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Archive: 6 posts

Well, one weekend I planned on making Turbo fast Aerowings (My original name to them) out of that Strange MGS Thing. I don't know if it's the REX head or something like that.. Well I don't really have it cuz I don't have all the goodies from the MGS pack. BUT I was able to snag it from jocke48's All MGS objects Level. Well I'm Guilty to say I was lazy to work for that goodie.

Anyways I've created these High speed amazing ships called Aero wings. And they're Visually appealing and will be released soon.
What I like is when they fly, the Background Changes Bright orange as if The Ship was burning in the atmosphere.

Here are the names..

Speed Angel G89-597 - White, Basic Body, Good Speed.
Black Thorn 9AA-B62 - Grey, Basic Body, Moderate Speed
Crimson Tempest 588-ML1 - Red, Slightly Bigger Body, Good Speed, nose points down at full speed.
Eden Rose 3BG-992 - Green, Very Small Body, Very Good Speed
Desert Wolf G67-M9 - Yellow, Big Body, Good Speed, One of my Favourites
Primal Star F56-38 - Blue, Colossal Body, Good Speed, Takes all 3 Layers. Sort of the "Only to look good" Model.

DLC's required - MGS Pack & Modnation Racers Pack.

These objects were meant to be used to just fool around in create mode. But You can use them in your levels. I'd be really Pleased to see my objects in your levels. Don't forget to credit me! :star::star::star::star::star:
2010-09-02 07:49:00

Posts: 101

Wow sounds cool note to self : get modnation racers pack 2010-09-02 08:26:00

The age of LOLZ
Posts: 229

Sounds cool and looks like your putting a lot of effort in it Good luck and I can't wait to see what they look like.2010-09-02 12:08:00

Posts: 5208

It's gonna' be a while before I can get online with lbp again, but this sounds interesting. Do you have any pictures?2010-09-02 18:25:00

Posts: 2188

I would also like to see pictures/a showcase level. Flying objects are always fun!2010-09-03 02:28:00

Posts: 25

:star:Glad you guys are interested, Great! I'm designing a Level for them and I'll have a pic of them tomorrow.:star:2010-09-03 07:35:00

Posts: 101

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