL machine (whereas the Xbox360, for all intents and purposes, is strictly a Direct3D machine). The low-level graphics API would likely give better performance, and better functionality. Actually, at the time the PS3 was released (assuming it uses a modified version of OpenGL-ES), I believe the only OpenGL-ES versions that were available only supported fixed-function rendering... I would hazard a guess that using the low-level API's might combat that problem.

Anyways, it's technically possible that when EA (pretty sure it was EA) ported the Orange Box to the PS3 they relied on the OpenGL libraries entirely. Which might have lead to poorer performance and visuals...

Either way, when programming a game there are only so many portions of it that actually depend on the graphical API being used. It's not exactly an easy switch, but it shouldn't be too terribly difficult to switch between API's (especially if you plan accordingly, and know the API's well).

Gabe Newell's problem with the PS3 had nothing to do with the PS3 version of the Orange Box to my knowledge. If I recall correctly his opinion was based solely off of Sony's choice of architecture which made development on the platform more difficult. Which would actually lead straight back into the graphics API discussion, since I'm sure that the low-level graphics API involves a fair amount of knowledge about the RSX chip, and possibly the Cell processor as well. The OpenGL API would likely abstract from this significantly... Anyways, this would likely make multi-platform development a lot more difficult.

I'm really tired, and not the most knowledgeable about the intricacies of development on the PS3 (since, I don't exactly have access to a developers kit or anything...), so this is probably just a bunch of gibberish that actually means mostly nothing. I've not actually read any of the documentation on the PS3's graphical API's, nor am I really sure that there is any documentation available to the public at this moment. Regardless, there's pretty much no point in me reading anything because I don't have a dev-kit anyways >_<.
2010-09-04 05:18:00

Posts: 412

thanks for clearing up on the OpenGL part2010-09-04 10:48:00

Unknown User

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