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New clan

Archive: 5 posts

So I'm starting a new clan not sure of the name yet but there will be15 or 20 admins who have skills with building it all or in a certain area then there will be a members join 4 people to join the club an ask the admins for help on there area of knowlage or anything else. So let me know what you think.2010-09-02 09:53:00

Posts: 4

i think its a good idea get in touch with me psn= Oo__G4R3TH__oO2010-09-26 14:46:00

Unknown User

Sry mate says you don't exist. Add me and we can meet up sometime. K2010-09-30 20:00:00

Posts: 4

I like your idea,i can't and im afraid will not join your clan though because im already part of a clan,but i will give you some advice.first of cut down on the amount of admins youve got there, i made a clan once and trust me, members wont come flooding through the door.and make sure you have a co-leader, if you dont then you will get bored and you will have to spend alot more time working.and plus,just for fun, have some clan colours! it will make things alot more fun.2010-10-02 18:54:00

Unknown User

Hey ill Join 2010-10-02 22:03:00

Posts: 157

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