Easy Life Sim.
Archive: 5 posts
Easy Life Sim.Nowblink Easy Life Sim is a life simulator level where you can do many interactive things. Mostly in this level everyone loves getting money and points I'm pleased to say how this went. This level features -Currency system: buy and gamble your way to riches. -Day and Night System: Realistic dark light thing w. time. -Karma Tracker: Be good be bad its all your choice. .... and many more logical wonders. I get tired posting pictures of my levels so i just make videos ![]() THE VIDEO DOES NOT SHOW ALL THE FEATURES, SPOILERS, HIDDEN SECRETS, JUST A PREVIEW. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1th8S4IKJY | 2010-09-02 06:33:00 Author: nowblink ![]() Posts: 105 |
I'll be sure to try it out. | 2010-09-02 13:19:00 Author: blizzard_cool ![]() Posts: 752 |
Cool level. | 2010-09-03 00:53:00 Author: CaliAwesome ![]() Posts: 24 |
Great level, I started playing this online with 1 other person but he did get bored and leave. It's a great cocept for a level and it works well! The car doesn't work so well with more than 1 person... and needs a bit of work especially the lights saying where you are going, the jump height required to die and respawn at the correct location, and the general look of the dashboard (who has a dashboard that looks like a square?) There weren't enough good/bad actions to grant Karma as far as I could see, getting bad karma was as easy as talking to the guy who gives you it numerous times, but once I was at minimum Karma I kept needing to go back and forth to work for far too long and it was boring. Buying things didn't decrease your number of coins... which I suppose is a good thing since there are a limited number of coins. Speaking of coins, when I found the last one in the boot of my car it didn't register straight away... maybe it wasn't exactly that but there is something wrong with the detection system for when you've picked up certain coins. So I'd completed my to-do list, went onto the train, then died repeatedly by being squished under the tracks. I presume this was not meant to happen. Then, rather than dying completely, I was left in a state where I was neither dead nor alive, and the level wouldn't end, and I couldn't use my popit. Was this the end of the level? Was the scoreboard on the train? It needs to be fixed. So because of a couple of issues, I give you :star::star::star: and 1/2 - but it's a nice concept and a reasonably good-looking level. Levels are in my sig for F4F! | 2010-09-03 15:19:00 Author: thor ![]() Posts: 388 |
Okay, I tried it out, and while I think it's definitely a great concept, it wasn't totally well executed. It seemed to me that there weren't a ton of things to do, and nothing really ever pointed me in the right direction except for the to-do list. At work I wasn't totally sure about how that worked, and at the mall I ended up accidentally buying something expensive for my house and wasting all the coins I had gotten. Overall it's a good concept but needs a good amount of polish, so I'm going to give it 2 stars PLUS a bonus star because it IS technically impressing, for a total of :star::star::star: | 2010-09-03 15:25:00 Author: Mercy55 ![]() Posts: 35 |
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