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Currency logic showcase Copyable!

Archive: 12 posts

http://lbp.me/v/t-jpxf2010-09-02 18:22:00

Posts: 353

so hang on here, im not exactly certain i know what you mean, are we talking like a point system that you buy stuff with point bubbles, or something else? like getting points without collecting stuff?2010-09-03 06:03:00

Posts: 2135

basicly theres money you collect that will be added to your bank, you can then go to the shop and buy any item. so say something cost 3 points you give them three points for it and the money will be taken out of your bank. you could actually put the switches that are on the coins on points bubbles if you want, it doesnt matter, it still works. try it out and see what you think
EDIT: i liked your idea of buying with points bubbles so i changed the points that you pick up to, wait for it.................. points bubbles lol
2010-09-04 06:23:00

Posts: 353

I was actually wondering about a currency system of some sort before-hand, but it seems you beat me to the punch. I'm curious, though: What will the thermo-friendly version feature?2010-09-08 05:58:00

Posts: 25

Currency Logic
I'll make the thermo friendlier one tonight so check it out when i publish it im just going to take away that bit thats on the left where it detects that you picked up the money and just put an emitter on the money to emitt a small key that will activate a keyswitch that will then add the money to your bank, it just make it easier for people to use it. I'll look into making the other parts better aswell. It wont take that long to do, it should be out today well technicly tomorrow as i cant go online until past 12am because of my stupid internet providers dongle that restricts me so i can only do online gaming between 12am - 4pm because i went over my download limit
2010-09-08 13:49:00

Posts: 353

Change your internet provider man! Or at least upgrade your service to give you more bandwidth... I'm with BT and they charged me ?1 for every extra GB until I upgraded (which was only ?4 compared to ?16 for 16GB over the limit).2010-09-08 15:06:00

Posts: 388

Yer been trying to sort out better providers but theres been problems getting it done hopefully it be done soon because its pretty anoyying having to play that late in the weekday oh and with the logic i've improved it so its slightly better on the thermo and it has a much better response time, should be published tonight so grab yourself the better version later 2010-09-08 17:10:00

Posts: 353

Version 1.2 is now out so get yourself a copy and have fun with it 2010-09-09 01:12:00

Posts: 353

Version 1.2 is now out so get yourself a copy and have fun with it

Just played version 1.2. I didn't see the previous version but the logic in this version looks very compact, especially the logic for buying extra lives, very nice. I would imagine this is pretty thermo-friendly too. But I'm not sure if it's worth building a level around. I mean, this is very specific and you may want something slightly different, meaning you might as well have built your own. Also building a level with things to buy and coins to collect would take waaay more effort. You also have the problem of how to display how many coins you have - a trickier challenge than getting this logic working.

F4F in my sig
2010-09-09 12:53:00

Posts: 388

awesome i check it out ! its greatt !2010-09-25 17:30:00

Posts: 56

its been a while but the newest and best update to the logic is out! 1.03 is so much better than the previous 2 so check it out now! lol, ill upload pics of version 1.02 and then the difference in 1.03 soon and let me tell ya its big, much less thermo plus less logic but WAY better results and this time it takes the whole amount spent, so all you do now is one click and buy!

EDIT: images are up

i dont have a pic of the first version and dont have it any more on my moon, i cant even remember what it was like lol
version 1.02

version 1.03
2010-11-19 02:21:00

Posts: 353

Update 1.04 out now! get rid of that old piece of junk of 1.03, it was ugly and not user friendly. Now check out the new badboy that is 1.04! uses less logic but is does the same job better, easy to customise just select the red marker and place it at the amount you want that item to be, so simple so easy to use, just so much better! get rid of that old crap because its obsolete to this.

EDIT: New pics of 1.04
2011-01-10 21:18:00

Posts: 353

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